27 part 2

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We didn't know what was going to happen next after our little chat with everyone. Optimus went alone checking out a trail of terrain, an rich ore. Meaning that Unicrons limbs have been out, stretching the crust of earth causing all the quaks around the world. We all stayed behind to watch Unicrons activity for Optimus. I hope nothing soon happens.

"Optimus, I'm detecting a swell in Unicrons spark activity." Ratchet told Optimus.

I spook way to soon.

“ Rest assured Ratchet, I will proceed with vigilance.” Optimus said.

“He’s going to get his aft kick isn’t he?” I asked/questioned.

“This is not the time to joke around Deathstar this is serious!” Ratchet stated.

“I know Ratchet and so am I remember I don’t know our history nor theirs.” I said.

“Wait a minute you don’t know nothing about anything of your history?” Miss June asked.

“Yes, remember I wasn’t on Cybertron, it was long dead before I was born.” I answered.

“You mean you never saw your home?” Fowler questioned.

“Basically yes.”

“I take that as a yes.” Ratchet said.

Something’s happening.

“Mama I’m scared.” Omega said.

“*Picks him up* Everything will be ok, Omega.” I said soothing him calmly.

“Optimus requires back up, let's go.” Ratchet said quickly.

“No, Ratchet Unicron wants me and I alone shall be.” Optimus stated.

“But Opi will get hurt if al aloonie!!” Omega shouted.

“Omega is right, we can't leave him alone, it's way too dangerous.” Bulkhead said.

“But it will be as dangerous as staying here as well.” Arcee said.

“Let’s go kick some AFT!” Omega yelled out.

He just did not. I’m gonna let it slide this one time but a talk will happen later.

“Omega, you can’t come, you are too young to join us and it’s way too dangerous for you to be exposed by Unicron.” I said.

“Aw otay mama me will be with Ratchie.” He said disappointed.

I handed him to Ratchet. I'm not risking his health or anything for him to get hurt.

“Alright you guys let’s go.” Arcee said.

Sorry Optimus, we are on our way. Luckily we arrived on time, Optimus was pinned down by four rock vessels of Unicron. Acree took the farthest one pushed away from Optimus, then me, Bee and Bulk took out the rest.

“Did you all not hear me? Return to base at once!” Optimus said.

“Maybe for once Optimus listen to us! You afthole! Unicron is after and only you! No matter where we go, even at base can only shield you for so long! Now shut the hell up, let us take the lead for once and get the hell out of here before Unicron makes more of himself! I yelled at Optimus.

Everyone looked so shocked at me cursing out our leader. He knows I’m right there isn’t much to discuss about it in this situation.

“If we don’t move now and Unicron gets a hold of you, all hope of us, this planet, and the humans will fall into complete darkness.”

He nodded

“Let’s go.” He said.

We fought our way through Unicron’s rock forms. He just keeps coming bigger and stronger than before. Finally we got out away from the cannon way I thought we were in the clear, I was so wrong. A titan size Unicron formed tight in front of us. We transformed to our bioforms wondering what we could do.

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