💣 21

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(A/n: I'm sorry. Boring chapter 😔

Author Pov

Jungkook was doing some work in his office at the company building. Suddenly, one of his man burst into the room. "Sir!" Jungkook rubbing his temple ignoring the urgency in the man's voice. "Bogum, I told you to knock -"

"Our mansion is under attack!"

[A few hours ago....]

Jimin's Pov

Dark. It is the only thing I see. I tried to move my body but surprisingly I was chained up on I was guessing a bed. Suddenly my vision become more clear. I looked around the familiar place widening my eyes as I recognize it. No! It's not happening! Why am I here?!

Suddenly the door opened revealing someone I don't even want to see again.




"Jimin! Wake up!"

My body jolted awake looking around the room. My breath is short causing me to pant heavily. I flinched as a hand come in contact with my back. Tears stream down on my face. "Calm down chim. Breath for me." I heard a gentle voice as a pair of arms circling me. I flinched but eventually melted in the arms as recognize the warmth. "Shhh, I'm here, sweetheart. You're safe. It's just a nightmare. Now breath for me please."

I nodded. I let out a shaky breath then slowly calming down.

I woke up feeling someone arms around me hugging me. I looked up to be met with Jungkook's half sleepy face staring down at me. "Good morning, baby." I blushes buried my face to his naked chest. Blushing even more noticing that Jungkook was topless.

Damn that deep voice.

"Good morning, Kookie." Voice muffled against the chest. Feeling the vibration as Jungkook release a breathy laugh. Hands cupping my cheeks tilting my head to face him. I stared at his brown irises drowning myself in his gaze. Our faces unconsciously leaning closer until our nose touch. I can feel his warm breath against my lips. He stared at my lips then back to my eyes.

"Can I?"

He's asking permission...to kiss me?

I can feel myself teared up. No one ever done that to me. I guess Jungkook sense it because he quickly sitting up and started to apologize "I'm sorry Jimin. I don't mean to make you uncomfortable. I-" I put my finger on his mouth cutting his rambling. He stopped at looks at my face.

I nodded with my teary eyes. He stared at my eyes to confirm it before slowly leaning forward. His breath fanning over my lips before his lips connected against mine. I felt the world around me going silence. Only the hard rapid thumping of my heart against my chest.

I slowly wrapped my arms around his neck tilting my head to the side only for Jungkook to push his lips deeper against mine. He licked my lips and I opened my mouth allowing him to tangle our tounge together. I let him win and his tounge explore my mouth. His hands went sliding over my waist slowly slide into my shirt.

I quietly moan in his mouth. Suddenly reality hit me. All the past flashbacks come downed on me. I quickly pushed Jungkook away curling myself against the headboard. "P-please. D-don't." Jungkook looked at me shocked and try to get close but I was too caught in my thoughts. I flinched as he wrapped around me.

The abuse.
The screams.
The cries.
The tears.

I remembered it like it's still fresh in my mind. I didn't notice I was panting. "Minie, please breath baby." His voice sounds muffled in my ear but I still get what he says. I still in daze closing my eyes shut. "Hey hey focus on my voice, min."

I can't.

Then a familiar melodious voice rang through my ears pulling me out of my daze.

That faint voice of yours that grazed me
Please call my name one more time
I’m standing still under the frozen light, but
I will walk towards you, step by step
Still with you

A pitch dark room
I shouldn’t get used to it
But I’m used to it again
The low-pitched sound of the air conditioner
If I don’t have this, I might just fall apart

I slowly opened my eyes meeting with Jungkook's face.

We laugh together, we cry together
These simple feelings were everything I had
When will it be?
If I see you again

He stared in my eyes.

I will look into your eyes
And say, "I missed you"

In a rapturous memory
The rain pours even when I dance alone
By the time this mist clears
I'll run with my feet wet
So hug me then

Behind the faint smile that looked at me
I will draw a beautiful purple shade
Though our footsteps may be out of step
I want to walk this path with you
Still with you

My breath was even as I calmed down snuggling closer to Jungkook. I feel my eyes heavy as I try to keep them open. Then a hand playing with my hair. "Sleep, bun. I know you need it." I was about to protest he stopped me. "I'll be here. I won't leave." I nod melting into his embrace slowly drifting off.


I whined tugging on Jungkook's blazer. He's going to work again today. I was feeling something bad so I don't want anything happens to him while he's at work. "Baby, I need to go. I have a meeting in half an hour." I shook my head. "Nooooo." Jungkook chuckled. "You have Jin hyung with you, sweetie." But I shook my head.

Jungkook sighed kneeling down in front of me who's sitting on the couch. "I promise I'll be home early, okay?" I was about to open my mouth but then Namjoon hyung came in. "I'm sorry JK but we need to get going now." He said sitting straight at the front door waiting for his boss.

I've never seen other hyungs being so formal with Jungkook before so this is the first time I've ever seen. After all Jungkook is their leader. Jungkook nodded to him before turning back on me. "Minnie." I huffed giving up and pouted. "Fine." He smiled pecking both of my cheeks and then my forehead.

"I'll be going then." He stood up before walked to the front door and exited after Namjoon hyung leaving me a blushing mess. I stood up and ran to Jin hyung's clinic office. He said he would teach me some basic medical because I want to help him in case during an emergency.

[Present time]

Jungkook snapped looking at him standing up. "WHAT?!" He banged his hands on the desk. "W-we got a call from one of the maid. There's a white smoke covering their sights. They can't see anything. About half an hour the smoke cleared but-"

"But what?!"

"Y-young master-"

"What about him?" Jungkook felt something was wrong in Bogum's tone.

"He's missing."


I feel bad for planning to make a new book when this story is not even completed yet :(

Am I wrong for making this decision?


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