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This is impossible. My sparkling is now a huge predacon.

“What happened to my sparkling you guys?” I asked.

“Well when you were heading off to Cybertron, Omega said he wasn’t feeling good. We thought it was lack of sleep since we didn’t know when was the last time he slept.” Jack started to say.

“Miss Derby did check on him for any sign of sickness but nothing. That's when we discovered over the cameras Omega getting bigger. Poor little guy sounded painful, what he was going through.” Miko siad finishing up Jack's statement.

“My poor Omega, mama is here now. I’m so sorry I was out for so long.” I said.

I heard a low growling/purring sound coming from him. The others left for patrol or scouting missions except for Optimus, he stayed by my side even though I told him it's not necessary for him to be here with me. He wouldn’t take no for an answer. I gently stroke Omega's head the way he likes it, I have no clue what to do next like he is an adult now or something? Not too long I fell asleep right next to him holding his head close to my chest letting him hear my spark beating like what we used to do when he was tiny. When I woke up again to stretch I couldn’t move. It turned out he moved me in my sleep curled up while putting me in the middle like he's protecting me from danger. That’s my sparkling. I waited for him to wake up like we normally do, he didn't move an inch, how tired is he? I tried to pull myself away from his body but he kepting getting tighter to the point there was no chance of getting out of here. I sighed in defeat and stayed there. Who knows for how long I’ve been like this, I wanna move but my sparkling isn’t letting me so what the hell! 

“Omega please let me move, Ratchet will yell at the both of us for this."

He just huffs.

"Don't make me get Ratchet."

"Mama noooo…."

"Then get up and help me please."


His voice is so deep, he hit puberty quick. Are predacons supposed to grow slow? I don't know, really it's just a thought.

"I'm up mama."

"Thank you sweetie, how are you feeling?"

"Tired like really really tired, am I sick mama?" He asked.

"No sweetie you're not. I'm not too sure what you would be feeling right now. I don't understand predacons stage of life. I don't think anyone does.* I answered.

"I want snuggles…." 

"I know you do sweetpea but mama is still healing from her mission."

"Did you get Optimus back?"

"I sure did."

Speaking full words too he really has grown up quickly.



"Do I have to move out?"

"What makes you say that?"

"I'm huge….and I'm scared to break the humans."

"Aawww honey you're not going anywhere. Your predacon mode may be big and so will your bioforms but it will be small enough to fit in the base."

"I don't think I can transform…..I'm scared mama what if I can't do it?"

"Oh my sweet sparkling *holds his head into a hug from* I believe in you and so do the others, we just have to give it time ok?"

"Ok mama, I heard there's a new bot around who is he?"

"His name is Ironhide, Optimus' right hand man and weapons specialist."

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