Chapter 5

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Yesterday was amazing. I had my script reading, which went great because of how easy our cast got along, then I went to go get some food with the girl actors. I was the one who invited them, and I was so happy when they agreed to come with me. We had an amazing time and I got to connect to them as an actress. It turns out, all of us had the same hobbies and taste in music. I was so happy that I made friends with them easily. After that, I practiced my lines with San when he called me to dinner. Instead of going out in public, he bought food and we ate at my house. When he left, I found out that I got a lot of brand deals and some are with my favorite makeup brands. I told Sooyeon to accept the brand deal for "DearDahlia" since it's my favorite makeup brand and I've always wanted to work with them. Anyways, yesterday was probably one of the best days of my life so far. Especially only two days after coming back from my acting hiatus.

There was no schedule for the drama (which is called "Tried and Trusted") but Sooyeon and all of the other managers had a meeting together in the morning. I just reviewed my lines by myself in my room and even recorded myself trying to act out the scenes. I did this until it was about 12pm and I realized to get some lunch. I didn't want to leave my
house so I ordered in food and ate while watching some of my previous dramas. I want to show my fans and the netizens that I'm coming back better than ever. Everyone was wondering where I went, now it's my chance to show them how much I've improved while I was gone. To be fair, I didn't really work on my acting skills much during my break, but now that I got the hang of how things work again, I'm ready to improve for everyone. Once I finished eating, San called me.

"Is it okay that I gave your number to Yunho?" He asks and I widen my eyes. Why couldn't he just ask me personally? Why did he want my phone number? And why is my heart beating?

"Yeah, that's fine. Did he say what he needed it for?" I ask.

"No. He was just like "San, give me Jinkyung's number." and I asked "Why?" and he just told me to give it to him. Did something happen between you two?" He asks and I laugh.

"No, don't worry. He probably just has something to tell me or ask about the drama. He seemed really exhausted today and we had a long script reading. Make sure the both of you get some rest, okay?" I say and San hums in response.

"You too, okay? I want you stay healthy always. I can handle being sick but you can't. Always call me if you need me." San says and I smile, nodding my head.

"Thanks, San. I'm gonna go now, talk to you later." I say and San says his goodbye and hangs up. My heart is still beating at the thought of Yunho wanting my number.

A couple of hours go by and it's already 6:30pm. I went to go make dinner for myself since I ordered in for lunch. I scrolled through my aunt's recipes and tried to figure out which one to cook. Before I moved into this house, my aunt made me a special cookbook so that I don't miss her cooking too much. She was literally a queen at cooking and I have no idea how to recreate her recipes. They turn out good for the most part, but they miss one thing, that welcoming and homey feel. While I was turning the pages of the cookbook, my phone started to ring from an unknown number. I quickly declined it and went back to scrolling. Then I received a text.

Hey, Jinkyung. It's me, Yunho.

My heart started to pound again and I closed the cookbook, grabbed my phone, and ran to my bedroom. I laid down on my bed and tried to think of what to text him back. I added his phone number as a contact and added his name before responding.

Hey! What's up?

Nothing really, I'm just practicing my lines.

Haha me too!

So I was wondering if you wanted to get dinner with me? We can practice our lines together since most of our scenes are together if that's okay with you.

My heart started to pound and I could feel my cheeks turning red. Yunho just asked me to dinner and I have no idea how to dress or react. I stared blankly at my ceiling while my stomach had butterflies and I felt like my whole face was red. I looked at my phone again and Yunho still hasn't said anything and he's probably waiting for my response, so I just listened to my head.

Sure! That sounds great! Where should I meet you?

Namsan Tower at 8:00, we're less likely to get caught at this hour and it was the only time they had a reservation

My heart kept beating and I felt like it was about to explode. He made reservations for dinner... he knew he wanted to ask me out. How would San feel about this? Is this why he didn't tell San about anything? I should tell San but at the same time, maybe Yunho doesn't see me that way. I'm not sure how I feel about him either since we just met, but when he first walked into the room (even when he was late on the first meeting), my heart started pounding. Whenever I make eye contact with him, there are butterflies in my stomach and my cheeks heat up. I text Yunho back telling him that I'll be there and I immediately went to my bathroom to shower.

Once I was done in the bathroom, I picked out a nice and comfortable outfit. Since we're going to Namsan Tower at this hour, I should wear pants. So, I picked out a pair of black jeans, a white blouse with a black bow, and a grey tweed blazer. I kept my hair straight and wore a black headband. I wore a natural makeup look but instead of wearing a natural lip color, I wore a bubblegum pink lip gloss. I checked the time and it was already 7:10pm and I had to leave in five minutes or less. I grabbed my clutch and filled it with everything I need, sprayed some perfume, and went downstairs to pick out my shoes. I wore black flats since I'm probably going to be walking a lot. I locked up my house and went to my car, driving to Namsan Tower which is about 30 minutes away from my house.

I arrived at the front and spotted Yunho almost immediately. My heart started to flutter just by looking at him. He was wearing blue jeans, a black dress shirt, and a beige blazer. He caught me just standing there staring at him so he waved at me and I snapped out of my daydream, running towards him.

"You're early!" I say, looking at the time. It was 7:45 and it seemed like Yunho has been here since 7:20 or 7:30.

"I got here early cause I don't wanna repeat what happened at our first meeting." Yunho jokes and I laugh. We both walk into the tower and use the elevator to go to the restaurant.

We sat down across from each other next to the window. There weren't a lot of people in the restaurant luckily, but the staff made sure to hide us as best as possible. We couldn't see anyone walking by and they couldn't see us, it was awesome. I was looking at the menu and realized the prices. The cheapest thing on the menu is about $50 and the most expensive is around $130. Yunho seemed like he was unbothered, so I didn't want to make a big fuss about the bill. I'll split the bill with him either way. The waiter came by and poured us a glass of water and Yunho ordered the appetizers.

"Have you been here before?" I ask and Yunho nods.

"Yeah, I've been here with my girl- I've been here with my family before." Yunho smiles and I nod.

"I haven't been here before. What's good here?" I ask, Yunho looks at the menu and hums.

"I'll order for you. Are you allergic to anything?" He asks and I shake my head, he smiles at me again.

The waiter comes back with the appetizers and Yunho and I start to eat. We were talking about our favorite things such as colors, animals, and types of music, as well as our hobbies and all of that. I asked him about how he knew he wanted to be an idol and he asked me when I started acting. We ate and talked and when we were done with our main courses, the waiter came back and gave us a cake with hearts on it.

"We didn't order this?" I ask, Yunho smiles.

"I did." He says.


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