11 part 1

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Ever since I found Omega, he's been doing things that I'm very confused about. He likes playing with the children, they are so small and squishy but he isn't afraid of them. I thought he would be another thing he is very interested with Ratchets tools he doesn't chew on them he just tries to figure out what they do. For a baby he is pretty smart, Omega loves to mess with Optimus feet it's funny to see him in different ways. Omega loves to hear Bulkheads stories of the wreckers till he falls asleep, with Bubblebee he tries to mock bee's voice doesn't work, and Arcee he doesn't do much with her. Right now he's just messing with the Rafs toy car chasing after it. It's adorable really, but how ever I am worried if my father and Tyrest finds out about him I'm afraid they will come after Omega. Honestly he's like a child to me I'm like his mother taking care of him, making sure he is ok, and other things too what a mother would do. Feels weird never thought I would have a child I mean look at me I'm a daughter of the decepticon leader and a autobot no one would ever love me. They would be either afraid or see me as a con never an equal of one another. I'm an outcast like Omega, I don't belong here do I? Anyways off topic from Omega, he's still trying to fly I think he needs bigger space while Ratchet thinks one of his wings is deformed. I know one is bigger then the other, could that be his problem? I need more history of Predicons to understand what is going on with Omega and why he can't fly yet.

"Deathstar your missing the action!!" Miko shouted.

"Coming!" I shouted back.

This is Deathstar signing out.

I just walked out of my berth room only to be tackles by Omega with a happy face on.



"I'll take that as a yes."

"Haha you got served by a Predacon!" Miko said.


*Looks at me*

"Go get her."


She ran like no other most likely to go get Bulkhead to save her. I started to laugh and so did Omega, he loves doing these things. After laughing I picked up Omega took him to my room he stinks so badly. He started to struggle he knows he's getting a oil bath.


"You need a bath you stink."


"I don't care you growl at me or not I'm not scared of you."

*Tries to bark*

"You trying to bark now? That's new."

I reached the bathroom then started the warm oil. He tried to dart out of the room but failed by me, he whined so much I just wanted to throw him in there. Before I could Arcee walked in.

"Optimus needs you." She said.

"Can he wait I got to get Omega a oil bath." I questioned.

"Sorry but no."

"Alright your in charge of his bath good luck getting him in there."

"Wait why I have to do this?"

"Cause your here."

I handed Omega to Arcee then quickly  went to Optimus. He was chatting with Bee and Ratchet when I arrived. Ratchet seen me, he got Optimus attention to turn around since I'm here.

"Deathstar you will be joining Ratchet and Bee there is a unknown ship in the Amazon rainforest we need to see if there is any survivers."

Before I could say anything I seen Omega all wet running for his life right behind him is Arcee chasing. He tried hiding behind everyone but that made things worse. Optimus picked him up then handed him to Arcee taking him back to the bathroom.

"I'll help Arcee with Omegas bath." Optimus said.

"Thank you let's get going before anyone else finds that ship." I said.

He activated the ground bridge for us then off we went.

Megatron's point of view

We started to head to a unknown ship rushed landed in a forest. I hope some worthy decepticons are on that damn ship, we need more allies I'm tired of the Autobots stopping us Everytime we are ahead. I was walking to a locked door only I can enter. Once I seen my sparkmates coffin it hurts me more and more everytime I enter here. Not able to see her beautiful face hurts so much it brings back memories of our past. How did I get so lucky with her, my sparkmate and a child I never thought nothing could go wrong. Till the war started I told her to stay with the Autobots I know Optimus will keep her safe. I never did like any mechs near my sparkmate including Optimus, I never wanted to start this but I did. My thirst for power grew uncontrollably I couldn't help myself it felt so good it made me blind to see what I had in front of me and what I could lose from them. When she gave birth to Deathstar I realized what I done bringing a sparkling into this war. I couldn't stop right there and then I was so close to winning but then the greatest lost in my life, my sparkmate dying in front of us. I held her hand while everyone tried their best to save her.

"My dear it will be ok you will be fine." I said.

"Your a horrible lair Megatronus." She said.

No matter what situation she can see right through me. She knew she was dying Sunset accepted it but I did not, I couldn't raise our child alone we needed her, I needed her. Once she flat line I lost it I blamed everyone for her death never once I blamed Deathstar. Everything was done for, I even lost hope in myself to keep me sane, I looked down seeing our daughter, she looked exactly like her mother even her optics so blue so beautiful. I vowed that day for me and Sunset to protect our daughter no matter the cost. I did till the day I thought I lost her. Losing her almost killed me, I couldn't do it anymore I killed everyone insight nothing compared to the pain I was feeling. When I found out she's alive for once I felt a spark of joy in my chest till I heard she has no memories of her past it broke me even more.

"Lord Megatron we are at the crash sight." Breakdown said.

"Send some troops and yourself down there make sure no one else finds it."

"About that."

"*Groans* fine I'll deal with it myself."

"Deathstar is there sir."

"Come again?" I questioned.

"Deathstar is at the crash sight with the scout and medic."

"*Sighs* just stay put for now we will watch them till they leave or something else happens I don't want my daughter hurt." I  said.

"Of course my lord."

They found it too, why now why did they bring her there too. I exited out of the room to my headquarters till I felt the dark energon pulsing strongly. Something was wrong before I could contact Deathstar I heard her scream.

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