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[Jungkook's birthday special DOUBLE update😏]

Jungkook's pov

We all rushed back to the mansion immediately. I could feel the tension in the air especially Namjoon because I know he's worried for Jin because Bogum said that he'd been attacked. I'm worried too as much as I am to Jimin. Jin-hyung had always been there for me after my dad died. He kept my father's promise to protect me and he did.

A year after dad died, we all went on a mission. It turns out a trap set up by an enemy. And explosion occured in the building we're in. The members got out safely but I was still inside with the enemy's leader. I got to finished him off before rushed out of the building but it's not easy as I get shot on my shoulder.

The ceiling start to fall off a little by little. Jin-hyung save me by rushing back inside. We are all safe but ever since that day, Jin-hyung get diagnosed with weak lungs because he breath too much dust in the building.

Jin was devastated that he can't do physical missions anymore thinking that he had to leave the Mafia because of it. He's disappointed that he can't keep his promise with my father anymore.

But, to me Jin is my brother who is important in my life and my only family along with the members. So, I decide him to inherited his father's position who was the Jeon Mafia's doctor. Jin-hyung learned from his father about medical study until years later, his father died from a heart attack causing Jin to take over.

My thoughts stopped when our car parked in front of our mansion. We all rushed in immediately. "Suga, Jhope, go check out the CCTV footage. V, instructed our men to check the mansion. Search for any clue who did this. Also I want every guard who in shifts to guard the mansion in the morning until lunch in the basement in an hour." I command.

The three of them nodded before split to their work. "RM." I turned to Namjoon seeing his distressed face. I face softened at him. "Let's go check on Jin-hyung."

He smiled before nodded as we walked in the hallway to our medical wing. We saw Soobin walked out from the room and we quickly walked to him. He bowed. "How is Jin?" I asked.

He checked his clipboard before spoke. "He's stable, sir. Nothing is life threatening. However, he has a few bruises on his stomach, sprained wrist on the left but we managed to put it back in place and an injury on his head assuming he's been hit on the head."

That's a lot to take in but it was a relief than what I expected. How the hell did he manage to fight whoever is attacking him? "Can we see him?" Joon-hyung's question pulling me out of my thoughts. "Yes, but he's still unconscious. Because of the impact on his head, he might woke up in a few days or longer. I'm sorry."

I was shook from the information and know Joon-hyung too. I composed myself before nodded at the younger before dismissed him.

I give hyung a knowing look before he nodded as he walked in the room first. I decide to let the couple be first before walked out the medical wing. I called my trusted men to form a group to search Jimin over the Seoul.

I walked down the basement where the guards who are supposed in shifts today with V waiting for me. I shook my head dismissed him. You could just say every one of them got bruises and fired instead of killing them. I'm not really heartless like everyone said.

I'll find you, Jimin.

My thoughts got interrupted by Suga and Hoseok barged in the room. Suga give me a nod which I do the same in return glancing at Hoseok. "Call the others."


All of us are in the meeting room waiting for Suga to speak. "So, me and Jhope went to watch the CCTV footage and we found something." He walked to the projector an connect it to his laptop. He switched it on and the screen shows Namjin's couple bedroom. "Wait- we all don't have any camera in our bedrooms aren't we??" V voiced out and everyone agreeing.

"Yes we didn't but before we leave this morning, I have a bad feeling so I put a few hidden cameras in our bedrooms as well." Suga explained. The others understand that. "Smart move." RM agreed.

"Let's move on to the footage." The main camera shows Jin and Jimin entering the bedroom and sat on the bed. Then it switched to another camera from different angle. We could barely see at a corner, a male figure near the window throwing something before white smokes engulfed the room.

We could see Jin trying to protect Jimin and shoving him into the closet. The smoke hasn't completely filled the room so we could see a little bit of Jin fighting with the male. Suddenly someone walked out from the closet with Jimin on his shoulder before hitting Jin on the head. Then the video ended.

"We tried to look from the other cameras but we can't see anything because of the smoke." Jhope explained. I sighed frustrated resting my forehead on the table seeing a glimpse of my necklace.

Necklace hmm neck- WAIT!

I slammed my hands on the table standing up catching all their attention. "JK what is it?" I turned to Suga. "Jimin's. Jimin's locket. There's a tracking device in it!" All eyes widened and Suga quickly typed on his laptop. "I got the signal but it would take time to find the exact location. But from the look of it, he's still in South Korea."

I breath a relief sigh. "RM, lead our troops to the north. V, you go west. Jhope you go south." All three nodded. "Yes, JK!" I eyed all of them. "I'll go to the east. We don't have time. We still don't know who they are. Be careful." I dismissed the three before turned to Suga.

"I'm counting on you, hyung."

What do you think of my special update?😉
I'm sorry for the boring chapters 😔
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