Chapter 28

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I woke up this morning and I immediately had to get ready and start filming. San and Jinkyung left right after we finished yesterday and I was alone in this house with my manager. I woke up, went to do my normal morning routine, and got changed into my wardrobe. The makeup artists and hair stylists didn't have to come here because I was filming when I first wake up. It was 7:30am and if we get all of our filming done today, we can go home early. I got my mic on and I had to go back into bed to start filming. Mr. Lee called action and I pretended I was still sleeping. I had a pre-recorded monologue at this part, so I just laid here for about five minutes. Then I got up and looked around, sighing. I have another monologue here so I was just repeating what I did this morning.

Then we filmed on the beach and I was staring at the ocean. It was 8:30am and the sun was already up. I don't have any dialogue until the afternoon, when I have to call my on-screen parents and tell them where I am because Jinkyung and I went to Jeju without telling them. I had to stare at the ocean waves for like 30 minutes since I have a long monologue here. Once I was done, I went to go to our next location, which is a restaurant near the beach. I just ate in silence and basically did everything in silence because I was deep in thought because of what happened the day before. I actually enjoyed just spacing out because I was still thinking about my plan that the ATEEZ members helped me make to confess to Jinkyung. Hopefully we finish filming today and I can come back to Seoul a day early and have a day off where I can find Jinkyung.

We took a break after a couple of hours of filming and I just sat down, texting my members. They were talking to San and I about Jinkyung's personality and if she's a good enough girl for me. I just smiled as San defended Jinkyung and I and told them that we're a legendary couple. I was glad that San was letting me date Jinkyung, but I couldn't help but still believe he has feelings for her. He keeps telling me over and over to trust him and I do but I'm still scared. No matter how many times he reassures me that he's going to get over his crush on Jinkyung, I just can't seem to fully believe him. He's always attached to her so how is he going to get over her? Maybe if Jinkyung and I start dating, he'll take more time to himself instead of focusing on Jinkyung all the time.

What if she rejects Yunho?

She won't reject him.

How can you be so sure? Is she 100% set on Yunho? Do you know for sure that she returns his feelings?

She told me everything and she's in LOVE with Yunho and I mean IN LOVE. There's no way she could reject him.

How long have you two known each other? How can she be in love with Yunho?

I've known her for over four months now and I just think San is exaggerating when he's saying she's in love with me.

Yeah I figured there's no way she can be in love with you just by knowing you for four months.

I guess I did exaggerate a little bit but my point is that she's not going to reject him.

Wait if Jinkyung is the opposite of San doesn't that mean that she's super quiet and doesn't laugh a lot?

She's not completely the opposite of San. She's similar to him in terms of smiling a lot and laughing, but she's way more mature than him.

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