28 part 3

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Megatron's point of view

After confronting Orion of Project Iacon, his words start to wonder in my mind.

"This isn't right and you know it, we have been brothers for decades and this is what you have become. Out of all the bots I've only looked up to you. The strongest out of all of us, has now become the weakest. Honest to say Deathstar is stronger than you physically, emotionally, and mentally."

He's not wrong but he's not right either. Before I could put more thought into it Soundwave interrupted with some news. He pulled up on his screen showing someone arrived on Cybertron.

"Autobots but how?!"

Soundwave pulled up security footage of Deathstar going through the miners database.

"Deathstar…time to surprise the Autobots with a little visit."

I immediately left going straight to the space bridge.

Deathstar's point of view

After dealing with those damn scraplets the key was finally done downloading. I feel bad for the Insecticon risking his life like that to keep us safe. Arcee didn't have any damage unlike I. Hurts driving back but I don't say anything this mission is way too important. When arriving at the space bridge portal transforming was a bit difficult. Arcee was trying to contact Ratchet, he wasn't answering.

"Something's not right, you don't think?"

"One way to find out Arcee *grunts in pain collapse on my knees*"


She went right next to me while collapsing trying to make me stand.

"I'm ok."

"No you're not, you are covered head to toe with wounds from the scraplets. You can barely stand and your leaking energon from your back. You need medical attention."

"We need to get this mission done first before anything, we need Optimus more than me and I'm ok with that."

Before she could say anything at the corner of her optics moved. Someone is coming I could tell without turning around, worrying starts to set in me injured and Acree here trying to help me out there's no way for the both of us could take this thing down. I started to hear it too someone is coming towards our way, I stood up turning around towards where Arcee was looking. A very big vehicle was coming towards our way, the colors and the bulkiness reminds me of someone.

"Arcee I don't think we are going to worry about them."

"What makes you say that?" She questioned.

"Cause if I am correct that's Ironhide." I answered.

Before Arcee could even have her say, the vehicle stopped right in front of us transformed into their bio mode.

"Stay where you are! *Pointing his weapons at us*"

"Ironhide it's me Deathstar." I said

"Deathstar?? But how are you here?" He asked while lowering his weapons then changing them into his hands.

"Long story but we need your help badly."

"What do you need?"

I quickly told him our situation and what was going on. Still he seemed confused but agreed to help us out. Since no one was answering us we assumed that my father was there waiting on us. Arcee and Ironhide went through first before I did, I went through shortly after them. I see everyone down, Primus this can't be happening. Another bridge formed right behind my father, it was Optimus. Oh dear how is this gonna work he is either gonna have to go through him or find a way to get to me unless… Divide and conquer.

"What makes you think you can get through me, Orion?" My father asked him.

"Because I am not alone unlike you divide and conquer." Optimus answered.

It took all my strength to kick my father right in the chest, sending him flying back off the space bridge. I collapsed on the floor coughing out my chest piece in pain. I heard his pedes stop in front of me, slowly making me go on my knees. I feel so weak. I looked up and saw Optimus face and I smiled.

"You need a medic." He said.

"Not till the mission is done." I said.

I took the key out from my secret spot from my arm. Just from a few inches to chest it started glowing.

"You think I am worthy?"

"You have no idea Optimus prime."

"Will I ever see you again?"


The key opened Optimus chest then started to enter his body. Regaining the wisdom, I looked behind him seeing my father getting up. I started to worry what would my father do when he sees me with Optimus like this he doesn't know that I was picked. Oh hurry up now is not the time for being slow. Father was fully up and conscious he was ready to strike at Optimus he had his sword, I waited for impact but nothing came. I looked at Optimus,he turned around with his battle mask on, taking my father serious. Do we have our Optimus back now? Within a single punch my father went flying back again.

"Deathstar are you ok?" He asked

"Am now Optimus." I said.

"What exactly are we doing here?"

"Saving you of course."

He noticed my wounds and he grew concerned then he picked me up carrying me in bridal style. The others surrounded us with their weapons out, I saw my father drawing out his blaster aiming at us but when he saw me he lowered his weapon.

"You all better get out of here before I charge at you and take my daughter out of your hands, Optimus. I do not like the way you are holding her." My father said.

"Open the ground bridge kids." Ratchet said.

"Kids?" Ironhide kinda questioned.

"Explaining everything when we get there." I answered.

Everyone went through the ground bridge me and Optimus were the last ones. I looked at my father with sorry optics then rested my helm on Optimus chest, so tired from everything I passed out. I'm not sure how long I was out. I think it was a while, cause when I woke up everyone was around me with worried looks on their faces. I didn't even realize we were back at base, that's when they told me I was out for almost a month due to the injuries I have suffered. Damn those scraplets can cause some serious damage but I have never seen it cause it to be like this before.

"Where's Omega?" I asked.

Everyone looked at each other, I started to worry, where's my sparkling?  This isn't like him not being here he's always here by my side.

"We don't know how to put this." Ratchet started to say.

"Well is she able to walk at all Ratchet?" Raf asked.

"It's better to show her than to tell her." Ironhide said.

"Show me what? Where is my sparking?" I asked.

I felt myself panic in a instant did something happen to my sparkling while I was gone? Ratchet  said I can walk slowly but I will need support which Optimus and Ironhide did. Everyone else followed us to the training room, why here? Then I saw him.

"Oh my Primus, Omega?"

(I know I said next month with part but I decided to do this now and have a different chapter for next month well I hope everyone enjoys this part )

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