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I quickly went to Ratchet before the others come back with the kids.

“Ratchet, I need to talk to you like now.” I said.

“Can’t you see I’m busy Deathstar.” Ratchet said with a bit of anger.

“Yes I can see that but we have somewhat of an important problem right now.”

“How important?”

“Take a look.”

He glanced over.

“By the allspark!.”

“Hi Ratchy!” Omega said happily and excited.

“How? Where?”

“Can we discuss this somewhere private before the others start to ask please? I'm slightly having a panic attack.”


We all went to the medbay, Ratchet made sure the door was locked. I let Omega down on the floor so he can roam free while me and Ratchet talk.

“Can I take a nap momma?” Omega asked.

“Yes sweetie it’s gonna be awhile.” I answered.

He transformed into his predacon form then layed on the floor right next to me.

“Omega? How long did you know?” Ratchet asked.

“Not too long ago, I thought they can’t transform into their bioforms?”

“Well we really don’t know if they did or not. There wasn’t any evidence in any books or anything really. He may be the first in their history to transform into their bioform.”

“What am I supposed to do, Ratchet? He is a completely different race, a race that we don’t know much about. And I know that he will ask questions of why he is so different from the others. I don’t have answers for his questions when he is older.”

“Do what you're good at, being honest.” Ratchet said.

“I don’t know if I can be honest with him. He’s so young and he won’t understand.” 

“You do what you have to do just like Megatron and Optimus, they did their best to raise you. Even with memory loss that didn’t stop them from being honest. Yes some things were kept from you but in their optics it was for the best. Because they love you and your family.”

“Thanks Ratchet and don’t worry this is between us you being nice to me and caring.”

“You better and as for the others I will take care of it.”

“You are a lifesaver *picks up Omega* I’m going to rest for a while if you don’t mind.”

“Not at all but however when you do decide to go back to Megatron take this news easy on him. We all are unaware how powerful Omega will be when he gets older and Megatron may fear him as well.” Ratchet warned me.

“Alright.” I said.

I went to my room, laid Omega down on my berth. He decided in his sleep to take it all, no room for me. It made me smile, I went to my desk and opened up my video diary.

“Hey Deathstar, it’s been awhile since the last time I've been here. More stress has been put on me, Omega can transform and talk now. We didn’t know this was going to happen. There wasn’t any evidence of the predacons doing this; he may be the first ever, like Ratchet said. Omega has been calling me momma. It feels weird, I honestly didn’t think I would be a mother. It's scary really. He may not be blood related to me but it doesn’t change my love for him and our bond. He will be the only child for a very long time to have kids. It doesn't help with the background reputation I have from my father. A lot of cons would use me for power and for the bots either see me as a con or because of my father. Then there’s Dreadwing who sees me as me. I don’t remember back then being with him or anything but I do know he won’t use me for power. He has too much loyalty for my father; he knows the consequences. I often wonder if he is coming back or not. Only a girl can dream. Speaking of my father I haven’t heard from him since my awakening, did I hurt him that bad? I tried to contact him one time, but he didn’t answer. I don’t remember what happened, just how I was feeling, angry or even worse like Ratchet and my father angry. Everyone was concerned about me when I first awoke, they weren't sure how long I was going to be out.” 

Then someone knocked on my door. I saved my video for later, I told the bot to come in. It’s just Optimus.

“Deathstar, how are you feeling?” He asked.

“I’m doing fine, just a little tired, nothing new except for Omega.” I answered.

“I know Ratchet told me it’s exciting and sad to have a sparkling in this war but yet there is still hope for sparklings after all.”

“Yea just like me...have you spoken to my father yet, Optimus?”

“I told him you and Omega are doing well, he is pleased to hear.”

“Have you figured out why he won’t talk to me? I’m worried about him.”

“All he said was to keep you safe.”

“To keep me safe from what?” I questioned.

“I’m unaware what he meant by that, he knows something that we don’t know. And he doesn’t want you involved.”

“I’m always involved even when I stay put away from the situation. Somehow or way it comes to me!” 

“Sad but true, I believe this time the situation is bigger than all of us.”

“How can it be? We just battled Tyrest not too long ago, now another problem has risen up and only my father knows? None of this makes sense unless there are more terrorcons or dark energon here then we realize.” I said.

“There is a possibility.”

“Yea but with the amount of dark energon was used during the battle I’m surprised Unicron hasn’t woken up yet. I mean if I was the chaos bringer and creator of that stuff and I was asleep, someone decided to use it. I mean a lot of dark energon. I would be pissed off to the max. Come to the planet and figure out what the hell is going on.”

It finally hit me.

“Oh dear primus, Optimus you don’t think the battle could have woken up Unicron right?” I questioned.

“Now I understand what Megatron meant, Unicron is coming and only Megatron knows how to deal with him.” Optimus said.

“Is there a way to stop them both?”

“Unicron yes Megatron…”

“What?...Optimus what is it? You're scaring me, how do we stop my father?”

“I will have to kill him to stop everything.”

I couldn’t believe what I just heard. I’ll be losing my father just like that? There has to be another way I can’t lose him.

“Optimus...there has to be another way.”

“I’m not sure if there is another way. I will see what I can do.”

“I’m begging you please *cries* Please don’t kill him. I don’t want to lose another parent. It's bad enough that I lost my mother when I was born. I don’t want to lose my father with no memory.”

"I can't any promises Deathstar." Optimus said.

"I know...I know..."

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