💣 18

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Again, I'm sorry that my storyline is very slow and you might find it boring. I'm sorry 🙏 I'm taking a break for myself physically and mentally. Sorry for the late.

Jimin's POV

It took us about 20 minutes to the mall. I'm quite shocked how he have so much car in his garage. Well he's the Mafia. I haven't been in a car for a long time. I looked outside the car while Jungkook drove. The outside view were beautiful as it started to sunset and the sky getting darkened. It's such a long time I got out. For years I never leave the basement except some reason but still never outside.

I rested my arms against the door and accidentally pressed a button caused the window to roll down. The cold wind hitting my face making my hair dance as the car moved. I closed my eyes taking a deep breath feeling the cold air. After some time, I pressed the button to close the window back up.

As on the cue the car stopped in front of a building. Jungkook drove us to the parking level underground. "We're here babe." He stepped out of the driver seat and rushed to my side opening my door. I blushed as he reached out his hand to me to take while smiling widely at me. I shyly take his hand and stepped out of the car. We walked into the mall holding hands.

His hand is so warm I don't want to let go.

My mouth dropped at the huge mall. The design was very beautiful. Everything screamed expensive. For sure I don't want to touch anything here and broke it. I looked up while spinning around with my mouth still open. Suddenly I bumped onto someone and he hold my waist gently.

I turned around only to see Jungkook's face in front of mine. "Careful babe. You might bumped onto other people here." I nodded embarrassed and he let go of me. We walked through stores buying some clothes for me. There's a few people keep looking at us but Jungkook assure me it's fine. I don't blame he's quite famous.

I actually don't like how he spent his money for me but I can't comment anything on that. He already warned me though so I just let him be. We already have a few bags with us for now from different store and I would say expensive ones. There were LV, FILA, Chanel and some others that I don't know. We stopped at the restaurant and eat our dinner.

Then he brought me to a what's called the GUCCI store. While going into the store Jungkook suddenly had a call. So he asked me to stay while he attended the call and walked outside. I stayed and going through the clothes looking at a few that I might be interested. While I walked suddenly I bumped onto a lady.

"What the fuck?! Are you blind?!" The lady yelled at me. "I- I'm sorry miss." I bowed. "You ruined my shirt! Do you know how expensive it is?!"

What the hell? There's no any scratch on her shirt.

She was wearing a white dress shirt which upper buttons were open showing her skin with a tight skirt which was way too short revealing most of her thighs.

If I'm not scared I would be yelling back at her but unfortunately I'm not. I'm very sensitive when someone raised their voice at me. It just made me remember all the memories in the basement. Yelling, knives, blood, tortures, screams. My body shivered as my mind remember that.

I was brought into a reality when a tight slap landed on my cheek sending me tripping to the floor. I cupped my left cheek with my palm. It's hurt so much. I looked up with my teary eyes at the lady. "You bitch! Are you even listening?! How rude." She glanced at my outfit up and down crossing her arms to her chest. "Why are you even here bitch? This place is for rich people only not some cheap looking people like you."

Mafia's Love (JiKook) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now