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Deathstar's point of view

My father made me stay on the ship for who knows how long. I lost count of how long I've been here. He doesn't let me out of his sight not even for a second. I just finished physical therapy, I truly didn't need it I believe. Knockout says I'm good to go as long I'm not over doing it. But no what does my father do he keeps me on this dark boring ship! I'm surprised anyone can see in here. It's really depressing you know I miss the Autobots and Omega, I do often wonder how he is doing. He hasn't been this long without me, I can't let my father know or else he might use Omega for his dirty deeds. I was looking outside with my father he was saying something about the mines which really I didn't pay attention too, I'm just lost in my thoughts for now. I felt a tap on my shoulder it made me snap out which I didn't want to be away from this was my only way to take a break with everything going on. I looked at my father he was concerned of what made me zone out I didn't say anything I didn't want too. I stared back at the beautiful sky with the sun setting low making the clouds different colors tent of purple with yellow and orange it's peaceful. I just wish father can see what I see.

"Deathstar what is on your mind?" My father asked me.

"It's nothing really." I answered.

"Do you really think you can fool me?"

"No I have no intention too."

"You clearly thinking about something it's written all over your face."

"Is it that obvious?" I questioned.

"Yes, you miss them the Autobots I mean." He answered.

"So what if I do knowing you probably try to find their base by using me."

"Towards everyone yes but for you no I won't do it."

I just sighed.

"If you want to return to them all you had to do was ask princess."

"I know I miss them but it's not that father I want to stay with you, I'm afraid of everyone will say especially from going on one side to the next I just want to know you more."

"I'm sure Optimus will be ok with your choice he and I know we won't pressure you for telling anything about each other your safe with us both."

"Not exactly."

"What do you mean?" He questioned.

"Tyrest is here on Earth looking for me, Optimus and I ran into him before I couldn't touch him only Optimus could." I answered.

"I thought he was dead."

"He was."

"If he touches you I swear I will kill him more than one way."

Ok father just went overboard on the killing which I don't mind but damn. Why couldn't he done that to Starscream I don't understand at all. Like Starscream is a total asshole and acts like his my father's pleasure not Primus hope that never happens.

"Ok father take note I know what you mean truthfully to be honest we have no idea where he could be we were underground no contact what so far we were stuck."

"Note taken once he shows his face I will have his head."

"Can you take Starscreams head too please."

"Truly I wish but he knows everything too much information that can be easily spilled to the Autobots."

"Can that information be erased?"

"If you're thinking about using Soundwave it won't work."


He just chuckled I smiled. Till our moment got ruined. We were interrupted by one of the vehicon had to report to my father about the mine.

"What is it?" He questioned.

"Sir we didn't find any energon there's nothing left." The vehicon answered.

"I'm sure Starscream has a good excuse with this one." I said.

"Your excused I'll deal with Starscream."

"That's not all we did find something I believe."

"Show me."

The vehicon showed what they found all I heard was screeching, crying, and crying sounds. It almost sounded like.


I yelled out seeing him in a cage.

"Get him out of there now!!"

Everyone was shocked of my sudden outburst I truly didn't care at the moment I wanted him out of that damn cage. The vehicons let him go, he quickly ran out just to be in my arms. I hold him tightly this is not what I want to happen.

"Omega what are you doing here you should've been with the Autobots not here."

"*Screech's sadly*"

"I know I miss you too."

"Everyone leave except you Deathstar." My father said.

"But master that thing could attack you at any moment." Starscream said.

"He won't unless I say so Screamer Omega is still a sparkling if I were you  get out now or else!!" I yelled at him.

"Why you-"

"Starscream leave or I'll handle you myself ending your life now."

Starscream left in a hurry, father's threat always help out when needed.

"Now Deathstar how exactly did you obtained this sparkling?" My father asked.

I told him everything I knew even the part I didn't want to tell. He didn't seem upset like I thought he would be. My father looked at Omega then smiled he gently petted Omega's head, he started to purr he accepted my father just like me. I finally sighed in relief everything will be ok for now.

"Father is it alright with you if I can contact the Autobots please I want them to know that Omega is with me."

"Yes of course let us go to Soundwave he can help."

"Thank you."

"Your welcome princess."

He led me to Soundwave then left to attend some "business" most likely to beat up Screamer for failing to attain energon for us and the ship. Personally he really should never be here in the begin with.

(Alrighty another part done!! Sorry for the long wait everyone hope u all love it this chick is out peace!!

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