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Ratchet’s point of view

“Optimus we have a signal I believe its Deathstar.”

“This is Optimus to Omega identify yourself.”

“Deathstar and Omega to Optimus Prime I can hear you loud and clear.”

“Deathstar? What are you doing in the middle of the forest of Ohio?” I questioned.

“I left my father *groans in pain* I’m not in the greatest shape right now can someone bring me back to base please.”

“How do we know it's not a trap?” Arcee questioned.

“I’m in extreme pain. Do you really think my father would let me out when wounded? No, look I honestly don’t know how much time I got from now till whenever someone comes and gets me they don’t know that I left the ship.” Deathstar answered.

“They don’t know you left?” Optimus asked.

“Yeah they don't. I got tired being left in the dark even when i’m wounded or not.”

“Ratchet open the ground bridge, Deathstar me and Ratchet are coming to get you ok, Acree guard the ground bridge in case someone comes through without us knowing.” Optimus said to us.

Acree just nodded her head. I activated the ground bridge, me and Optimus went through what we saw was shocking. It’s just Deathstar on the ground holding her chest something isn’t right with her even Omega knew that. From the look of it its her chest could be from the mission when Bulkhead and Breakdown? Bulkhead did say she was wounded from her chest MECH did something to her. What did they do to her, not even Megatron would allow this he cares too much about his daughter. When I got on my knee I had to check her chest out. Omega slowly crawled down from her chest, before I could even say anything I was in disbelief. Deathstar has a new chest piece on it’s not even her color.

“Optimus you will have to pick her up but do it gently her chest piece isn’t fully healed or even half healed.” I said.

“I’m honestly not sure either Ratchet, it took Knockout awhile to get this fixed.” She said.

“Ratchet, can you be able to.”

“Optimus my spark has been tampered with, there’s nothing anyone can do.” Deathstar interrupted. 

“W-what? Impossible how could they without the right tools they could have killed you.” I said.

“I know that's what everyone is trying to figure out.”

“Acree get everyone setup for medbay this is worse than I feared.” Optimus commed Acree.

“What’s going Optimus, is everything alright?” Acree asked.

“We don’t have time right now! Just get it done, ask questions later! Optimus we need to move now I’m sure she is leaking out internally from her chest if we don’t move we will lose her.”


Optimus picked her up softly, we headed back to base with all hands on deck. Once we came through everyone’s face went blank.

“Deathstar? That can’t be her.” Bulkhead said.

“*What happened to her?*” Bumblebee asked.

“It had to be MECH doing while me and Breakdown were fighting. I know she went ahead to look for the signal, that's when we realized it was a setup. We heard her scream, when we got there she was gone. That's when me and him had to work together to get her back. We got to her but knowing the damage was unknown.” Bulkhead said.

“Her spark was tampered, that's the damage.” I said.

“WHAT!” Everyone yelled.

“What happens when someone tampers with one of you guys spark?” Raf asked.

“Normally death to us but for her it’s a miracle she is even lasting this long.” Optimus answered.

“I need to get to work.”

After a while she still managed to pull through with the greatest odds against her. Every now and then the kids would check up on her while most of the team was on missions or patrol. This lasted about three days or so till she woke up on her own. 

“I need to scan you. I have to see if it's stable or more surgery for you.” I said.

“At this point why must I live…” Deathstar said.

“Because your mother wanted too and so did Megatron but not like this not with this war or you getting hurt, all they wanted was the best for you like us weirdly to say I grew attached to you, you're like a niece to me as humans say it.”

“Thanks Ratchet.”

“Why did you come back?”

“Got tired of being in the dark...so I left.”

“You are not telling the truth, why did you come back?”

“Ratchet please, I don’t want to talk about it.”

“Did Megatron say something while you were like this?”

She didn’t answer me, that’s when I knew he did.

“What did he say?”

“I snapped at him then he snapped at me which I didn't know how to react. He went back to whatever he was doing and tried to get some vehicons to help me. I refused then went wherever my legs took me while holding Omega day turn to night. That was the perfect time to leave.”

“He was just being a sire, it's their job to make sure everything is ok with their children, I know you're not used to that but you mustn’t run from him caring.”

“If he did care especially for what I want, this war would be over by now I just don’t understand what point he is trying to make.” Deathstar said.

“I’m not sure either.” I said.

Deathstar’s point of view

After Ratchet scanned me I was free to do anything I want except I must be careful, no mission and no patrolling. I’m on light duty till he says I’m good enough to go. Someone will have to watch me if I ever want to go out for some air. I went back to my old room just to rest for a bit, Omega followed and he hasn’t left my side since I got hurt. He’s a good predacon, I did think of what Ratchet had said, I didn’t give it any thought I’m not used to being a daughter of the enemy or him caring at all. Will I ever get over this or will this haunt me till I die or something?

Optimus point of view


“Where is Deathstar?!” Megatron yelled out.

“She is safe with us.” I said.

“Optimus I need her back I can’t go through this again.”

“It’s her choice. Besides, she needs time to heal she can’t do much, the only thing I can do is let you use ur commlink to talk to her that’s about it.”

“It’s better than nothing at all I suppose.”

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