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Deathstar’s point of view

I was laying down, I couldn’t sleep so much on my mind I'm surprised my helm didn’t explode. I did want to get up but my body wasn’t allowing me too, finally it wanted to rest. It felt like hours of resting when truly it was only 20 mintues. 

“Deathstar? Can you hear me?”

Hold up, who has my commlink number?


“So you can hear me.”

“Father? How did you get my commlink number?”

“That’s my secret my princess...how are you feeling?” My father asked.

“I’m ok, my body finally said enough so I can’t move.” I answered.

“I know how that feels, when I was a gladiator after my battles especially when I went on days without rest your carrier would yell at me for not rest. I should have listened to her after one of my greatest battles in the arena I completely collapsed on the ground. I couldn’t get up, I had your mother so worried that day she thought I died. *Chuckles* When I woke up she beat the living out of me having her worried around that time we weren’t together yet I was about too that day to ask her to be with me.”

(I honestly don’t remember if i ever mention them having a conversation about Sunset it's been awhile)

“What was she like?” I asked.

“Beautiful, smart, brave, kind, she was everything a mech could want. She was something else, I never thought I would be with her. The council don’t allow themselves to have a sparkmate to create a family. Well your carrier wanted to change that it didn’t go as planned. When she was having a bad day she went to the arena. I was fighting a beast, I saw her in the third row. Her colors are what caught my interest at first. That's when I knew I had to meet her face to face. After I won I started to look for her it was difficult due to many fans of mine, when I wasn’t looking I bumped into her.”


Megatron’s point of view

“I’m so sorry.” Sunset said.

“No no it was mine.” I said.

“I saw your fight, nice moves but you could have ended it sooner instead of showing off to everyone.”

“Oh really maybe you could teach me some?”

“Teach you yeah right I’m sure you learned everything from Alpha Trion.”

“You know him?”

“Yes I do, when it comes to trouble with the council I go to him to seek advice.”

“What is your name?”


“As in the youngest council member in history?!”

“Yes, what is your name?”

“Megatronus gladiator of Kaon arena my dear.”

“Please don’t flatter yourself. I'm just here from a bad day.” She said.

“Bad day? Shall we talk about this over a drink?” I asked.

“Are you offering?” She questioned.

“Yes my treat, I’ll show you one of my favorite places unless you want to go somewhere else.” I said.

“Take me anywhere for a drink I could really use one even though I’m not supposed too but this is for a special occasion.”

I took her to one of my favorite places. She and I had a great time, I didn’t want the day to end. Just seeing her smile and laugh made me all warm inside. I never felt this way before with anyone, she was different. I didn’t think I could get along with someone so well. After a few drinks she had to return back to the council, I walked with her. I didn’t want anyone touching her while walking in the dark.

“Thank you for the drinks and walking me back here.”

“It is my pleasure *takes her hand kisses the top* I hope we do meet again.”

“*Blushes blue* me too Megatronus.”

Ever since that day we have been stuck by each other's side. 


“So you see we stayed by each other's side but during the time Orion/Optimus was becoming a prime was our toughest and darkest time. She wanted to come with me. I told her no, stay with the Autobots. She would be safer with them than me.”

When I was about to say something I heard Deathstar snoring away. She must have fallen asleep while I was telling her the story. It never fails, she could never stay awake even when she was a child.

(So I know this chapter is short I wanted to be short cause I knew there wasn't much going on with this part, till next chapter my BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE!!! This chick is out!!

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