Chapter 27

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It's my second to last official day of recording. Technically, there's about three more days of filming left for Yunho and the rest of the cast, but Jayoon passes away after the time skip, which is after tomorrow's recording. In today's scene, I ask Yunho if he could donate his bone marrow to me and he gets upset and accuses me of only using him. This is one of the most emotional parts of the script for me because I don't know how I'd react if someone lashed out on me like this. Also, I know that Yunho isn't the type of person who would shout at someone, so I'm excited to see this side of him. He's always happy and smiling and being nice to everyone, so I'm curious as to how well he can pull this off.

We were about 15 minutes behind schedule since there was an error with Yunho's audio, so they had to go all out and buy a new mic for him. They forgot to pack extra ones since the ones we have seemed perfectly fine. I was just sitting in one of the chairs, waiting for Yunho to get his new mic. The makeup artists were touching up my makeup because they were bored as well. Once they got his new mic, we went to the beach where the staff had laid out a nice picnic for us. It was the evening and we spent the whole morning packing up our stuff since San and I leave in the morning. Yunho has to stay here until the final episode, so he's staying for another two days. The picnic was super cute. It was lit up with fake candles and there were comfortable pillows and a picnic basket filled with delicious food. Mr. Lee calls action and Yunho and I just stare at the ocean.

"Junseo." I call out to Yunho and he turns his attention towards me.

"Can I ask you something?" I ask and he nods, getting rid of the hair on my face.

"Actually... do you want to eat first?" I try to distract Yunho from the situation so that I can gather my thoughts and try to tell him at the right time. He nods and opens the picnic basket. We spend the next couple of minutes just eating and watching the sunset. In this part, I have pre-recorded dialogue that signifies me thinking to myself. So in reality, it was just complete silence. Once we finished eating, Yunho was eager to hear what I needed to ask. I finally just decided to say it.

"I don't want you to freak out or worry, but I have leukemia." I say straight-forwardly and Yunho just sits there in shock.

"Those days when I had to cancel on you, I was at the hospital getting my treatment." I explain and Yunho is still staring blankly at me.

"I know that leukemia is a huge deal... but there's a way that I can stay alive and with you!" I say and he smiles, nodding at me.

"What is it?" He asks, relieved that I wasn't going to die.

"I was wondering if you could donate your bone marrow to me. You know, we've been friends for a long time now and I've helped you pass business statistics. So... you know.." I say and awkwardly laugh at the end. Yunho's beautiful smile turns into a frown and he scoffs. I look at him with a confused look and he glares at me.

"I get it now. The only reason why you offered to tutor me isn't because you genuinely wanted to help me. It was because you wanted to get on my good side before using me to keep you alive. You did all of this for you and not for me, huh?" Yunho asks and I shake my head. He gets up and turns around, I immediately stand up and try to stop him.

"Junseo... please just listen to me. I didn't do this only for me, I did it for you too! You needed help and I helped you. I promise it's not like that." I say and Yunho turns around.

"Do you know how many people have told me how stupid I was and how bad my reputation was looking because I was with you? I risked my good reputation just for you. I protected you from everyone and I even officially quit my basketball team because of you. I did all of this for you, but you never cared about me. All you cared about was yourself. I bet if you didn't find out I was failing business statistics, you wouldn't have led me on like this. But you know what, Jayoon? I'm not going to donate my bone marrow to you. Good luck on finding someone else who cared about you just as much as I did!" Yunho yells and walks away.

"Junseo! Wait!" I run after him.

"I'm gonna fly you back to Seoul tonight. I hope I never see you again." Yunho says and I just drop to my knees, watching him walk off of the beach and enter the vacation house. I start crying and crying. This goes on for another five minutes and Mr. Lee calls cut.

"Great job you two! Have a safe flight, Jinkyung and San!" Mr. Lee announces and I bow to everyone and go to the vacation house to get changed and grab all of my things.

"Bye Yunho. See you later." San says to Yunho and I just leave the house immediately to get into the van with Sooyeon.

The whole day, Yunho and San didn't talk to me. I knew Yunho was avoiding me, but I never expected San to stop talking to me too. Did I do something wrong? I hope San knows that if I did something wrong, he can always tell me and I'll try my best to make it right. However, he seems super upset and maybe now isn't a good time to bring it up. I was bummed that Yunho still hasn't talked to me but I guess this is a sign from the universe that I should initiate the conversation and try to confess my feelings first. Both Yunho and San are so important to me, so I'll just try to give them some time before talking to them. I just hope that they're both okay.


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