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Megatrons point of view

It's been three human days since my little princess heard the news about me being her sire. She isn't taking it lightly, she looks so sad spark broken I must say her colors went dull, her optics not as bright as usual. She's so broken I'm not sure what to do everyone is trying to cheer her up even Prime's humans are not working. Deathstar won't come out of her berth room piles of energon are left outside her door none are touched. She's starving herself to death I can't lose her like I did with her mother, I know it wasn't my fault but I still blame myself for her death. Don't worry my love our little princess will remember us I promise you she will. I took control of the scout without no one knowing then headed to her room I must think of some way  to at least get her mind of it. Think think what is the one thing she used to love......

Deathstar point of view

I can't do this anymore I can't I shouldn't be here I'm a decepticon but also I'm a Autobot too....what am I then. I felt my tanks hurting I haven't ate energon in three days, all I kept thinking was that moment when I found out about my father, Megatron... It's not easy you know learning who you are truly related with bad or good people or anything. I heard a slight knock on my door I don't want to see any one I started to cry again I couldn't face the fact of everything just changed less then a second. I heard my door open I didn't look who it was I just stared into space.

"Please leave me alone." I said.

"*No you don't deserve to be alone you need someone*"

"Bee, please I can't deal with anyone right now."

"*Yes you can you are strong, amazing, beautiful bot I ever known out of my whole life you been there since I lost my voice you know what I went through now it's my turn to be there for you." Bee said.

He grabbed my hands pulling me up into a hug he is right I hold him close. I heard him humming a song, a song I know by spark I closed my optics and listen to him till I started to follow along.

"This is a lullaby you will always remember

No matter where you are

This is a song from the spark

One from your carrier and sire

We will always love you no matter what

Life will get hard but you will always have your family

Easy to remember, but hard to forget

Life is to short so live it to the fullest

Remember who you are and what you are capable of

Also never stop believing in yourself

Remember this song and you will find your way back home" I sanged.

It brought a smile to my face, he rubbed my face putting my helm against his. It calmed me down so much I'm glad he's here with me.

"Better?" He said in a different voice.

"Yes thank... Bee what's going on with your voice? Your talking normal and different?" I questioned him.

"Deathstar...this is your sire....I'm using the scout I'm stuck in his head I need your help."

"Why?! I was finally ok until you did this!" I yelled at him standing up.

"Listen to me please."

"No! I won't I...I can't!"

"Deathstar calm down please."

My father hold me close I'm not to sure what to do honestly. All I did was cry I heard him humming the song I just sang.

"You remember the lullaby I sanged you long ago back on Cybertron."

"Yes it's from the spark it's what kept me going trying to find out who my parents are and now....I know it's not easy you know."

"I know my little princess I promise you things will get better for you."

"Both better and harder."

"My little one you must help me to get back to my own body sooner or later the scout will know of my well being inside of his mind." My father said.

"I-I'm not sure if I can do this I can't betray the team I owe them my life I just want peace between you two leaders no more fighting, no more fighting for energon killing one another I had enough of it."

"I know you have but once I win this war it will happen for once have peace right now please Deathstar I beg you to help me please."

The great mighty leader of the cons was begging his own daughter to help him to return back into his own body and control his soldiers. I don't know if I can do this I don't want to betray the autobots to bring him back but also Bee is in danger too if he finds out about my father in his head who knows what will happen. I looked on the floor thinking of my decision, I hope he understands what I'm doing is dangerous to everyone on the team. I sighed softly I made my decision.


"Yes my little one?"

"I will help you return to your body only if you keep my friend out of harm and no one knows agreed?"


(Yay this chapter is finally done!! Also I want to give credit to my sister who helped me out on the lullaby part you have no idea how hard it was just to make it!! Anyway enjoy the story! This chick is out!

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