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"Dude we are supposed to be at a rock concert! This is just rock." Miko said.

"Well you do have the rock part right." Jack said.

"We gotta check out the energon deposit first before you guys can go anywhere, luckily it's nothing dangerous." I said.

"Mama look! I can fly!" Omega trying to fly by jumping off the rocks.

Oh my Omega, he's been trying to fly for the past week or so. The closest thing he can do for flying is jumping in the air.

"You almost had it there bud! Just a little bit more practice I'm sure you will be flying in no time!" Miko said.

"He seems so determined, do you think he will be able to fly?" Arcee asked.

"I do hope so but with his wings the way they are I'm not sure. I don't want to down him, I'm sure I don't want to get everyone's hopes up either…" I said.

I looked back at Jack. There's no Miko nor Omega.

"Where's Omega?" I asked Jack.

"They went inside." Jack answered.

"And you didn't bother to stop them?!"

"Have you met Miko?"

"Have you been taking care of Omega since day one? *Puts hands on hips giving a look of sass.*"

"I'm sure there is nothing to worry much about but let's go before you start having a panic attack." Bulkhead said.

We all went in without anyone else knowing the deceptions have also arrived.

"Whoa check out this space, this would have been great for rehearsal!! What do you think Omega?" Miko questioned.

"Yeah!! Oohhhh you think people will like me?" Omega asked.

"I'm sure they will love you, you're the cutest thing ever." She said.

"Miko, Omega you are not supposed to run off like that." Bulkhead said.

"Sorry but this place is awesome to have for band practice."

"Don't ever do that again you scared mama to death." I said to Omega.

"Sorry mama I just wanted to explore." He said.

"We can explore together, you're still young anything could happen to you I wouldn't forgive myself of you getting hurt."

"Ok mama I understand."

"*Picks him up* Don't be sad, ok mama's just worried that's all."

"Hey Deathstar I'm picking up some readings of energon it's weak but it's something." Bulkhead said.

"We better get a sample for Ratchet then.*looks around* Where is Arcee and Jack were just right behind me.*comms Arcee* Arcee can you read me?"


"Arcee come in? Scrap the minerals of the rock are affecting the comm links."

"I'll work on this, you can go ahead and search for them." He said.

"Sounds like a plan Miko you are to stay with Bulkhead."

"Don't worry I got him covered." Miko said.

"Alright be careful who knows what could be going on here." I said.

I left them to find the others. I let Omega down so he could walk, he didn't go too far away from me. We just entered into a bigger area, while looking around I saw decepticon mining equipment here. I thought everything went back to my father? Whoever did this is in major trouble especially when energon is left behind.

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