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Another day another work at base. Optimus and Bee are on scouting patrol, Acree went with Jack for "work". Sometimes I wonder besides being here almost all the time when do I go on scouting patrol or solo missions. I always have someone with or I join someone it never fails but it does get me out from base though more freedom to me. This is Deathstar signing out.

"Hey Deathstar want to join me, we are going to Greece." Bulkhead said.

"Who is we?" I questioned.

"Miko and me, she is in trouble for not doing her history paper in class." He answered.

"Dude don't tell her or else she will make me actually do it! Last time she done this I got it done and no trouble! That ain't me, that ain't no Miko this ain't her style!!" Miko said very loud.

All I saw from Bulkhead was a smirk then Miko went into hiding. I started to laugh at her because it's true I will make her do her own work and done too. I nodded my head yes to join.

"Deathstar is joining us, Miko."

"Nooooo!!!" She yelled behind the stairs.

Stop being so over dramatic, come on it's time to go." I said.

She stepped out from the stairs, with a pout face on. Miko hates it when this happens to her especially with me but now she has been tagged teamed. We went to Greece nothing so far, we just crossover a painting that looks like they have a energon orb or something like that. Miko took a picture of it, hopefully she can remember to look it up.

"Deathstar how, your dead." A ruff voice said behind us.

When we turned around our luck had changed.

"How do you know my name?" I questioned him.

"Don't you remember me, Breakdown." He said.

"Breakdown, what are you doing here?" Bulk questioned.

"None of your concern but what is she doing here, also alive too I was told she was dead." Breakdown said.

"Dead by who? I survived that ambush by the con seekers barely made it out everything damaged with no past of myself." I said.

"You do have have a past with us!" Breakdown kind of yelled at.

"She is no decepticon Breakdown you know that!" Bulkhead said.

"What did you do to her you brainwashed her you used her what have you done to my Deathstar!!" Breakdown yelled.

His...his! Oh no I am no one's damn sparkmate, or at least last time I can remember.

"You have a pet can it fetch!"

Breakdown threw a pillar at Miko luckily Bulk protected her. While everyone was busy with each other I took this opportunity to attack Breakdown. I ran towards him throwing a punch in his face. He dodge it, grabbed my arm slammed me to the ground.

"Stop Deathstar please I don't want to hurt you." He said.

"Look here Breakdown I don't work for the cons I never did I may not remember from my past but I know I am not a decepticon!!" I yelled.

I knocked him down with my legs hoping to by some time for them to go back to base. I saw them drove off yes they got away but not me. While he was knocked down I tried to run but I was knocked down, Breakdown grabbed my leg before I could run. I kicked him with my other leg in the face I'm hoping it works. He ain't moving for the life of me, I'm not giving up I'm not going to be captured by the cons. Luckily he let go of me I changed quickly drove off as fast as I can but no he had to follow me, I gotta think of something fast I can't lead him back to our base or else our location will be blowned. He slammed me on my side, he doesn't know when to quit he was about to do it again till I slammed on my breaks on him he missed. Then a ground bridge appeared I couldn't tell if it was mine or not. I heard my name called through there it's mine. I drove there quickly before Breakdown could get me then the bridge shut down once I entered base. I transformed back to my bot form out of breath, I seen everyone is here plus a worry prime. I looked at him the most he must know everything from Bulkhead. I really couldn't talk because of my temper raising I knew it was going to be bad if  I opened my mouth.

"Deathstar I." Optimus begin to speak but didn't finish, I cut him off.

" What Optimus you going to say ' I had no idea Breakdown knew you' or some type of idea?"


"Well I have no fragging idea what the frag is going on this is the second time a decepticon claimed me as dead and they knew who I was to them!" I snapped.


"What are you hiding from me that's so secret that the others have no clue this is happening to one of their team mates?"

Everyone is silent no one is speaking not even Optimus. I felt energon leaking from my optics I couldn't help but to cry. My head was down looking at my feet, I couldn't look at anyone not even the kids I'm a emotional wreck right now it's hard to handle all I can do is just cry. I felt my knees collapsed to the floor I didn't feel it I'm to numb to feel pain, actually to feel anything. My vision is blurry I have no idea what's going on before I blacked out I remember everyone giving me a hug including the kids. I felt happy but also angry too I don't blame Optimus for this what so ever but there are something's that must be told before someone else tells you.

Breakdowns point of view

I enter in Knockouts medical lab my mind has been spinning around since I saw Deathstar. She is all grown up now and doesn't remember us at all. A part of me didn't want to believe that she doesn't remember but yet...the way she talked her look at me....it was disbelief of what I was saying is true.

" Hey there you big lugnut how was the mission?" Knockout asked.

"I found what I was looking for but... there's more to it." I answered.

"Oooohhhh please do tell."

" Autobots was there and....so was Deathstar."

"What that's impossible she died back on Cybertron when it was still living how is she?!"

"I'm not sure but she doesn't remember nothing of us, I think the autobots brainwashed her fully to become one of them."

"Breakdown really she is a part of them and a part of us too you know that Optimus will never do such a thing." He said.

"I know she had a look of disbelief then talked about a ambush from us that almost killed her and."

"Wait what ambush?" He cut me off and questioned.

"Seekers" I answered.

"What happened after that?"

"She said it wipped out her past and she is no con."

"Oh dear this ain't good at all we must not tell Starscream that Deathstar is alive or else, I don't care if Soundwave hears us but he to knows that Starscream isn't the right heir to the thrown Deathstar is." He said.

"But she doesn't know." I said.

"I know Breakdown but for now let's keep this to ourselves before anything could get worse alright."

"*Sighs* Alright."

"Good let's go back down to earth and go for a drive it might help us."

I just nodded my head then went to earth again. I couldn't stop thinking about her I know Ko couldn't either the way he is driving it's like a mod bot on the road. Hopefully Starscream doesn't find out about Deathstar living or else he will try to kill her again.

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