617 19 4

Autobots, Decepticons, they started to fight for my life this shouldn’t be happening. Terrorcons rose up from the ground, Tyrest set up a trap for us. He wanted this to make sure he wins to claim his prize, I grabbed June then stayed by my father’s side. I told him I have to get the human out of here. 

“We have to reach the other side of the Autobots.” I said.

He agreed. We both started to fight, some of the Terrorcons wouldn’t go down, we kept pushing forward till Tyrest stepped in our way. Father went after him while I was trying to get June out of here. Luckily I didn’t have to call Ratchet. He brought the ground bridge up, I let her down and she quickly ran back to base. I heard Optimus and the other telling me to run. I was about to till the terrorcons circled around me. Tyrest is not letting me leave till either he wins or my family wins. I told Ratchet to close the bridge I couldn’t risk everyone getting hurt back at base. I fought off the ones who surrounded me in a circle, I know I'm hurting myself that’s alright with me.

“Everyone form a circle around Deathstar now!” My father yelled out.

“She will be mine!” Tyrest yelled at my father.

Everyone formed a protective circle, more and more just kept coming no one could keep this up. It’s too much. I used my sword to block a terrorcon from hitting anyone, father helped me unlock my sword that I have. It's just like his. I sliced it’s head off straight clean making it fall to the ground. All of a sudden I started to feel my body shake. I know this isn’t fear, it's something else. Something I haven’t experienced yet I believe.

“Optimus s-something is wrong with me. I-I don’t know what’s going on.” I said.

Optimus came to my aid and his face expression went into shock.


“Your optics are red.” Optimus said.

“Red? They are supposed to be blue. I’m freaking out right now, it’s like I don’t want to stop killing but yet something isn’t right with it. This feeling is too much I...I feel like I’m going to faint...Optimus I feel myself slipping what is this?”

“Deathstar? Deathstar?!”

That was the last time I saw his face. Everything went black I felt my whole body go numb and heavy.

Optimus point of view

Something wasn’t right with her, she went silent. I made her look at me.

“Deathstar? Deathstar?!”

Not a word, her optics didn’t even move. I have to get Megatron over here. Before I could even say his name, she moved on me killing terrorcons right away. No emotions, no mercy almost like Megatron.

“What’s going on with Deathstar? What’s happening?” Arcee asked.

“Her optics, they went.”

“Red? Did her optics go red?” Knockout interrupting asking. 

“Yes.” I answered.

“So you do know what is happening.” Bulkhead said.

“Yes we do but it has been years. While she was growing up we weren’t for sure what would happen with her being a hybrid. Lord Megatron trained Deathstar till we notice her optics turning red. She’s deeply in rage, soon she couldn’t control it anymore like she was a completely different bot.  Sometimes we wondered if Deathstar rage has its own personality within her own mind and just uses her body for its action. She’ll black out, no trace of remembering of her doing, destroy almost everything but it also depends though if Deathstar has a goal. If she has the goal in her head she has control and just uses the rage as her power. She will only go after it till it's done.” Breakdown said.

“*Does anyone know where she is heading?*” Bee asked.

“She’s heading towards Megatron and Tyrest.” Knockout said.

“You think she is after Tyrest?” Arcee asked.

“Actually yes I don’t see why not. He took a piece of her spark, went after her most of her life living in fear because of him. Looks like Deathstar had enough and going right after him. I sure do hope Megatron will be careful of her rage.” Knockout answered.

“Wait what about her touching Tyrest she goes right through him right? Won’t it be impossible for her to even attack?” Bulkhead questioned.

“We won’t know till it happens.”

Megatron's point of view

All these years I finally have my daughter back and the power that I yearned for and now Tyrest is trying to take it all away from me. I will not let that happen not again. Tyrest has been in and out between the terrorcons it’s really annoying using them as shields.

“What can’t fight me one on one your weaker than I thought! Even with all of Unicron’s power you still can’t beat me!” I yelled out.

Then I heard him scream, the terrorcons stop. Something wasn’t right here I slowly went through them heading towards his scream, what I saw I wasn’t expecting. My face went blank with shock, it’s Deathstar.

“H-how!! I made sure y-you couldn’t attack m-me!!” Tyrest yelled.

She didn’t say anything, she pulled her sword away watching him bleed. The way the wound is it’s most likely Tyrest will die from bleeding out. He collapsed to the ground holding his wound trying to control the bleeding. He couldn’t. I look at Deathstar waiting on her next move, she has no emotion, full of rage, her decepticon side has finally been engaged. I realize in this moment I can’t have her be like this, this isn’t her nature. She doesn’t have control of her rage, I saw Tyrest slowly struggling to stand. Before he could Deathstar raised her sword up above her head.

“Deathstar stop!” I yelled.

She put her sword down then looked at me.

“Why did you tell me to stop...after everything he has done to me and to others. Tyrest deserves punishment and that punishment is death!” She said.

This is the first time hearing her voice while she’s in rage.

“Because you are blinded by rage.”

“And your not father? Ever since the war started you were filled with rage to the point you even claimed Unicron’s power. Just to beat Optimus?! But yet you have the balls to stop me when I'm in my rage, my decepticon side?! Remember what happened last time you tried to stop me when this side of me came out I nearly killed your whole army and you as well. How could you I...this is what you wanted from me to claim this side of myself to be like you.”

“I never wanted you to be like me! You may have some of my charastics but for you to do this, where is the honor in that? What you're doing is for revenge after you get what you want. What will you do next? You will hurt your pride and honor, you will feel nothing but numb, cold hearted.”

“Like you? All you wanted was power and to rule Cybertron,revenge as well. So you tell me who is truly the villain here?” She said.

Stunned by her words, has she been holding back what she’s been wanting to say all this time?

“And don’t get me started on Optimus either. I’m ending this now, either you like it or not and no one is going to stop me!”

She is ready to kill him. She had her sword in mid air till.

“Deathstar no!”

That voice that can’t be.



(OMG!!!!! This damn chapter took me forever!! I just kept getting a damn writers block then rewriting it so many freaking times I lost count just to get it right!! I am so sorry everyone for the wait I hope you do enjoy this chapter Stay beautiful my people this chick is out!!)

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