28 part 1

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"How are we supposed to help out Optimus if he is with the cons? Did he ever mentioned about having a back up plan?" Arcee asked.

"Yea...he kinda did *holds up the key* the key to Vector Sigma. I'm not sure how this will help Optimus but this what he left behind to get him back." I answered.

"Is that some super computer?" Raf asked.

"So we can download his memory back, great which one is it here?" Jack questioned.

"It's more than a super computer Jack, it's a ancient mystical power, only a prime or one chosen by a prime can enter Vector Sigma. Which Optimus already did, he choose Deathstar to go." Ratchet said.

"But why would Optimus choose the daughter of Megatron. She is way to under experienced and a half breed. Why would he do that, no offense Deathstar." Bulk said/questioned.

"None taken."

"They key is already has her bio print, she's the only one who can bring back Optimus as the bot he is. I believe in some way he is paying back a debt to a old friend of ours. And she has grown since the reveal of Megatron, taken a lot of injuries to protect everyone, and a great mother to a great sparkling."

"That me!" Omega shouted.

"Thank you, Ratchet that means a lot to me." I said.

"*So how do we find it?*" Bee asked.

"The location is on Cybertron but our problem is now how to get there." Ratchet answered.

"Well duh we have a ground bridge right here!" Miko said.

"But Miko the ground bridge barely went through the Earth's orbit last time." Raf said.

"So? Ratchet built it, can't he just turbo charge it or something?"

"Or we can wait till the cons are finished with the other space bridge?" I suggested.

Everyone looked at me.

"Excuse me, say what now?" Fowler questioned.

"Did everyone forget that I mentioned about the plans that my father was doing? He is building another space bridge but I don't know when or where it is. All I know it's being build somewhere that we can't locate at the moment. If we let them finish it we have our way to get to Cybertron without any problems." I said.

"Sounds like a plan but are we really gonna let them just walk into the military like that?"

"No they will steal it let them but attack to make it  seem like we don't know, just make sure no one gets hurt. Fowler will let us know when they do so it gives us a chance, if they take use the ground bridge that will be our opening to get through quickly. Hopefully security will be somewhere else."

"You sure this will work?" Arcee questioned.

"I don't know really but it's something for a start for us." I answered.

Honestly I felt worried about this plan this was a complete guess of what to do. We needed something to keep our hopes up. A few days went by nothing yet happened primus this is taking way too long for the decepticons not to attack to finish what they started. Any second now we could get a call from Fowler, my mind kept racing about this plan hoping this will work and what could go wrong. How does Optimus do this without worrying, he makes it look so easy I'm barely holding it together. Omega has been trying to keep me occupied which I appreciate it so much from him. Maybe I'm expecting too much from this. Not even an hour went by finally Fowler called. It's go time. The plan worked now the problem is where to go. Me and Arcee are on the ship now after passing Knockout and Breakdown with the main power source. After defeating some guards we transformed.

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