6 part 2

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( it took me forever to write this because of work anyway enjoy this chapter this chick is out!

I was in shock this couldn't be my mother could it? I never met her, she died giving birth to me am I dead? Before I could even ask she disappeared then I saw light above my head. I groans in pain I slowly started to wake up and sitting up. My body is in pain what happened did we get ambushed or something I don't remember. I looked around I was in medic bay on the berth table, no signs of anyone around I hope everything is going ok. Before I would move anymore farther Ratchet walked in and seen me awake he quickly hugged me tight like he was worried or something.

“Ratchet what's going on?” I asked him.

He let me go and looked at me with worry optics of his.

“We...we find out about ur sire…. Arcee attack you thinking that you knew and you were a spy.” He answered.

“A spy no I'm not….what about my sire who is he Ratchet?”

“I will let Optimus tell you.”

I completely forgot about Optimus, he was in contact with a deadly virus Megatron created we had to get the formula from him. Everything is starting to become clear now we sneak in the cons ship Bee was connected to Megatron by the psychic patch which it's very dangerous to use. Me and Arcee was trying to by him some time lucky we got it till we went back to base with everyones shocked face when they seen me. I was confused at first when everyone was silent then I blacked out from Arcee attacking that was unexpected how can someone so small can take down someone so tall. Anyway, I just hope that things will go back to normal soon….I'm afraid honestly…. I felt a sudden grasp on my shoulder it snapped me out from my thoughts, it's Optimus. I looked at him with worried optics I'm afraid of finding out the truth about my sire I wanted to know for so long and now I don't want to know anymore. He moved around the berth into a chair next to me holding my hand making sure I was ok. I smiled a little bit to him telling him I'm okish for now, I heard him sigh sounded like he didn't want to tell me along with stressful things on his mind.

“Deathstar….it's time…” He said.

“I know Optimus honestly I am scared.” I said.

“Remember this remember who you are never questioned yourself nor your past of your current actions this will affect you more then it did to the team.”

“Yeah... especially what happened with Arcee.”

“She misunderstood the situation her judgement was clouded she wasn't thinking clearly, she is sorry for the attack.”

“*Sighs* how badly will this affect me?”

“It's hard to say.”

“I'm afraid to know for so long I wanted too I would even beg you about it and now I don't because how it will affect me, the war, and the future.” I said.

“It will be your choice but please never doubt yourself you are worthy no matter what Deathstar.” He said.

“Thanks I suppose….”

“Your sire is Megatron.”

“Whoa wait what?”

“Megatron, he is your sire your actual sire.”

“I am no princess of that evil war lord! You must be joking!” I yelled.

“It's true.”

Optimus handed me a picture of my mother, him and…. Megatron…. They had smiles on their faces like nothing happened Megatron was holding my mother close to him like if they were sparkmates. They seemed happy back then….how can this be…. My chest started to tighten my optics started to leak I couldn't hold anything in anymore. I let everything come out, I bolted out the medic bay to the main area to outside and drove off somewhere I don't know. I turned off my comlink I didn't want to hear anyone's voice I couldn't handle it I just drove off without saying anything. I went to a nearby cave transformed slammed the ground with both my fists super hard that it cracked I started to cry a lot then scream the top of my “lungs” off. I don't know how long I was there for it must of have been awhile I wouldn't stop screaming till my throat started to ace. My mind is racing with so many thoughts what am I? A full decepticon, an autobot, both, neither? I was so lost in thought I didn't even realize someone followed me here, I kept slamming my fists down until I was stopped. I looked up who it was, it's just Bubblebee holding hands together looking at me with worried optics I began to cry more harder he hugged me tight. I hugged him back wondering if things will ever be the same again knowing that Megatron is my father. How will everyone treat me now?

Megatron point of view “controlling bee”

I can't believe it she's alive all this time she's alive and well I can't thank Optimus enough for protecting my little princess. She doesn't know I'm holding her, she thinks it's that scout Prime has I went after her when she bolted. She doesn't remember me what so ever I'm going to kill Starscream once I return he is going to pay for what he done to my princess,my only sparkling. When I looked down she fell asleep against my chest I chuckled a little it's been so long since I had her in my arms like this. When I was trapped inside my mind all I could think of was Deathstar and how my promise to my sparkmate was broken, I felt so empty,so alone I felt like I shouldn't be here alive I just wanted to take my pain out on the Autobots for taking my sparkling away from me and now I'm glad she is safe with them. Soon my little princess I will be free we will meet again.

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