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"You can't catch me poppop!" Omega yelled out.

"Oh yes I can come here you!!" I yelled.

Where to begin on this little chae of ours. Omega has been begging me to play this little game of his tag I believe it's called. To make it fair for him to run we used "Lucy", it feels like 2 against 1 tactic. I forgot how it feels to play with the little ones hearing their laughter, having fun, it makes me miss the old day's with Deathstar.

"Mama we got to run! Poppop is behind us!" He shouted.

"Father? Are you playing tag with Omega?" Deathstar questioned.

"*Pants* Yes I am 2 against 1 is Avantage for him *pants* Oh dear Primus I haven't ran like this in ages." I said.

"You're getting old."

"*Glares at her* Say that again dear daughter of mine."

"Lucy you are dismissed along with Omega. Mama is about to run for her life now."

"Mama what are you?"

"You are a old mech father!!" She yelled out.

"Get back here!"

I started to chase after her. It was a good 30 minutes till she started to slow down.

"Keep going mama!! Poppop is just awond the thingy!" Omega shouted.

"What in the name of the allspark is going on?!"

Oh great it's Starscream. I heard them halt for a moment I didn't let that coward see me. I wonder what he will do or who he will blame just for a game.

"That's none of your business Screamer." Deathstar said.

"What it looks like you and your predacon pet are fooling around instead of working like the others! Do you have any idea how much trouble you will be in by Lord Megatron?!"

"Tell me Starscream what trouble would my daughter be in when she is already working." I said coming out from the corner.

"Oh m-master her and."

"I do not want to hear any excuses from you! You do not the right to try and yell at my daughter or her son! You don't know what it's like to raise a child on your own 24/7 every single day. Now if I were you I'd shut up turn around and mind your own damn business." I warned him.

Starscream hurried, cowardly away from us. I looked at Omega, he had tears streaming from his optics. Before Deathstar could take him, I took him into my arms, hugging him tight.

"It's ok Omega his words don't mean anything." I said.

"He called me Mama's pet." Omega said.

"I will deal with him later, right now let's take care of you and mama. Would you like to make some energon sweets with me?" I asked him.

"Yes poppop." Omega answered.

"Thank you father for cheering him up. Ever since we've been here more Starscream has been out of line." Deathstar said.

"I'll leave a nice message to everyone."

Deathstar point of view

Father meant what he said just had to make sure Omega didn't hear it. After that little message we went to one of the energon caves, father was checking up on them till we heard someone coming. Red and white color scheme. Ratchet? What's he doing here?

"Ratchet? Is everything ok? Are the autobots in trouble?" I asked a lot of questions.

" The autobots are fine Deathstar. I'm after Megatron." Ratchet said.

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