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Breakdown's point of view

Lord Megatron was in rage especially with Starscream nearly killed him. Deathstar was now resting with a new chest armor, there wasn't much to do with her spark. Knockout did his best normally this wouldn't happen.

Knockout's point of view

How could these fleshings do this to Deathstar, especially Tyrest how could he. Everyone knew his desire for her but this? I didn't think he would go for her spark, her energon is more special than her spark unless he see something that we don't.

Starscream's point of view

How could he do this to me!! Nearly ending my life over his daughter dying, has he grown weak?! Just because Deathstar is his daughter she gets special treatment first! I come first I've been in second command way longer than Deathstar life!! I've been there thick and thin for our master, but noooo ever since finding out she lives he completely forgets who his second commander was! If I was leader I would have let her die like the first time on Cybertron and then throw out Megatron and others who are weak, who stands in my way!!

Deathstar's point of view

I started to wake up everything felt so heavy. Once I felt fully awake I slowly sat up. I found Omega asleep on my lap, I smiled. He woke up due to my touch of my hand.

"*Whines sadly*"

"It's ok Omega I'm feeling a bit better now don't feel sad ok." I said.


"I know this sucks trust me I don't like it either. Where is everyone?"

"*Shakes body goes around in circles lays down again*"

"Not gonna tell me huh?"

"*Growls low*"

"Figured looks like I gotta walk around to find someone."

"*Shake head*"

"What do you mean no? No one knows I'm awake."


"Don't huff at me Mr."

"*Huff's again*"


Omega decided just to go to sleep, that little predacon is truly something else. Before I could comm link someone Soundwave came in.

"Hello Soundwave."

"Hello Deathstar." He said in his normal voice.

When we get a chance to be alone he uses his normal voice instead of using voice recordings it can be very confusing especially when he uses someone else's voice when they are in the same room.

"Where is everyone?" I asked.


"What mission?"

"Classified." He said.

"Of course it is, they won't be able to find them it's nearly impossible till they pop up out of no where when they need something or someone." I said.

They aren't going to find them even with a hacker like Soundwave or Raf. Father must be angry leaving me in the dark like this, whatever he is doing its not gonna work. After awhile I went back to sleep till I heard someone yelling.

"How could you lose them?! We had their signal!!"

That must be my father.

“They must have gone underground or jammed their signal.”

“Find them now or else I'll rip out your spark and I will give it to them. Do you understand me!!”

“Yes master.”

He’s not gonna find them he’s gonna be killed. I heard the door open and it was either Starscream or my father coming in. I pulled myself up to be at eye level with whoever it is.

“You shouldn’t be pulling yourself up.”

Must be father.

“I’m fine.”

“Deathstar you are not fine, your spark was tampered, how can you say you’re fine?”

“And you don’t think I know that? I’ve been knocked out, probably experimented on, near death throughout my whole life, and some more. This isn’t new father.” I snapped.

“You could have died! Do you really think I want to lose you like how I lost your mother?!” He yelled.

I didn’t know how to react. This is the first time he ever yelled at me since I’ve been here.

“Some vehicons will take you to your room, I’ve got some work to do.”

“I can do it myself. I don’t need your help.”

I ignored the pain in my chest, picked up Omega then left my father by himself. I couldn’t help but to cry. I didn’t go to my room. I walked wherever my legs took me. I need a moment to myself away from my father. Pain started to grow in my chest. I did my best just to ignore it. Day turns to night, less activity gives me more of a chance not to see him. I quickly went to the nearest control panel with a ground bridge surprisingly no one was guarding it. I put in some couridents hopefully the Autobots can find me before my father knows that I disappeared on him. 

Megatron’s point of view

I can’t believe I did that to her, I never yell at her. She needs to understand I can’t lose her, not again. Lately I've distanced myself from her from everyone. Deathstar must feel alone, being a leader and a sire isn’t easy. My mind has been all over the place looking for energon, Tyrest, Autobot base, making sure everyone is in their place before I make them. Oh my daughter I’m so sorry I shouldn’t have said anything like that to you including your carrier. What have I done.

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