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“Dude what are you doing here?”

“Well long story short I was chasing an energon trail, well I found it but then somehow I managed to get stuck while unconscious and now I'm here stuck on this ship.” Bulkhead said.

“Bulkhead are you nuts?! Arriving on this ship, Soundwave is gonna find you!”

“Ain't this a peach!”

We both looked over to the voice welp it's none other than Starscream.

“Really….Starscream again? Don't you got some other leader to defeat besides my father?” I said.

Bulk looked at me.

“No offense but I'm getting tired of the same old thing every single time.”

“Scrap him?” Bulk asked.

“A pleasure.” I said while smirking.

We tore up Starscream then we left. I was thinking about using the main quarters to get Bulkhead out of here. I forgot my fathers there so we had to go the old fashion way.

“Really the vents?” Bulk questioned.

“It's the only way out of sight so Soundwave can't detect you, along with everyone else. Sorry.”

“Better safe than sorry, Deathstar.”

“Be careful once you hit the end there will be a huge supply room, that's where we keep most of the energon there. Since the ship takes so much you need to hit a vein of it, once you do that the ship will go down.”

“Seems like you already have this planned out before.”

“Once Bulkhead, that's all it took.”

“Mama? Why are you talking to the vents?” Omega asked.

“Oh hi Omega, what are you doing here?” I asked him.

“I thought I smelled Bulkhead.” He answered.

“Holy, Omega is that you?!” Bulkhead said excitedly.

“*Almost like a hanging upside down, with big optics happily, waves excitedly* hi!!!” Omega said happy.

“He's in his bioform?! He finally did it!!”

“Yes he did, we are getting off topic here. Bulkhead time to go before anyone notices something going on here.” I said

“Right, sorry, hey kid next time you and me battle field.” Bulkhead said.


“No! Bulk now please go before you get him going.”

He started crawling away while chuckling. I just shook my head, I faced Omega and he's dancing? I raised my eyebrow at him trying to understand him. Eh, can't blame him for getting excited. As we walked to the main headquarters, we met my father in the hallway, he doesn't look too happy.

“Father? Is everything alright?” I asked.

I pray that he didn't find Bulkhead.

“We have an intruder, Starscream is on board.” He answered.


He gave me a weird look.

“I just scrapped Starscream near the energon storage.”

“I see, my dear child. Seems like we are in a predicament here.”

We just entered the main headquarters, every bot there is dead and then there was Starscream.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2023 ⏰

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