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Long ago during the war of cybertron I was lost, I was trying to find the autobots for something. Then an ambush happened caused by the decpticons seekers, it nearly killed me but it didn't instead my memories were erased. I don't remember my past at all I don't even remember my carrier or sire in human terms parents. What Optimus told me my "mother" was one of the youngest council members there was in history her name was sunset she died giving birth to me. My "father" I'm not sure what happened to him Optimus wont speak about it no matter how many times I asked him, he wont tell. Sometimes I wonder if he is even alive out there wondering if he is looking for me....I'm not sure honestly. I feel...I feel like he is close by some how it's hard to explain honestly, well I better end this video dairy Deathstar out.

"Deathstar are you alright?" Optimus asked while sitting down next to me.

"Feeling uneasy Optimus my head hurts again." I answered him honestly, putting down my data plate down on my lap.

"Your over thinking again aren't you?"

"Yes...I cant help it sometimes."

"I know and soon you will know the truth."

"Everytime you say something like that it drives me crazy Optimus how much longer must I have to wait to know the truth about everything."

"Patience Deathstar you will know I promise you."

"That's what you say everytime..."

"It will come trust me right now its not the time."

"If you say so."

He just nodded, he knows when I'm feeling like this unsure about my father and knowing the truth. Before I could say anything Ratchet comlinked Optimus, something didn't feel right I'm not sure.

"We are needed." Optimus said.

He gets up before I did, he lend me his hand, gently pulls me up from the floor I had to smile. I gotta amit being at his height for a femme is pretty awesome at times depends really unless its small caves cant do it unless its my altmode then its a different story. Yes I am tall, I'm tall as Optimus or an inch shorter im not sure but anyway we arrived to ratchet who he had a worry look on his face.

"Ratchet what's wrong?" I asked him.

"Its cliffjumper's life signal it...it just came back online." Ratchet answered.

"What that's impossible!" Arcee yelled.

"Well it did Arcee I'm not sure how."

"We get him back right?" Bulkhead questioned.

"Ratchet prepare sick bay when needed" Optimus said putting on his battle mask.

"Optimus want me to join as well?" I asked him.

"No your staying here with Ratchet and the kids." He answered.

"*sighs* alright call me incase of back up."

"Autobots roll out!"

They all transformed then left through the ground bridge. I hate it when this happens he is so picky on missions of which one I go or not, sometimes I think its unfair. But I don't blame him for it he is just concerned about my safety after what happened during the ambush on cybertron, he doesn't want that to happen again.

"So uhh....what's your name again?" Jack asked.

"Its Deathstar." I answered.

"Deathstar huh what a odd name does it mean anything?" Raphael asked.

"No well honestly don't know I was just called by that name since I can remember." I answered his questioned.

"So it is your true name?"

"I think so."

"You think so? You had it since birth right?" Jack questioned.

"I honestly don't know I don't remember my past or in your terms childhood I don't remember at all."

"Did something bad happen like a really bad fight, oh did you win, I bet it was awesome to see!" Miko said excited.

"Well its complicated to tell but I will tell you all later if you want to hear my story or at least of what I can remember."

"Ratchet ground bridge now!" Optimus yelled.

Ratchet quickly opened up the bridge I seen everyone coming quickly along with a energon cloud. This wasn't good something happened in the mines. After optimus landed some of the debrief came in quickly rocks and metal shards every where, in the corner of my optics I seen this one long metal shard coming in quickly heading towards the kids. Everything felt so slow but yet it was so quick I covered myself around the kids protecting them I felt pain in my abdomen. I seen the look on their faces they were scared but also in shock my optics felt heavy trying to stay awake I couldn't hear anything, or at least no one is speaking. Optics finally shut down on me then darkness and numbness took over.

(Part one is done now hopefully its good also my grammar is rusty so yea sorry about that)

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