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Author's pov

It's been two days. Two days Jimin had gone. Two days Jungkook is restless. Their searching mission was a fail. They find nothing. Two days Jin still hasn't wake up. Namjoon was a mess. Their group was a mess.

Suga hasn't sleeping at all but thanks for his boyfriends, they manage to get him to sleep for a few hours. After that, he continues his tracking on Jimin's locket. They have an idea that the locket had been removed or destroyed but they won't lose hope.

But today is a miracle.

Jungkook, Namjoon and Hoseok are together in Jungkook's office discussing with a plan on saving Jimin and who might behind this. Taehyung was with Suga accompanied him to make sure the older wasn't overworked.

Suddenly, Hoseok spoke. "Hey, guys." Earning both men's attention. "Yeah hyung?" He stared them. "Don't you think Lee's have been quiet for a while now. It's kinda suspicious." Both males looking at him wide eyed.

"Now to think about it. Yes you're right. They're abnormally quiet." Namjoon agreed.  "Exactly. Since-" Hoseok's words cut when. Jungkook who was quite the whole conversation interrupted him.

"Since Jimin came here."

Namjoon was about to speak but interrupted when the door slammed open revealing Taehyung. "Tae-"

"Jin-hyung's awake!" Taehyung yelled. Without further talk, Namjoon ran out of the room following by other's.

Taehyung was walking to their medical wing to ask Soobin for a painkiller for Suga. Then he was shocked when the said male ran to him saying Jin is waking up. So he ran to Jungkook's office to inform them.

As they all get there, they quietly entered Jin's room not wanting to overwhelmed the older. They saw the older was laying against the slightly upped bed with eyes closed. "Jinnie?" Namjoon called in hushed tone nearing the bed.

The older slowly opened his eyes turning his head to the side. A small smile painted on his lips. "Joon.." He whispered. Tears brimming in Namjoon's eyes as he engulfed the older with his arms. "You're awake." He whispered in Jin's ear.

Jin now is all awake and sitting up with pillows supporting his back. All the members sitting up on chairs around his bed. Namjoon was next to him holding his hand. "Baby, would you mind telling us what happened that day? But if you can't, we won't pressure you hun." He quickly said after sensing the tense on Jin's face.

Yes, they already knew what happened that day but they want to hear it from Jin's point of view. The video hadn't record the sound and they can't recognize the intruder's face. They have an idea Jin might saw their face.

Jin shook his head. "I-I tell." Soobin said that because of the hard impact on his head, he might have trouble of stuttering or forming words, not as much, just a bit. Thankfully it's just temporary and he would recover within time.

We all nodded at him. Namjoon assure him to continue. "T-that day I feel s-something bad would h-happen. So I decide to s-stay with Jimin i-instead of cooking like I u-use to do." He breathes as he recalled what happened and continue to tell them.

"I saw he walked out of the closet with Jimin on his shoulder. I was about to stop him but then I was knocked out." Jin finished and everyone were in deep thoughts processing the story. Then Taehyung was the first to speak.

"Do you see the face? Either one of them? Is it someone you recognize?"

"Yes. The one who carry Jimin."


"Jihoon. Park Jihoon."


Suga was still in his office room trying to find the way of saving Jimin. But, he can't believe what just he discovered. He quickly grabbed his laptop running out of his room.

With the newfound information from Jin, he was left to rest and the members are back in the meeting room. Jungkook was looking so mad and Taehyung was pissed. The others don't know why. "Jungkook, do you know who is Jihoon?" Other's actually don't know who is Jihoon.

Whoever he is, he's someone in the past who Jin, Jungkook and Taehyung know since the rest of the members joined Mafia later than them. Jungkook slammed his fist on the desk as they settled down on their seat. "Yes, he's Lee Minho's right hand man." He said earning gasps from others.

"But why Lee took Jimin?" Hoseok ask confused. Before Jungkook could say, a panting Suga bursts into the room. "Because Minho want him for his pleasure." "Suga-hyung?"

"Let me show you what I discovered. You wouldn't believe it." He connected his laptop to the projector. Searching up a file. "I was feeling suspicious about Lee's since Jimin gone. So yesterday I managed to hack into their data. Many files are secured by security but this one file I manage to hack." He clicked on the file opening it.

Jungkook's pov

Gasps filled in the room as the file projected onto the screen. My eyes widened not believing what I saw.

Mafia Records

Name: Park JiminBirth: 13 October xxxxParents: Park Hyunso and Park Seonhi

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Name: Park Jimin
Birth: 13 October xxxx
Parents: Park Hyunso and Park Seonhi

- Heir of Park Mafia
- Both parents are killed
- Innocent and soft hearted
- Taken by Mafia at 10 years old
- Slave since 10

There are more information about Jimin. More like just the file is all about him. His old school name, home address, height, age it's all updated!

Why the hell Lee have this when we can't find it? The Park leaders are dead?


Lee Minho was behind this all along!


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