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How can this be? Is she alive? She can’t be I saw her die right in front of my optics, the birth was risky for her I don’t understand. Sunset my love, how are you here?

“Deathstar my daughter, this isn’t you. I know you're beyond angry for every reason against him but your sire is right. This isn’t the way, he knows from experience along with his wrong doings. But he does it with honor.” Sunset said.

“What honor does Tyrest have? For what he did to me, to others. He has none! Everyone has suffered by his own damn bloody hands, are soaked with death wherever he goes. Those bots and I deserve our revenge. It's time to end his nightmare ways once and for all!! As for father, where is his honor when he killed everyone on Cybertron, those innocent bots who got stuck in the middle!!” Deathstar said with anger.

I felt my chest hurt for the first time in years. I didn’t think Deathstar would go this far for saying her words, doing this type of action, has she been holding back her anger this whole time? Before she could attack Tyrest Sunset grabbed her arm and quickly kicked our daughter in the adamond knocking her unconscious within a blink of an optic. Sunset carried our daughter to me then went to Tyrest. I checked out Deathstar for any wounds from Sunset and the fighting of the terrorcons, her scar was leaking out of energon, she pushed herself too much. Then I heard Tyrest scream and my head snapped towards their way. My beloved was pushing him to the ground where Deathstar had wounded him. She was punishing him for his crimes.

“This time Tyrest you went too far, you will pay for your crimes with the experiments that you have created. No more cheating death, no more of your clones being set free,and no more harming my daughter! Your action from Cybertron and from Earth will determine your fate.” Sunset said.

A beam of light came out of nowhere shining on him. This reminds me too much of that day.

*Flash back*

“It’s decided we all have agreed on this day forward Orion Pax will be the next prime.” Sunset said.

I can’t believe it. Even Sunset, my sparkmate, chose Orion to be the next prime instead of me. The blue glow faded away after confirming him his place. I walked away as soon as those words were said. I felt her worry about me through our bond. I tried to reassure her that I am fine. I try not to take it out on my love but my anger took over me.

*Flash back*

“Beyond many things you have done on this day forward, Tyrest death shall be your prison and there will be no way for you or anyone to bring you back from the dead. Not even Unicron himself won’t be able to help you.”

“One way or another my legacy will go on dear Sunset. Someone will continue my work so I won’t have too. Thank you for setting me to my freedom so I can be reborn again.” Tyrest said.

The beam of light has turned into a death ray killing Tyrest instantly. Nothing was heard from him, not even a scream and that sends chills down my spine. Once the dust was cleared out he was no longer there, I sighed in relief the nightmare had finally ended. I looked at Deathstar then to Sunset, she was holding something in her hands. I believe it's our daughter's spark.

“I believe this is her’s my gladiator.” Sunset said.

“Yes it is my love.” I said.

Sunset returned Deathstar’s missing piece, her scar has disappeared along with the leaking energon. She isn’t waking up anytime soon, I looked at my beloved with a smile on my face.

“So how is it that you're alive?” I questioned

“I’m not nor I’m dead but I will have to return soon my love.” Sunset answered.

“Please stay.”

“As I wish I could *places her hand on my cheek* I miss you so much as much you miss me. There isn’t a day I don’t think about us being together again and one day we will be my gladiator. I must go now Megatronus.”

I felt my spark break once again. It pains me not seeing her, not having her by my side. She kissed me before she left, I saw her vanishing in thin air into the fog. The terrorcons stood there waiting for a command. I had enough for today. I believe everyone else has too. They all collapsed to the ground, it’s time to return to our bases.

*Time skip 3 weeks later* 

After everyone left the energon mine it was just me and Optimus. We put our weapons away and along with our differences for now. 

“How is Deathstar Optimus?” I asked.

“She is doing well, she just returned from patrol early due to Omega. He couldn’t sit still for her. His patience level is really low, that's what she tells me.” Optimus said.

“He really doesn’t have any I swear.” I chuckled.

“She would like to talk to you when you can.”

“I know just not right now she isn’t fully healed. I would rather have her in full health instead of coming on my ship the way she is.”


“Prime, please keep her safe.”

“I will.”

Then we went our separate ways. As much as I want to see my daughter I couldn’t not now. Unicron is slowly waking up from his slumber, what triggered him is when me and Tyrest battled. Between the both of us I’m sure my master felt it. Soon he will awaken and we will need all the dark energon we can get. Sadly Deathstar is here I don’t want her to see me when the times comes.

Deathstar’s point of view

“Omega stop it, that's not a toy!  Deathstar get your predacon out of medbay away from my tools please!” Ratchet yelled out.

“Sorry Ratchet Bee needed help with his wing, it popped out of place.” I said.

I pulled the wrench away from Omega. He must be teething again. He hasn’t stopped since last week and it keeps getting worse each day. Omega gave me the puppy eyes hoping I would give in.

“You know better than to give me the puppy eyes now come on, it's time for your bath.”

Then he ran away from me.

“Better go get him before he gets into something he shouldn’t.” Ratchet said.

“Yeah later Ratchet.”

I went after him, I knew where exactly he was heading too. His favorite spot under the pipes in the hallway near the training room, always.

“Omega *Looks underneath the pipes* Come on there is no point of hiding. We do this every time when you need a bath.” I said.


What the.

“Did you just speak?”

“No bath!”

“Omega come on out please.”

He did, I wasn’t expecting him to be in his bioform but yet again there isn’t really any type of evidence of the predacons transforming into their bioforms.

“How did you?”

“No bath!” He interrupted by shouting.

“I’m not worried about that right now. How did you transform into your bioform? Have you been watching us Omega?”


“You are the first of your predacon species to transform into your bioform oh wait till Ratchet sees this.”

“P-Predacon what’s that?” He questioned.

“That’s your species, your race, it's what you are.” I answered.

“Ok can I go play now momma?”

Oh dear.

“After we visit Ratchet ok *picks him up* this is so weird for you and me.”

“Momma, after ratchy then I can go play with no bath?”

“Depends how well you can behave.”

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