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Deathstar point of view

How am I supposed to do this?! Helping my father to get his body back! This is insane I can't betray my team I can't! Oh my I have to tell him I can't do this. I started looking for Bee/my father hoping to find him soon, when I was looking I ran into Optimus.

"Deathstar is everything alright?" He questioned me.

"I honestly don't know everything feels weird, not every day you get to know that your a half autobot and decepticon *nervous laugh*." I answered him.

He gave me a weird look, I couldn't help it but giggle a little when he show his emotions they turn out to be funny.

"Does it bother you?"

"A little it just....no one is going to trust me after what just happened, they will think I'm a spy just pretending I don't remember anything just to get information."

"I see, I'll make sure that everything will be ok it will just have to take time to get used too especially for you Deathstar it's not easy I understand but you are strong, stronger than you think and I know one day peace will come you maybe our hope who knows, why not get some rest or a drive out to clear you head your off for a few missions until needed."

"Yes Optimus, thank you for the advice and listening to me."

"Your welcome *hugs her*."

I hugged him back then went for a drive it was awhile until I returned back to base I seen that Bee was out looking mad at me. Oh dear Primus I'm not gonna hear the end of this am I? I transformed into bot mode I put my hands on my hips giving him a look back I am challenging this sucker...maybe.

"Where have you been?" My father questioned.

"I went for a drive to clear my head Optimus advised me too after what everything happened I truly needed it." I answered him.

"What happened to you reviving me back and my body?"

"I know I know it just.....I can't do it father....I'm sorry but I can't betray the team they mean everything to me and they are my family.....I just don't have the spark to do it....I'm sorry."

I feel so disappointed in myself for not doing this task for him but I couldn't do it, it's not right.

"Oh Deathstar it's not your fault it's mine I shouldn't have asked you to do it, I had a feeling you couldn't do it they protected you, your just paying them back but don't worry soon you will be with me where you belong."


"For right now rest I'll deal with this ok."


"Don't father me Deathstar."


"Room now."

I growled a little low enough he doesn't hear me hopefully then went to my room. Well scrape this was way too easy from him I think I honestly don't know everything seems confusing now. At least he understands my situation though but he's going to himself, he's going to get caught with everyone or at least one. Shoot me now I don't want to be here in this situation anymore, I finally arrived at my room then laid down on my berth face plate first with this giant mess it's giving me a giant headache I'm not sure for how long I was in here but I fell asleep. When I woke up everything felt like a daze my whole body didn't want to move it felt weird like I'm paralyzed. My chest started to hurt along with my head again this is insane what's wrong with me? I felt my body trying to move but it's not working so we'll till I flipped myself on to my back it hurts so much I tried to scream nothing came out I tried to bang my berth nothing. I started to cry I was in so much pain I couldn't stand it, it's like being forced to be pin down to a strap table while being experiment on. I looked around trying to see what I can do when I did, I wasn't in my room anymore I was in a lab, oh no this can't be good. Please don't tell me it's Tyrest lab this got to be a nightmare this has to be.

"Ah my princess your finally awake, how did you sleep?"


I barely spoke all he done was a smirk. He looks so pleased for what he done to me.

"Feel so helpless? Well you be now that your mine once and for all. No one can rescue you, your mine forever we are destined to be together with your power and my brains we can rule everyone on Cybertron and this planet Earth."

"N-no n-never."

"Oh that's a shame you don't have a choice princess."

He started to work on me, I screamed out my lungs hoping someone can hear. This is so painful someone please, help me please I'm begging you.

"Deathstar wake up!"

I gasped sprinting up into someone's arms while crying my optics out. It was my father in his normal form? That can't be right he was in Bee's head and using Bee and now? I felt him holding me close to his chest will this hell nightmare ever go away? I felt him rubbing my back trying to calm me down, I feel like this is a memory not reality I can't be sure. I looked at him, has worried optics was he scared for me? This side of him he never shows to no one I am his weakness his daughter no matter what happens he cares when we are alone. I feel safe in his arms soon I fell back asleep he stayed by my side till I woke up again I looked around I was back in my own room at the autobots base. Memory, dream, or whatever it is I just want it to stop this is to much to handle at once hopefully soon everything will go smoothly.

(Ta da it's finally done!!! I'm so sorry for the wait with work it's making it hard to get this started I was having a writer's block too it didn't help what so ever I done this chapter over three times to make sense and follow the story correctly  I'm so sorry everyone

Have a great day beautiful people!!!

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