3 part 1

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It was another weekend with the autobots nothing new as normal. The kids were with their guardians, Ratchet working in his lab, and Optimus no where to be found. This sucks like no other I've done everything around here and I can't go on patrol Optimus orders. Im gonna die from boredom I'm just here in the front foyer by myself then I heard a familiar semi truck coming back.

"Its been so long Optimus!" I said trying not to laugh.

"Like wise Deathstar its only been 20 minutes." Optimus said.

"Its from a song five night at freddy's 2 it's been so long, nevermind anyway I am bored out of my mind." I said.

"Would you like to join me on patrol of an energon vein I discovered?" He asked.

"Road trip!!"

"I'll take that as yes."

"You have no idea how excited I am right now let's go!"

I transformed into my altmode then followed Optimus. It took 20 minutes to fine it, it was weak at the beginning then grew stronger. We must have found a pocket of energon lets hope that the cons haven't got to it yet, we need this energon so much we are desperately low if any of us gets hurt it will be the end. We hit a mine looks untouched so far, Optimus went in first to check it out I followed behind him. So far nothing I transformed looked around the small tunnel till hitting a huge cave full of energon.

"Oh my primus we hit the jackpot!!" I said in excitement.

"This ain't all of it." Optimus said.

"Wait there's more?"

"Maybe there are more tunnels to discover."

"Should we split up to cover more ground?" I questioned.

"If we do one of us could get hurt." He answered.

"Optimus I'm not a kid anymore you know this you seen me in action and what talent I have, I know you care about me but just this once please let us split to cover more ground."

"Just this once, we regroup here once the tunnels are explored."

"Yes thank you!"

I quickly hugged him, went to one of the tunnels looking for more energon maybe. When I was looking around I felt the ground getting thinner each time I go in farther into the tunnel till I heard a crack noise. I didn't think about it I just kept going till it was every step I took, I put on my headlights on pointed them. The ground was in a different color it wasn't like the walls. Im starting to worry about this maybe Optimus was right about this but I wanted this I needed it or did I? When I was about to go back the floor collapsed what felt like forever it was quickly over in seconds. I landed on my back which its the worst part to land on for me because of my scars any type of falling or hit there causes major pain. I'm not sure how long I was out for but the pain was unbearable it felt like I couldn't move. I finally woke up from the fall slowly but surely I got to stand with an aching back and head, first thing I did was calling Optimus but the signal is jammed, must be from being underground. I must be in here deep I don't even see the ceiling not even with my headlights can each them, when I went straight I found a ship but I can't tell if its a cons or bots ship its hard to tell. My gut told me to go in there to check it out my mind on the other hands say's "oh frag no go back it beyond this scrape you do." Of course I went with my gut it never ends well I'll tell you that, looks like the ship was split in half or more someone shot this sucker down. Its a laboratory ship I thought those were long gone during the war like frag those things were creepy as scrape while exploring them on missions. I enter the part that is broken something didn't feel right well science experiments are normally creepy sometimes I drew out my shadow claws, one of my weapons I grew up with I don't have a blaster like everyone else does sucks sometimes really they are cool looking and they are like armor like claws their color is red yay can take major hits from blasters and combat. Very useful, any way use them to open the broken door first thing I seen in there was dead bots everywhere. I screamed like no other then turned into silence never in my life I seen so many dead bots here in one place. Both autobots and decepticons this...this ain't right why are there so many together? Why are they together oh my primus their parts.... I couldn't believe what I was seeing they were welted together to create something but didn't succeed. What kind of mad bot or con would do this to anyone only a sick twisted mined.

"Why hello there Deathstar, glad you came over here." Creepy deep voice of a bot said.

I know that voice, I know it to well it was the only thing I could remember from my past. He never leaves me alone no matter how hard I try. He was a scientist who went mad then become madder when he met me. He tried so many times to experiment me but manly failed due to the bots rescuing me. I couldn't believe he's on earth everyone is in danger, this must be some bad dream right? This can't be real not him, not right now.

"Ah my dear its been so long since I seen you my my what a young femme you are I can't wait to test you out and soon to be mine."

"I will never be yours, Tyrest." I said.

"My name is not Tyrest!! Its Blitzer!!"

(Ok took me this long just to wrote this and its shorter then the first too also he is a new character in this story I used the name Tyrest from mtmte it sounded awesome really and i was having trouble with names i suck at it i will give a bioprofile of him later

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