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Dreadwings point of view

I stayed longer then I should have. Within day's my ship was fixed it was ready for take off. On the day I was supposed to leave I couldn't. My spark ached because I was leaving without my sparkmate Deathstar. Without her I wouldn't know where I be. I had a sudden idea, she can come with me. Her response.

"Dreadwing I can't leave." She said.

"Why can't you, you can do whatever you want without following Megatron's orders." I said.

"I'm his daughter I can't just up and leave him I'm not gonna break his spark not again I'm sorry I'm not leaving."

I seen this coming I couldn't help but to get my hopes up of her leaving with me. I knew it was worth a shot though. After awhile I kept my distance away from her. I thought it was for the best for the both of us. Without realizing I've been hurting myself and her. When the day came I hoped she wouldn't see me leave. Part of me wanted Deathstar just to see her. Before I stepped forward I heard my sparkmates voice.


I turned around I felt my spark racing, seeing her running towards me. I couldn't help but to open my arms holding her close.

"Deathstar...I'm sorry I've pushed you away I thought it was for the best for us."

"You fool it wasn't it hurt me more."

"My love I'm sorry."

"It's ok just promise me one thing."


"Return back to me please."

"I will I promise."

We pulled back gazing at each other optics. Her optics are so beautiful I leaned in closing our gap, my hand was on her cheek rubbing her side. I'm kissing her finally I felt so much passion I didn't want to let her go. I felt her kissing me back I held her closer then before.

Megatron's point of view

I started to look for Deathstar wondering where she went. She wasn't in her room or anywhere. I went to my main command center, I asked Soundwave where she was. He pointed out my daughter on the top deck but she wasn't alone.

"Pull up the security video Soundwave."

He did as he was told, what I seen was horrifying. Dreadwing and Deathstar locking mouths together, no dares to kiss my daughter!! No one dares to touch her or even be alone with her without my permission!! (Over protective daddy mode active boop) I was in rage, I went straight to them.

"Move out of my way!!" I yelled.

Every con started to move to the side they knew I'm in raged. I didn't care who I kill in my way I have to protect my daughter now. My thoughts were clouded, it's like being blind in the dark, all I could think of her leaving me again. Before I could even reach the door Breakdown and Knockout were blocking my way.

"Get out of my way now!" I yelled at them.

"No." Knockout said.

"No? No?! Do you realize who you said no too!! I should kill you both!!"

"Yea that's not gonna happen." Breakdown said.

"Sorry my Lord but your gonna hear it, like it or not." Knockout said.

"You can't always protect Deathstar. You can't stop her from being in love with someone who actually accepts her as your daughter and as a half autobot. You have no idea how hard that is especially for her to accept that. For once look in her point of view." Breakdown said.

"He's right you know, we all care for Deathstar as much as you do we are family. There are something's you must accept she's not little anymore she's a lady now. She can protect herself and make her own choices. You can't do this forever you know." Knockout said.

"I know...*sighs* I just want her to be safe and happy here."

"Who says I'm not?"

Breakdown and Knockout moved to the side relieving Deathstar. I was in shock seeing her right there in front of me.

"I don't I understand..."

"Father I'll never leave you well till I feel like going back to the boys but that's besides the point. Yes I love Dreadwing, he supports my decision that I stayed behind with you and everyone." Deathstar said.

I pulled her close to me in a tight hug.

"I'm glad you stayed I thought I was going to lose you." I said.

"You can't get rid of me that easily father  staying for a long time."

"*Chuckles* Good."

(Ok so I know this is short from other chapters I just felt like this one truly didn't need to be long ik I could have done a little bit more but this is truly what I could think of for right now stay tuned for more chapters have a nice day beautiful people this chick is out! Lol)

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