27 part 3

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"Besides getting there by a blind jump ground bridge, how are we supposed to stop Unicron?" I questioned.

"With the matrix of leadership, the collective wisdom of the primes." Optimus answer.

"It was the combined powers of the primes that defeated Unicron so long ago, the very reason he now seek to destroy you." My father said.

"So if I am guessing correctly Optimus has this matrix within him that has been past down to worthy bots to carry and now it needs to be used like before to stop Unicron from rising and destroying earth?"

"Yes." They both answered.

Every rock and boulders started to move, Unicron must be regenerating more vessels.

"We got another one!" Bulkhead yelled out.

"Ratchet set a ground bridge." Optimus said quickly.

Our ground bridge opened in the middle of the rocks reforming before we went through Arcee said something.

"We're opening up a direct path to our base with Megatron standing right there?!"

"We can't go anywhere else now, we would be crushed." I said.


"Right now we don't have any other options." Optimus said.

Everyone was really concerned about this but what choice we have to make.

"Go on ahead, I will keep him busy." My father said.

"I'll join you." I said.

"No you will not, you have Omega to raise and losing you would be devastating to him and to I as well. I can't afford to lose you as I make my mistakes."

He rubbed my face with his hand.

"You look so much like your carrier, you've grown so much, she would be very proud of you."

"If you die on me father I will kill you in the afterlife after my mother gets a hold of you first."

I heard a small chuckle from him before he took off. The others already went ahead through the ground bridge, it was just me and Optimus now watching my father fight Unicrons vessels. I went through first knowing Optimus he'll be right behind me. While my father is fighting we had to make a decision quick before he's finish.

"Letting Megatron here?! Have you all lost your mind?! He is our enemy, he destroyed our home, half our race is gone because of him! Not only that he almost killed Deathstar, his own daughter and Raf!" Ratchet shouted out.

"Ratchet we know but if we don't get the coordinates from my father and do the jump we would be gone." I said.

"We will be monitoring him very closely." Optimus said.

"Poppop coming?!" Omega questioned excitedly loud.

Everyone looked at him, how am I supposed to tell him?

"*Kneels down* Omega I need you to listen to me very carefully ok, poppop...isn't the same right now...he looks pretty scary with a bad bot in his mind. Now I need you to be a big bot for me and stay with the humans and don't look at him."

"But mama."

"Please Omega stay with them."

He looked at me with a pouty face then sighed. They went into hiding while Optimus waited for my father. Ground bridge was up my father walked through, everyone was on guard, they drew their weapons out. I stood next to Optimus incase he needed help from me.

"So, this is where the magic happens, quant." My father said.

What the hell does that even mean?


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