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JM's pov

I woke up on my bed. I must have been unconscious after they rape me. I sighed looking at the ceiling. This is my life that I was living on. Got taken by a mafia group, locked in the cold basement only to be beaten up and used for....pleasure.

I lost my innocent when I was 14. Yeah.. pretty young right? What can I do? They're mafia. If I fight back only to worsen the punishment. I'm 19 right now yet I'm so small compared to my age. I'm very skinny. There are bruises and cuts decorates my whole body from all the beatings and torture.

They only fed me a little food twice a week if I've been good if not they're just starve me for the whole week. I am weak because of starvation adding the beatings and rapes, I feel so lifeless. There's also a long chain that connect to my left ankle so I can't ran away but enough to walk around the room.

I laid on the single bed in my room/cell, my body was too hurt to even move, until I heard footsteps coming down the basement. The door flung open revealing the mafia leader or master that he want me to call, smirking as he walk to me. "Looks like you already wake up huh, slut?"

He yanked my hair and dragged me across the room. I whimpered. He chained me to the hanging chain connected to the ceiling and leave the room. My foot barely touch the ground. My body shived from the coldness of the night. I only wore a big worn out shirt that they gave to me which I glad. The shirt was big enough to cover half of my thighs.

I don't have any pants on leaving me naked down there and exposed so they don't need to strip me. My wrists hurt from the chain which they already bruised. Soon, master came with a box and pulled out a knive and a whip. He smirk at me.

"Let's have fun, shall we?"

I already know what's coming next. I shut my eyes only to opened them when the whip make contact with my back. Silent tears running down my cheek as he kept repeating again and again. I don't scream. I don't think I can after years of sleepless night screaming and crying from the pain. I don't think I have the voice to speak anymore.

I whimpered as he torture me. I can feel blood running down my back as I panted heavily. He laughed at me. He grabbed the knive and digging it on my skin. The shirt I was wearing now had been soaked in blood. He place the knive down. He went behind me and I hear him unzipped his pants.

This gonna be long night.


I've been left on the floor with my own pool of blood. I just laid there, my body aches so much I can't even move to my bed. I slowly soon drifted into sleep. Later, I snapped my eyes open by the sound of the glass breaking sound, screaming and gunshots. I just sat there silently as the master told me to stay quiet no matter what or the punishments followed.

His punishment are even more worse than my daily torture and I don't want that. One time when I was 16, I suddenly tripped and spilled his coffee on the floor while I was cleaning the living room. That night was a nightmare for me. Ever since that he locked me up in the basement and chained me.

Ever since that, I never saw the daylights ever again, only the dark concrete wall of the basement. How do I calculate my age then? Easy, he would come yearly on my birthday with some presents. By present mean some weird stuff and invited his gang members. In conclusion, more tortures, more rapes and less hope.

I just sat silently against the wall. After an hour or so, the whole building became silent. To silent to my fear. What happening here? I sat at the corner hugging my knees to my chest, not caring the pain on my body. I heard many footsteps coming to the basement. The door opened by some men wearing all black, they wondered around the room until they spotted me and leave the room.

After a few minutes later, a man entered the room. He wore an expensive looking suit, watch and a pair of shining black boots. His footsteps echoed through the room. He stopped his track and looked at my direction and walked to me. I leaned closer to the wall as I could, trying to ignore the stinging pain on my back being pressed against the wall.

I flinched when the man suddenly crouched on front of me. I hug my knees more and looked down. Then, I felt he run his hand over my hair. His touch was soft and I felt more relaxed. I lift my head to met with his brown eyes. I stared into them. Somehow, it give me comfort. I snapped my thoughts. He just like them all. He just pity me. He'll throw me when he's done.

I can feel myself slowly went in and out of concious. My breath shallowed and my vision blurry. Before I passed out, I whispered a quiet 'help me' and the darkness welcomed me.

Mafia's Love (JiKook) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now