6 part 1

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I haven't been the same since that nightmare I've been more on edge with everything. I've tried talking to Ratchet but it helped very little. Me and Bubble bee are on patrol around Jasper nothing there so far all seems to quiet in my liking. Something doesn't feel right I couldn't tell with the edgy feeling I keep having maybe I'm just paranoid not sure honestly. I was so lost in thought I didn't even know Bee stopped luckily I stopped before I ran into him. Bee was looking at something or someone, all the sudden there's a thick fog coming out of nowhere this is not the weather of Jasper. I heard him transform so I followed his lead. We couldn't see what was happening, this isn't good. My lower back hits againsts Bee's back this felt like a stand off but being blinded. We have no clue who we are against in the fog, I kept hearing what sounds like footsteps around us. Before I could get my shadow claws out I felt Bee missing.

“Bee!” I called out.

No answer.

“Bubble bee this isn't funny!”

Still no answer.


This can't be happening when I turned around I seen a bot it looked like Bee, it wasn't him. I was gonna run for it but then I blacked out. When I woke up I was in chains and needles, I groaned in pain it felt like someone either drugged me or hit me in the back of my head. I looked around the room this is so creepy tubes of dead creatures everywhere some look like they escape but killed in sight. The look of their wounds it looks like drill holes or shot or claw marks each one is different. When I put my head down just to rest I seen I was above a tube myself. I was going to be part of the creatures. I started to pull from the chains it's too painful to break out from. I went to pull off the needles I couldn't they were locked in me. I looked to search for Bee, he is nowhere in sight.

“Damnit.” I whispered harshly.

I wasn't about to give up, I pulled the chains with all my strength they moved very slow then on my left finally broke. One by one I pulled off I'm free until I dumped myself into the tube. I brought out my claws to break the glass, it didn't work I started to find another way out. I tend to look up I seen the top of the tube closed by a metal lid it must have just closed on me once I fell in. Must be automatic nice, I let myself sink to the bottom then used all I have left of my strength to open the top like a soda can. It popped off I'm finally getting out of this damn tube but I couldn't stop there I had to look for Bee. Once I hit the ground, I was so weak from everything I was doing just to get out from this scrape. My body started to move on its own my mind was fuzzy, I felt sick I didn't let that stop me from looking for Bee. It took me forever to find him till I found a room that I didn't check before. I took a peak in there and there was this bot that looked just like him and everything….wait is that Bee? He's laying there on a lab table looks like he's passed out when I was about to go in there until two boys showed up. I've never seen these two before I couldn't tell if they were decepticons or not. I have to get to him out of there before I did I felt someone picking me up off my feet I tried to kick them away from me but I couldn't.

“Deathstar stop fighting why are you all wet?”

The unknown voice spoke to me I couldn't see who it was but the it sounds familiar.

“Sire they put me in a tube with needles it hurt so much.”

I don't know what I'm talking about this is all new I can feel like I have no control of my body or my voice what so ever. I realize I was talking to my father everything felt so wrong this place scares me to death.

“My little one did you see who it was?” He asked worrying.

“No I didn't, once I got out I went straight here then I seen what they were doing to that bot they are killing him I have to save him this is not right.” I said.

“Don't you see he is a Autobot our enemy if they don't give us what we want we kill them.”

“Is that what's going to happen to me?” I questioned while crying.

My body shuck in fear, hurt, and sadness was my father willing to kill his own daughter?

“No no I will never let that happen my little creation your so important to me and your carrier she wouldn't like that what so ever.”

“Ok sire….sire?”


“Can we let him go just this one time?” I asked him.

He looked at me then looked back at the lab, sighed. He must know this is not a easy choice to make.

“Yes we can, remove that yellow bug out of here now!!” He answered and demanded.

They were confused at first then they removed him before getting into trouble. I watched them leave within our sights I seen his condition he looks so damaged almost unrecognizable but his color looks yellow like Bubble bee. Wait that is Bee!! I tried to move with all my might but I couldnt.


“Yes sire?”

“ No matter what happens I will always protect you ok.”

“Ok can we go eat please I'm starving.”

“*Chuckles* your always starving.”

“Not my fault I gotta make my paint job look perfect.”

“It looks fine sweetie, I'm gonna kill him for teaching you this stuff.”

“No please don't.”



My father sounds happy but also demanding too, was he a leader before? Within his voice everytime I talked he sounded defeated by me. I'm his weakness but did everyone know or just him and Optimus. More and more questions are adding up but none are being answered. What is this? Was this a dream or a memory? How did this happened I was with Bee on patrol until the fog showed up. Fog doesn't do this to humans does it? No not to us but yet I'm here why is this happening to me this makes no sense. Oh Bee where are you I need you I feel so alone….So many things are running through my head it's driving me crazy. Then all of a sudden everything went black except a blue light, I started to walk to it wondering what it was till.


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