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I felt fear swell up in my chest from my team I held the baby closer to my chest protecting it. I wanted to cry so badly but I didn't, Optimus step forward looking at the thing then asked.

"Where did you find that sparkling?"

"Inside that small pocket I went in there to see if more energon was there instead I found this little one I don't know if the mother or father is here it's just this one so far." I answered.

"I see, Bulkhead make that hole bigger we must find it's parents, Bumblebee Arcee start working on the energon, Deathstar take the sparkling to Ratchet see what it is."

I just nodded, I went back to base with the baby or sparkling or whatever. Ratchet turn to see what is in my arms to see his face expression in horror.

"What are you doing with that Predacon?!" Ratchet shouted.

"Predacon, what's that?" I questioned.

"It's what your holding like that dinobots you seen before Predacons are more violent creatures they were beginning of us but went instinct during some point of time none survived." He answered.

"This one did also it's a baby shouldn't it be older?"

"Way older, there is no scientific explanation of this what so ever."

"I see is it a mech or femme?"

"Let me check."

This is interesting to know this baby a Predacon I wonder how this is gonna work out we can't abandon the baby Predacon. Ratchet told me it's a mech and it's pretty healthy a little weird really.how did this little guy survived, how did he get here on Earth? The little mech decided to wake up stretching out it's body acting cute I smiled and pet his head. The more I look at him, he is just a innocent baby caught in this war. He shouldn't be here but yet he is with no one, I couldn't help myself but feel sad for him. He must have felt my sadness cause he started to lick my cheek trying to make me feel better. I smiled a little but then it hit me he doesn't have a name, with his yellow eyes, purple and blue patterns over his body and little wings what should his name be?

"Hey Ratchet want to help me name this little guy?" I asked.

"No I'm much to busy working on other things." Ratchet answered.

I went to my berthroom with some energon I stole from Ratchet I'll get yelled at for it but it's for the baby thought he needs it. The little mech wanted down to play I think, I put him down he started to sniff everything I own which it ain't much. Then he started to run everywhere all happy and excited I see that he tries to fly but fails he must be that age where he wants to fly. There is gonna be alot of work with him, he still doesn't have a name I started to think what would be a perfect name. I honestly don't know if he will listen to them or not. I picked him up placed him on my berth thinking.

"You know you don't have a name I honestly don't know what to call you, you think you can help me little one?"

He screeched in happiness, one by one he didn't like the names I said I'm trying so hard sooner or later I'm gonna run out of names.

"You Mr are hard with names you know that right?"

All he did was smile at me. I fell on my floor all dramatic it's hopeless so hopeless. The baby Predacon followed my actions and landed on top of me for someone being little can be heavy.

"Your mocking me"


"Oh hush you."


*Growls back*


"You didn't like that did you?*laughs a little*"

*Growls playful*

"Your so cute, how about Omega?"

*Screech's happy*

"You like it Omega?"

He started to run around happy and purring then got on top of me again licking my face. Yep he is happy with his name this is his new beginning of life with us. Omega you have a full journey in front of you as much as I. We will take care of you, help you grow and learn you maybe different so am I but together we can do this no matter the odds against us. For the rest of the day we stayed here in my room, playing and learning from each other. He likes shiny things that moves goes right after it, he still tries to fly having trouble, he likes to chew on feet and won't let go unless you got something for him to trade, and he tries to do something with his mouth but not sure what exactly. Day turns into night Omega went to sleep, I told Optimus everything about him while everyone went to rest. After I left Optimus said they found remains of a Predacon all curled up like it was protecting it's baby I believe it was Omegas mother who died protecting him. They did go farther but found nothing more, he said Omega is the last of his kind we must protect him at all cost since Omega is attached to me I'm responsible for him unless I have missions to do then it's Ratchets turn. I do have great hope for Omega maybe he is our key for our future.

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