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Deathstar point of view

What just happened to me? How in the name of Primus did I black out on a time like this. I was fighting the terrorcons which it wasn't easy, I lost Ratchet and Bee due to them that was the last time I saw them both. I don't know how if they survived or not I'm worried. I felt my whole body in pain I was trying to wake up my body didn't let me. I knew I had to rest after what happened but then I wondered who saved me, I hope it wasn't Tyrest I swear to Primus I will find a way to kill that S.O.B. (son of a bitch incase any of you didn't know) I don't know when I'm gonna wake up but I hope soon. I must worry everyone does my father know I'm in this state?

Megatron point of view

It's been two months and no sign of Deathstar waking up soon. Everyday I sit by her side holding her hand hoping one day she will wake up. Each day I worry, each day as the same everyone messing up getting nowhere with the Autobots I had enough of everything. Sometimes I would lock myself up away from everyone. Everything felt too much to handle I could hardly breathe. My mind trying to be all over the place but I only wanted one thing and that is Deathstar's awakening. Another depressed week went by nothing yet except for Starscream failing me yet once again Primus I hate him so much. I was lost in my thoughts till Knockout came.

"What is it Knockout?" I questioned him.

"It's Deathstar my Lord she's finally awake but due to her injuries she won't be able to move much, she will need physical therapy." He answered.

My daughter has finally awoken from her coma. I ran to her as fast as I could. When I arrived she was sitting up looking around med bay I had to smile seeing her awake was good enough to me to relax. I took a deep sigh of happiness which it caught her attention.

"Father, what happened, is this your ship?" She questioned.

I answered every question she had. She tried to move, I told her not too. She sighed then laid back down looking all sad I know she wants to move around and stuff but with her injuries I don't want her to move to reopen her wounds.

"You remind me of Optimus sometimes....even when it comes to situations like this....he didn't like it you hate it both of you being over protective father's ha! You two act so much alike in so many different ways, are you sure you two aren't blood brothers instead of brothers in arms?"

"We both have our ways of seeing thing's different but for you we share something in common....he too was a site."

"Was?" Deathstar questioned.

"Yes was, he lost her during the war before arriving on earth she was his everything like you smart, beautiful, very powerful in battle, she was everything a mech could ask for. He adopted her when Cybertron was peaceful her name was Galaxy prime, she took the name from Optimus so he wouldn't be alone even though she didn't have the power of the matrix. Optimus adored her so much losing her was more painful than us fighting, she looked up to me alot like a uh....how would you say it in human terms?"

"Like her role model when Optimus wasn't there or a uncle."

"Thank you like a uncle I too adored her, she became close to me as well, I wanted you two to meet you would've gotten along great with her."

"What happened?"

I looked away feeling the pain in my chest I never forgave myself for that day I didn't know, how could I?

"Father is everything okay?" Deathstar holding my hand.

I squeezed her's hand gently I looked at her with a sad expression on my face.

"What I done I never meant to do it I didn't know, there was a scouting ship it was alone we invaded the ship....we captured everyone I was going to execute the boys till she came around. I shot her right in the abdomen when I realized it was her it was too late she was already close to death. I hold her in my arms trying to stop the bleeding I didn't want to lose another family member I told her how sorry I was I couldn't hold back my tears. What she said next I don't see how she say it to me, she forgive me like nothing had happened. She was so great full for everything, she loved her life how could she forgive me for everything I done. She died in my arms I took her back to Optimus I tried to explain but he was enraged losing his daughter, he tried to kill me that moment your carrier stopped him from doing so. She walked me back to my ship then all of a sudden she told me she was having you a part of me believed Galaxy gave you life so that I could be happy."

"I'm so sorry father."

Deathstar pulled me into a hug I couldn't help myself but to cry. I felt so helpless that day after her death I wasn't the same everything became more difficult in the war till Deathstar was born. She released me from our hug, she wipes my tears away smiling in a sad expression.

"I think Galaxy is right for forgiving you I know I do and so does mother you can stop this war father."

"You know I can't I'm to close of winning." I said.

"Your not even close neither is the Autobots father." She said.

"Soon I will you rest now till tomorrow."

"You know I can't."


"There's no way getting around it, is there?"


"*Sighs* fine only if you stay with me if that's ok."

I smiled at her holding her close to my chest. This reminded me what I used to do when she was a sparkling. I look down seen she fallen asleep I laid her down so she can rest when all of a sudden I felt my hand being tugged back she didn't want me to leave. I laid down with her holding her close to me then slowly started to drift off to sleep.

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