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“What the hell happened?!” I shouted.

I saw my father limping and hurting, Dreadwing had to help him out. I couldn't stand by and watch so I took his other side helping him to medbay.

“Dreadwing explain please.” I demanded him.

“Lord Megatron fought an insecticon, that spider witch Arachnid commanded an audience from both sides, she wanted us to see the fall of Megatron. Well that failed and Megatron lives with injuries as you can see.” He answered.

“I swear everyone keeps forgetting they are not gonna kill him and get the throne. If he does I get everything, so what the hell.” I was so not in the mood.

“Deathstar….” My father called out my name.

“Shut up, I'm pissed.” I said harshly.

“Who fried your curits this morning?” Dreadwing asked.

“Nobody….just haven't been in the best moods here lately.” I answered.

“I've been noticing that lately shall we check you out as well princess?”

Oh Primus I love it when he calls me princess, what's wrong with me?

“I'm sure it will pass but thank you for your concerns.”

We arrived at medbay, Dreadwing left while I looked after my father. How much worse can this day get? We just lost Breakdown….it still hurts and now this? Why just why…. After my father got fixed I stayed behind with Knockout. I know he's hurting but I don't think father cares enough to even notice. We didn't talk, we sat in silence felt like forever really….


“You don't need to say anything Deathstar it's ok…..”

“I blame myself….I told Dreadwing to take him….I shouldn't have done that….it's my fault…”

“Darling don't do that he would have gone anyways with or without you asking.”

I started to cry. I can't help but to feel guilty about this situation. Everything's a mess…and I don't know how to fix it. Knockout told me stories about his adventures with Breakdown and with me when I was just a sparkling. I think telling those stories made him feel better in a way. Later during the day I was in my room reading when all of a sudden I heard a knock at my door.

“Come in.” I said.


“Princess, I hope I'm not interrupting anything.” He said

“No not at all, just reading, keeping my mind busy.”

“I see *He puts his hand on my knee.* I'm truly sorry….about Breakdown….if only.”

“Dreadwing it's ok. Nothing goes to plan and you can't help that. Me and Knockout talked…and he's right no matter what situation it was going to be, Breakdown was ok with going with you.” I interrupt.

“I still feel awful about it though. I know you two were close as family.”

I put my hand on his cheek, stroking his handsome face.

“It's ok.”

I smiled at him with reassurance and even kissed his dermas. I felt him kiss me back then pulled away.

“My lady, what am I going to do with you?”

“Love me for eternity.”

“That I shall, princess.”

I felt my fans kicking in feels like hiccups really, hearing him chuckle made it worse. He brought out two glasses and some highgrade. Where did he even get it from? He poured some for me then himself, to be even honest I don't think I ever had highgrade before.

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