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Ever since Omega arrived on the ship Screamer has been trying to get rid of him. Luckily Soundwave was around Omega everytime Screamer tries. Father has been letting me go on simple missions like searching energon trails when we can. There had been times I ran with the Autobots just to chit chat no fighting. The humans kids do miss me sometimes they bring the kids along with them since it's not dangerous which Miko hates sometimes. Right now I'm on the ship just came back from my mission I was in a hot trail till it disappeared all of a sudden which it was weird. I did check my surroundings incase it lead off somewhere else but nothing was there. Father is looking into it he doesn't want to risk my safety incase if it was Tyrest. I was walking to Soundwave to pick up Omega what I saw next was the cutest thing ever. Soundwave was playing music which it was catchy, it was making him, laserbeak, and Omega dance to the beat. I smiled so hard I started to giggle. That caught his attention he quickly turned everything off then bring laserbeak back to his chest, his mask turned blue in embarrassment.

"Don't worry your secret is safe with me also I need a copy of the music you were listening too I need new music."

He just nod his head. I picked up Omega leaving Soundwave in his moment to remember. While walking through the halls Omega kept squirming around in my arms to the point I had to put him down. He must have a song stuck inside his head all he was doing was dancing. Then I had a idea I pulled up my music list from before arriving here I was looking for a really good song for the both of us. I found one I just hope he likes it. I played the song High Hopes by Panic! At the disco!, Omega turned around facing me with his big bright optics like did you change the song to a better song or something around there it was funny. He started to dance again I started to sing and dance with him. We were having fun till Screamer came and ruined the whole thing saying "we weren't acting appropriate this shouldn't happen under his watch while my father is away." I don't care what he says about anything we continued our business once he left us alone. One of my favorite song's came up I started to sing Into the unknown from Frozen 2. ( I thought it would be easier to have more modern songs than looking back around 2012 or somewhere around there just to look for a song) I'm pretty sure everyone can hear me at this point I was singing loud and proud. Once I was finished I heard someone clapping I turned around seeing someone familiar he looks like Skyquake.

"Impressive singing princess." He said.

"Thank you, you must be new around here." I said.

"Kinda to this planet yes but to your father no, you may not remember me my name is Dreadwing twin of Skyquake."

"Oh that's who you are no wonder you look so familiar."

"Indeed and who is this little?"

"This is Omega *picks him up* he's a predacon sparkling I take care of him."

"Ah I see."

"*Screech's in anger*"

"He doesn't like strangers too much still working on that with him."

" That is fine princess."

"Does my father know your here?" I questioned him.

"No I was hoping to seek some guidance to him about my arrival." Dreadwing said.

"Well right now he is on a gun for a energon trail I found but then disappeared all of a sudden."

"Shouldn't you be the one looking instead of him?" He questioned.

"I would but with Tyrest on the loose, I can't attack him I just go right through, my father wouldn't wish it which I don't blame him." I answered.

"Tyrest, why would he be here?"

"Not sure besides having me, he was supposed to be dead look how that turned out."

"Ah I see you returned Dreadwing."

I heard my father's voice behind us then turned around.

"Hello father."

"My Lord sorry to come unannounced my commutations links is down on my ship I need some repairs before leaving again."

"I'll send some troops down how ever in return I'll have you do some missions for me till farther notice." My father said.

"Yes my Lord."


"You two done talking yet I wanna catch up with Dreadwing."

They just chuckled at me.

"You are dismissed."

"Good." I said.

I took Dreadwing's hand basically almost dragging him while walking and stumbling. After doing some catching up my father placed him on a mission already, I didn't see why he needed to go when father has a bunch of troops already.

Dreadwing's point of view

It's good to see Deathstar at last I never thought seeing her would make me this happy again. Before the explosion and her memory loss we would spend time together before and after missions. Skyquake knew my affections towards her, I fell in love. She was all I ever could think about, when we do win the war I was going to ask permission from Lord Megatron to see if I could have Deathstar's hand to be my sparkmate. But when I thought she "died" my spark shattered to pieces, the love of my life was gone. My brother tried his best to keep me in place truly didn't work much. When he left I felt alone till Skyquake spark had vanished completely I knew something bad happened. I blame the Autobots for his death I will have my revenge with all of them except Deathstar, my love for life, I would never hurt her.

(Yes I did add Dreadwing into this why because why not but don't you worry he will return after leaving for awhile and stays welp I'm gonna get sleep before I start writing more and stuff yea....good night beautiful people this chick is out!!

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