Chapter 1

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It was 9pm on a Sunday and I was laying down in my bed, watching a documentary on my computer. This is all I've been for the past three months. Because of how many dramas are going on, I haven't been able to get a part yet from my manager. Many of my fans think I'm injured or I'm on a hiatus, but I just haven't gotten offered any roles in a while. This is pretty beneficial to me though since last year was the craziest year of my life. I was offered many roles for so many different genres of dramas and I accepted a lot of them, which gave me a lot of stress. It was worth it though since I got some awards for them and got more publicity. My first drama was with ASTRO's Cha Eunwoo, which made me well-known towards K-pop fans, so before last year, I was able to make a name for myself.

However, I was getting bored of being alone and I wanted to see if my manager or any of my friends were available to talk or come over. I live alone in my house and it's too quiet and boring and I feel like I'm gonna die of boredom. I put away my computer and grab my phone, texting my manager only to see that she's already called me 20 times in the past hour. I widen my eyes and quickly call her back, she picks up immediately and I just know she's upset at me.

"Before you yell at me, I was asleep!" I lie and my manager, Sooyeon, laughs.

"I wasn't going to get mad, Jinkyung. I have some good news!" She says excitedly and I smile and sigh in relief.

"What is it? Did my name all of a sudden trend again? Wait that's a bad thing.." I say and Sooyeon laughs again.

"Well... your name is trending... but it's for a good reason! Lee Eungbok, the director of "Descendants of the Sun" is filming a new drama and he wants you to be the female lead!" Sooyeon announces and I almost drop to my knees and cry. I try to hold in my excitement because if I scream, Sooyeon's ear drums will break. I silently jump up and down and I can't stop smiling.

"Jinkyung? Are you there?" Sooyeon asks, I try to collect myself and control my emotions. Words can't describe how happy and excited I was, I took a second to respond and Sooyeon just laughed again.

"Sorry! I'm here, I'm just so happy right now. Me? He really wanted me to be the lead?" I ask.

"Of course! You're Shim Jinkyung, remember? I'm not sure who your co-star is, but I know that he's an idol." Sooyeon says and I nod. My last couple of dramas were with actors, so I'm happy that I get to act with another idol since it went very well the first time.

"When is our first meeting?" I ask.

"Tomorrow at 9am. You better be up and ready by 8:30 so I can pick you up and we'll get there on time." Sooyeon says, I groan because I haven't been getting up early these days. My bedtime has been 2am and I wake up at around 11am or 12pm. I just sigh and nod, telling Sooyeon that I'll be there.

"Good. Now make sure you sleep early, okay? And dress to impress as always." Sooyeon tells me.

"Of course, I know." I say, sitting back down on my bed.

"Alright. See you tomorrow morning." Sooyeon hangs up. I sigh and stand up again, going to my bathroom to take a shower.

While I'm in the shower, I was deep into thought because this is my first role in a while, and it's from Lee Eungbok, the director of "Descendants of the Sun" and "Sweet Home". He personally wanted me to be the female lead. It was all too surreal to believe it and it just made me think about my status as an actress. When I first started acting, I didn't even want to do it. My first roles were on commercials and I was about four or five years old at the time. It wasn't my idea to start acting in the first place, it was all my parents' ideas. They were low on money and they had no other choice but to have me start acting at a young age and eventually grow up to be a big actress. As I grew older, I wasn't able to get big roles and my parents were very disappointed in me. However, I was able to get small cameos, but this didn't satisfy them at all. Unfortunately, they both passed away when I was ten and still struggling and I was left alone with my aunt who I felt was the only one who actually cared about me. She had no children, so she took me in as her own.

She raised me to do whatever I wanted — completely different from my parents — but what she didn't know is that I didn't know what I wanted to do in life. I grew up thinking that my parents were going to take care of my life forever, so I never made my own plans. Since I had no idea what I was meant to do, I just stuck to acting. When I told her I wanted to be a star, she enrolled me in a performing arts school. Nobody recognized me which made me upset because I wanted to be a celebrity, so I worked hard in high school and got into a college for acting and once I graduated early, I started auditioning for bigger roles in dramas and movies instead of just commercials. Once I turned 18, that's when my life started to fall into place.

I got casted into my first role which was for a movie. The movie got good reviews and everyone started to look up my name and get me publicity which eventually got me into many modeling businesses. I met Sooyeon when I was doing my second role in another movie and she has been getting me the best roles ever since. Like I said earlier, last year was the best because of her. I have no idea what I would do if I didn't have Sooyeon as my manager. Anyways, ever since then, I started getting more and more roles, which gave me a lot of publicity and my own fan base. I got my own house and eventually started paying for my own tuition so my aunt didn't have to worry anymore. She still is my #1 and I go to her whenever I need advice or when I'm stressed and unmotivated.

Once I finished my shower, I changed, brushed my teeth, and did my skincare. I went downstairs to close all of the doors and windows in my room and lock the doors. I live in a pretty private area so I didn't have to worry that much, but I'm still scared cause I live in this big house alone. Many celebrities live in this area as well. It's a pretty well-known area. I went back upstairs and went inside my closet, trying to look around and find an outfit for my meeting tomorrow. Choosing an outfit will help me get out of the house easier tomorrow, so I tried my hardest to find an appropriate and presentable outfit. Once I found it, I placed it on my vanity, and went to bed. My alarm is set for 7:30 so that I can wake up and get ready early for Sooyeon. I fell asleep almost instantly because I was so excited for tomorrow.

how was the first chapter? ;)
- j

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