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Deathstar point of view

I was only there for part of the mission for the energon harvester. When the kids went to pick the harvester, they did a good job till the cons showed up and messed up our mission. I kicked Knockout in the face, his eyes were in shock to see me. Yay another con probably knows about me like Breakdown did, this is really getting on my nerves and pissing me off too. I heard what sounded like a jet I looked up it was Soundwave he has the harvester. Breakdown and Knockout retreat back to Greece, the mission is almost completed. I helped Optimus to get back up on his feet, he's barely conscious from the shock, from Ko staff it almost paralyzed him. The way he had Optimus pinned down gave us a scare. Lucky he is still moving trying to wake up, we went back to base Ratchet checked him out, there is no sign of Bulkhead my instincts kicked in. I checked on the ground bridge when it was lasted used it wasn't to long ago. I looked around no one was paying attention, I opened it up went to Bulkheads location by the time I was there the cons left everything destroyed. I seen Bulkhead laying on the ground weak, they must have used the harvester on him. I went to his side he's barely moving around till I helped him up then went back to base. Everyone was resting but me and Ratchet, I was helping him out for awhile till he ordered me to go recharge for the night, I'm not tired just moody from every thing happening. It sucks sometimes because every once in a awhile I'll lose my temper for no reason. I entered my berthroom I just layed there wide awake thinking of some questions about the cons and what is up with their reaction here lately. With all this thinking I was doing it put me to sleep. It had to be midnight or so longer I was moving around alot something I rarely do in my recharging. I was having a nightmare, I was back on Cybertron running from something or someone, I felt the energon rushing through my veins. I heard a evil laugh it sounds familiar I couldn't tell who it was, I just seen the autobots till everything turned black. I heard sounds like chains smashing against the wall, groans from someone in pain or unconscious waking. I couldn't see the room only I could hear things, it sounded like I was in a ship being held as a prisoner or a trophy. It was hard to make out from the voices but one, Tyrest. Out of all the boys he had to appear now.

"Hello my dearest missed me?" Tyrest questioned.

All I did was stayed in silence, I heard him walking around me probably looking at my body frame and everything.

" Not gonna talk fine by me, till you beg to stop."

I didn't know what he meant by that till I felt needles go in my arms, legs, neck, it was painful but I held it in.

"I know where you are my princess your with the autobots in a secret base on Earth but don't worry I will get you and no one will stop not even your site!!"

I felt my spark racing the way he is saying this, this mustn't be true he doesn't know where I am. It must be memories from our last encounter it must be right? I started to struggle against the chains but couldn't move out from them.

"You can try all your strength but it's not going to work, you'll never get out here daughter of Megatron!"

That's when I woke up screaming the top of my lungs, I heard everyone rushing to my room. I sat up trying to catch my breath to calm down, it's not working when I looked over everyone was in looking around with their blasters out searching. I jumped when Bee put his hand on my shoulder he was making sure if I was alright. To be honest I wasn't ok I was actually scared from what Tyrest said but what he said it's not true was it? The whole daughter of Megatron thing it must be fake just trying to scare me more right? I mean come on he doesn't have children of his own he is evil, plus he has Unicrons blood running through his veins trying to kill us there is no way in pits of Cybertron that I am his daughter.

"*Hey Deathstar are you ok?*" Been asked.

"No...I had a nightmare I think...it was about Tyrest..."

"Tyrest why would you dream about him?" Ratchet questioned.

"I'm not sure...all I remember was him talking about....he "knows" where I am...I couldn't tell if it was fake or real....it sounded so creepy. Then he told me that I was the daughter of Megatron that's when I woke up and screamed." I answered.

" You must have been dreaming there is no way your his child I mean look at you, your not evil or anything like him." Bulkhead said.

"Thanks Bulk"

"I have to say that is weird if you think about it I mean one the cons were so surprised to see her alive two Tyrest keeps mentioning about her sire then tells her that Megatron is her sire, something fishy is going on there is some connection to it don't you think?" Arcee said.

"I'm not sure what's going on but that is a good point." Ratchet said.

"Everyone get some rest we will deal about this later." Optimus said.

I couldn't help but think what if Arcee is right there is some connection to it oh boy I hope it's not true. Does Optimus know he would have told me wouldn't he. I didn't realize everyone left my room except for Optimus. He sat next to me, looking worried he knows I don't ever lie about this type of stuff.

" Deathstar, the time for you to know the truth is coming soon, a little too soon." He said.

"Optimus you know you can't keep up with this."

"I know..."

" So stop being a over protective father and let it naturally happen no matter what the autobots will always be my family." I said.

"Alright, try to get some rest you need it."

"It's hard to when this just happened and the connection is so strong I can feel it sadly like I know something from long ago, was I a con Optimus was I?"

"No you were not you are something more you are a autobot you are always been one of us."

"Thanks Optimus"

I finally fell asleep with ease.

Optimus point of view

I had no choice but to lie to her. She isn't ready for this truth of her sire, how will she react if I did tell her. I promised her mother if anything happens to Megatron I will raise her as my own sparkling. But the roles have switched with a cost, I don't want Deathstar hurt she is family to me like a daughter I never had before. She maybe a part of us....but she is a part of Megatron too, with Tyrest on the loose he will tell her everything. She won't believe him....I don't know even if I can tell her.... She deserves the truth about Megatron her sire.

(Yay another chapter done sorry took so long hope u beautiful people like it this chick is out!

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