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Deathstar’s point of view

Deathstar here, sometime ago I honestly can’t remember when or what day. I had a dream about darkness then my father and Optimus fighting over something, earth I believe it was. Someone or something is coming, the way it was shown I don’t understand what’s coming for us that affects both sides? I would like to talk to Optimus about this but he has been extremely busy lately, I think he knows too I’m not sure. We have a new recruit, Jack's mother June. Mech somehow got a hold of June, Jack and Arcee were the only ones who could save her. When they arrived not everyone was thrilled to have her at base mostly Ratchet and Miko. Omega likes her so I have no problem of him being around her if I need to go somewhere. You know I often wondered what it's like having a mother.  I do ask Jack a lot of questions about it probably a bit too much but he knows I’m curious. What else is there oh yea Airachnid is with Breakdown stuck to his back, she better not dare do something to my father or else I will rip out her spark and make her eat it while she is dying. But Arcee will be first before I that’s what we agreed on.

“Um excuse me Deathstar?”

I turn to see, it’s June.

“Oh hello June.” I greeted her.

“I hope I didn’t interrupt you with your video.” June said.

“No no not at all *turns off the video diary* how can I assist you?” I questioned.

“Jack told me you’ve been asking a lot of questions about moms so I decided to come to you to answer what he can’t answer.”

“Um Miss June if I ask there is no stopping me unless you set me a limit or to slow down trust me everyone knows how I can get by with questions.”

“So why all of a sudden to ask questions about moms?” June asked.

“Well I’m not sure if anyone told you about my background?” I questioned.

“No.” She answered.

“Ok so when I was born my mother died giving me life. I was raised my whole life by my father, please don’t freak out when I tell you this everyone else knows, Megatron till a point there was an ambush. I got caught right in the middle and nearly died after surgery. I woke up with no memories. Luckily Optimus knew who I was ever since I’ve been with them mostly.”

“Oh my so Megatron your father, has he ever tried to do things with you?”

“I don’t think so with the war back then I think he attempted too but always ended up doing something else.”

“Were there any females?” She questioned.

“Only one but she wasn’t around when I was born she went rouge.” I answered.

“I see, how many questions do you have?”

“One too many Miss June.”

“I got time, how about we go for a drive it's time you got out.”

“Ratchet hasn’t said anything about my spark so I should be ok as long as I don’t over do it.”

“What happened to your spark?”

“I’ll answer that when we get on the road.”

Before we went out I had to ask Ratchet first if it was safe for me to go. He said I’m free to go as long as I’m careful and if I get into any trouble call back up. Me and June went all over the place. She answered some of my questions, I had to set myself a limit. It was night by the time we were done with our day. I was half way there to the base and I noticed someone following me. My scanners don’t detect them as Autobot or Decepticon. This had me worried, Tyrest could be following me since he is neither with no icon it’s hard to use my scanners tell rather it’s human or him. I pulled off to the side of the road pretending something went wrong. The car passed us, thank Primus but then it stopped. That’s when I knew it was him, his scar I saw.

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