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Deathstar's point of view

Father assigned me and Breakdown on a mission sadly Omega had to stay behind. He truly wanted to go but I couldn't allow it nor did my father. We were at a old abandoned town dust all around here. We were sent here for a energon source signal well we weren't the only ones here. Bulkhead was here too what happened next you say they started to fight each other. I knew no matter what I say it wouldn't do any good. While they were settling things I went to the energon signal. When I got there it was a beacon of some sort of both are after this then who put this here. Before I could speak I got electrocuted knocked me out. I slowly started to wake up but I wasn't at the base nor on the ship, where am I?

"Where am I? Why am I tied down?" I questioned myself.

"Well well well your finally awake." A man said.

"Who the hell are you."

"Name Silas also known as Mech my dear." He said.

"What do you want?"

"Simple I want to know what makes you tik."

"Rip me to pieces you aren't gonna get anything out of me especially for who I am." I said.

"That is why he has back up."

That voice no it can't be.

"Tyrest...no no impossible."

"But it is." Tyrest said.

"Silas you have no idea what your messing with nor who your dealing, as soon as he gets what he wants he will come after you."

"I know who and what I'm dealing with all we truly needed was a sample and bait for the others."

Bulkhead, Breakdown their gonna get them too. How can I stop them from getting the guys.

"I have something."

"Oh and what will that be?" Silas questioned.

"It's my energon it's mixed."

"What's so special about your energon?"

"She's half autobot and half decepticon Deathstar is the daughter of the Warlord Megatron, the leader of the decepticons." Tyrest said.

"Her mother?"

"She was one of the youngest council members in history, Sunset she was an autobot."

"Was?" Silas questioned.

"She died while giving birth to Deathstar." Tyrest answered.

"So Deathstar is pretty special on both sides excellent."

"Before we get started o believe we have a score to settle ain't that right my dearest Deathstar."

"Suck a spike Tyrest!!"

"Oh how feisty you are I love it." He said.

I kept struggling trying to get out. Primus these straps are hard to get out of. While struggling Tryest decided to stomp his ped on my abdomen causing pain less movement for me. I heard the sounds of saws starting up, they will pay for this. Mech started cutting my chest first, Tyrest was giving them guidance on how to do this. I screamed so loud it felt like hours of pain and cutting me open when truly it's only the beginning. After a bit they manage to take off my chest armor exposing my spark. There wasn't much I couldn't do except to pray. Tyrest started to tamper with my spark cutting it into small pieces hurt like hell. I slowly started to get weaker due to the tampering, I kept fighting to stay awake I felt my whole body go numb. Before they could do anything else I heard a loud explosion.



"You forgot to say Polo you fleshes!!"

Breakdown? Are they working together to save me? For once they put their differences aside to rescue me. I smiled weakly then I felt the straps come off, Tyrest was picking me up carrying me away.

"You fools you ruined our beautiful work you will pay for what you have done!" Tyrest yelled out.

"Your not getting away that easily with Deathstar!" Breakdown said.

"Watch me!"

Tyrest turned around just in time for Bulkhead to knock his ugly face over. We both fell to the ground, he was knocked out finally. Bulkhead picked me up shocked to see what they have done.

"Oh Deathstar don't worry we are taking you out of here, Breakdown time to go!" Bulkhead yelled out.

"Right lets go before more or Tyrest comes." Breakdown said.

I barely stayed awake while they were getting me out of there. My chest felt like it was on fire everything was hurting. They stopped some where not sure why I just felt him stop. I heard them talking it was hard to make it out.

"I can't believe they would do this." Bulkhead said.

"You're telling me I never thought Tyrest would do that to her spark." Breakdown said.

"He had some nerve showing his stupid face here and to work with Mech disgusting."

"Lord Megatron will not be pleased to hear about this."

"No he won't be, Deathstar means everything to him I just don't understand how can he be so evil but yet have a weakness at the same time."

"Yeah I don't get it either."

"Looks like back up arrived."

"Till next time rematch."

"Rematch Breakdown."

Bulkheads point of view

Breakdowns back up arrived with Screamer and the seekers pointing their blasters at me. Before I could say anything Breakdown spoke.

*Commander Starscream we don't have time for this we need a immediate ground bridge now." He said.

"Let her die, she's less important right now we can attack that autobot scum right here right now." Starscream said.

Then my team came, they seen the horror of Deathstars condition. Starscream growled that us, he flew away like a coward while he flew he must have called a ground bridge for Breakdown. He took her out of my arms ran towards it hoping to save Deathstar in time. After they went back I looked at Optimus I couldn't help but to be in shame yet what I did I thought it was right thing to do to save her.

"Optimus I'm sorry I had to work with Breakdown to rescue Deathstar we had to put our differences aside just this one time to make sure she lives. I'm sorry to being shame working with the enemy." I said.

"Bulkhead what you did was the right thing to do to save a family member. Even though she's with them for the time being she's still one of us." Optimus said.

"*What happened to her, her chest.*" Bee started to talk.

"Exposed yeah I know Mech and Tyrest got a hold of her. I believe Tyrest tampered with her spark who knows what they are planning to do next." I said interrupting.

(And I am finished with this part what will happen next till next time!! This chick is out!!)

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