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Omegas point of view

(Ok I know there is miss spelling but that's on purpose because Omega can't fully talk all the way he's still young

Mama and poppop are having a little talkie, grown ups only. So uncie KO and Breakie are watching me and it's so much fun! I learned so many things! KO is teaching me self healing incase if me was all by meself and hurt I can do it all meself. Uncie Breakie taught me how to break stuff, it must have a weak point to crack them break. We are on a fielly trip in the rain forest, there are so many things to xpore!!

"Look up there Omega you see that pretty blue bird?" Breakie questioned.

"Oh that's so p...pr...priity!" I said.

"*Chuckles* pretty Omega repeat pretty."


"You'll get it someday."

"Breakdown can you break this boulder for me please. I believe there might be some energon in it." KO asked.

"Oh oh oh I can do it!"

"Sorry little one this requires some heavy duty work."

"But I can do the heavy uty work!!"

Then I ran straight to the boulder head first! Big uh-oh. I should have listened. Now I got a big boo-boo on my head, KO told me it's nothing to look over for just next time listen, he said. He hold me till Breakie was done, it wasn't energy it was a bunch of pritty stones.

"You think mama and poppop would like these?" I asked.

"I think they would, want to make something special out of them?" KO asked.

"Yes please mama and poppop need some cheering up!" I answered really happy.

We gathered some of the stones then left the ground back to sip sip. KO and Breakie started woking on the stones, I took a nap. After awhile from me nap the stones were done! I can't wait to show mama and poppop!

"KO? Are they done talking yet?" I asked.

"Not yet Omega it may take the whole day." He answered.

"But it's been the whole day! I want them to be surprised now!" I shouted and whined.

"I'm sorry but that's not how it works. Your "poppop" is very stubborn that's were your "mama" gets it from".

"Is that were I got it too?"

"*Chuckles* yes you also."

"Hey Omega want to see something cool?" Breakie asked me.

"Sure! What is it!"

"Let's go outside."

Breakie picked me up, taking us outside to the deck. Looks like everyone is busy with something. Once we arrived at the deck the sky is so pritty with tiny dots.


"The night is very beautiful ain't it Omega?" Breakie said.

"Yes it is! What are those tiny dots in the sky?" I asked.

"Those are stars and within those stars they tell our stories, legends, myths, and our history." Breakie answered.

"Is there anything up there like me?"

"Well there is one called the mighty predacon hunter."

"Can I hear it please!!"

"Yea of course you can kid."

It has to be one of the best stories I've ever heard! So much action happened, so many things going on at the same time! Then I started to wonder.

"Hey breakie?"

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