Chapter 16

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It's been a couple weeks since we started filming and Mr. Lee announced that they were ready to have our premiere soon. Jinkyung was still ignoring me and luckily San was here again so maybe later in the day I'll ask him if something is wrong with her. She's been clinging herself to him every time he comes to visit and I was feeling really jealous. I don't know why but I just can't seem to open my heart no matter how much I want to. I want to give Jinkyung everything, but at the same time, Semmi gave me such trauma that I can't even dare to love again. But I want to open my heart so bad because I can't resist falling for Jinkyung. Maybe soon I'll get over these feelings, but for now, I have to admit that I like her.

We filmed mostly in Jayoon's house and some scenes in school. Now it was Jinkyung's solo scene and it's the perfect time to talk to San. Semmi was out getting some food because I told her to. She said that she would go anywhere for me so I sent her all the way to Incheon. I sat next to San, who was watching Jinkyung film through the monitor. I prepared myself to ask because I was so scared that Semmi would pop out of nowhere. Then I remember that she just left so it's now or never.

"San. What's wrong with Jinkyung?" I ask.

"Why? Do you... like her?" He asks back and I lose my breath for a second. I should tell him that I like her right? I take a second to catch my breath and prepare for an answer. San is still looking at me, waiting for what I'm going to say. I just nod and he smiles, patting my back.

"I knew it. You have good taste. Jinkyung is the best girl I've ever met." San compliments and I nod along. She's honestly amazing. I've met many girls in my life but none of them compare to Jinkyung. I've never liked someone as much as I've liked Jinkyung. This feeling is still new to me and I don't know how to control my feelings.

"She's fine. Apparently Semmi-"

"If you tell him anything else, you're going to regret it, San. Shut your mouth and don't say anything. You don't know what happened so shut up. You're an idiot. You're an ignorant piece of-" Semmi comes from behind us and says.

"Whatever, Semmi. I don't care about you. I'm going to go to the only girl who matters. Shim. Jin. Kyung." San taunts at Semmi and leaves to go where Jinkyung is recording. Semmi looks at me angrily and pulls me out of the chair. She drags me to separate myself from everyone else and starts yelling at me.

"You like her? You really like that stupid, ugly brat?" She asks and I just roll my eyes. Why is it her business who I like?

"Are you going to just sit there? Do you like her or not? Because if you do, I'm going to ruin her career and you're never going to see her again." Semmi threatens and I just stand there.

"I'm gonna call the cops on you. Weren't you supposed to leave a couple minutes ago?" I say bluntly and Semmi drops her phone.

"Babe..." She tries to come back to me and I just push past her and walk back to set without looking back. I tried to go find Jinkyung, but found out that she was still filming her scene.

I've said it many times to myself before, but I don't know when I can love again. First, I have my fans to think of. What are they going to say when they find out I have a girlfriend? If I keep my relationship secret, I'm going to be lying to them. I can't break my fans' trust like that because I love my fans and I don't know where I'd be without them.

Second, Jinkyung is way too out of my league. She's been an actress since she was a kid and she's basically one of the best actors in her age group. She's the same age as me, but she's at least 100x more talented than me. She's also surrounded by many different men and she'd much rather fall for them than me. I'm not better than a lot of the actors she's worked with. For example, her first drama that blew up with with ASTRO's Cha Eunwoo. I can never compete with him. Not only is he handsome, he's an amazing singer and dancer.

Third, I can't physically escape Semmi. We've broken up many times in the past year, and when I tried talking to other girls, they'd always ghost me immediately. I knew it was Semmi and I just decided to keep going back to her. If I even tried to ask Jinkyung out, either she would say no or Semmi would take her far away from me. I don't want to put Jinkyung in danger, so I won't make my feelings for her obvious. She's in my heart, but I can't risk her career because of Semmi.

Even though Semmi and I have officially broken up and I'm never going back to her, she still thinks we're dating. Semmi is absolutely crazy. She's a psychopath. I feel like I'm not safe with her and that's a problem. I feel most safe when I'm with Jinkyung, but if I go near her, Semmi will do something to her. I'd rather take all this pain than have Jinkyung out of my life. I know that she's not talking to me because of something Semmi said. It has to be. Semmi has been calling Jinkyung a brat and calling her stupid, and she was super jealous when I was talking with San about her, so it definitely has something to do with her. When I come up with the perfect plan, I'm going to take Semmi down and my heart will open again. And then I'll be able to express my feelings to Jinkyung.

i know karina is born in 2000 but she's just jinkyung's face claim! jinkyung is born in 1999 :)

- j

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