Chapter 12

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Last week was definitely a busy week for everyone. On Monday and Tuesday, we finished filming Jinkyung and I's introduction episodes, then we had to film the first official episode with the background characters. For the rest of the week, it was just nonstop filming. We haven't gotten to the part where Junseo and Jayoon meet for the first time, which is the scene we're filming today. I had to be there by 7:30am since we're going to film the whole school day which is from 8am to 4pm. I wanted to be here before Jinkyung so that I can give her these energy drinks and snacks that San told me she liked. When San and I came home yesterday, he seemed like he didn't want to talk to me. I was confused and asked Jinkyung if something happened that made him upset and she told me that he's probably just tired. I trusted Jinkyung and woke up this morning to San shaking me and telling me things to buy for Jinkyung.

Once I got to the set, Jinkyung was already here, getting her hair and makeup done. She was wearing her school uniform and she had her eyes closed. The makeup artist and hair stylist greeted me and told me to sit down and wait for the stylist to come in and help me. I did as they told and tried to get Jinykung's attention.

"Is Yunho here yet?" Jinkyung asks and the makeup artist tells her yes. She opens her eyes and looks at me. She smiles and waves and I do the same. My heart started to beat out of my chest. All she did was wave at me, why am I like this?

"Here. San told me to get these for you." I say, handing her the energy drinks and snacks. She thanks me and tells her manager to put it in her bag. The stylist comes in and tells me to get changed into my school uniform so I leave the makeup tent and go to the dressing room. I change into my school uniform quickly and go back to Jinkyung's tent to get my hair and makeup done.

"Is San better now?" Jinkyung asks. She was done getting her hair and makeup done, so she was watching me get mine done.

"I think so. He woke me up this morning and told me to get you those things. He didn't seem upset anymore." I say and Jinkyung nods. Something tells me that something happened between the two of them yesterday, but I don't know anything. I did see them hugging a lot yesterday. Are they dating? Did they become a couple recently? I hope not.

Once I was done getting everything done, Jinkyung and I had to go film our scenes. I filmed first since I was just entering school and Jinkyung filmed right after me since she was already in class with her friend. It was the typical school day scene, there was nothing going on between Jinkyung and I. However, Jayoon is deep in thought because of the sudden news that she got at the hospital. Yeji (her friend) is trying to get her attention but she just can't snap out of it. While that's happening, I'm trying to finish my homework in time because I was practicing all night. Jayoon and Junseo are two different people, just like Jinkyung and I.

We finished filming until after lunch time. The staff went to buy food for all of us while Jinkyung and I were just waiting around with fans since we were sweating like crazy. It's been cold lately, but the school's heater is blasted and it made us sweat a lot. I looked around and saw Semmi coming towards us and I stood up, making Jinkyung confused. Semmi stood in front of all of the staff and producers and everyone was just confused, calling her crazy.

"Shim Jinkyung! That actress! She bullied me in high school!" Semmi points at Jinkyung and I run up to Semmi to stop her.

"I don't even know who you are!" Jinkyung yells back and everyone just laughs, including myself.

"You're laughing, Yunho? She really did!" Semmi tries to convince me but I don't believe her. Semmi has been homeschooled up until college. There's no way Jinkyung could've bullied her, let alone be bullied by anyone.

"Semmi... what are you doing? Why are you even here?" I ask and Semmi scoffs.

"I'm on Spring break, you idiot. I'm here to sabotage your drama. You can't have other girls touching you and looking at you like that! Do you know how much of an airhead Shim Jinkyung is? Do you really think she's pretty? You must be stupid, Yunho. What about me? I'm your ideal beauty-" I cut Semmi off by calling security. They drag her away from me and I just wave at her. I walk back to Jinkyung and wrap my jacket around her since she looked cold from all the fans.

"Awww.. thank you." She says and I smile, sitting next to her again. I don't care if Semmi sees, she can't control everything I do. She has no control over my whole life. I don't owe anything to her.

"Do you know her?" She asks and I nod. I wanted to be honest with Jinkyung and say that she's my ex-girlfriend, but she'd probably think differently of me.

"She dated one of my members." I lie and Jinkyung just nods. The staff comes back with the food and we start to eat.

After we finished eating, I had to film alone for a while and Jinkyung was just sitting next to the director, watching me. We weren't filming too far from the tent since I was just at the front of the school with my on-screen brother once again. I looked at Jinkyung and I saw Semmi slowly walking towards her so I broke my character and started running towards her. I pulled Jinkyung into my embrace and told security to get Semmi out of here again. Semmi just frowns at me and I watch her leave the set for real this time.

"Yunho, good save. What a nice boyfriend you are. Now go back to your scene." Mr. Lee says. I pull Jinkyung away and see that she's blushing like crazy right now. Could it be that she feels the same way?


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