Chapter 18

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It's been such a long time since I last talked to Yunho, I'm surprised I haven't broken yet. It also seems like he still hasn't given up on wanting answers as to why I started ignoring him, which made me happy. Maybe San was right, maybe Yunho actually does like me. It's also been a couple of weeks since the premiere and we have been nonstop working. We are filming our individual episodes and we were also doing some interviews with magazines. Today, I was just doing my normal thing, filming as normal and being friendly with Yunho on camera. Semmi was here as usual and she was making sure I wasn't talking to Yunho at all after filming.

We were sitting down, watching the footage of the scene we just shot when Yunho sat next to me. Semmi immediately dragged him off of his seat and made him sit far away from me. Semmi is one of the most annoying and insecure people I've ever met. She doesn't trust Yunho at all and she's scared that he's going to fall in love with me. If only she was a little less psychotic and more caring, I would actually like her. I would be super jealous of her if she had a better personality. She's gorgeous, I'll admit that. But her personality is super ugly. Yunho looked like he had enough so he angrily stood up, pushed Semmi away and walked over to me. He grabbed my arm and pulled me away from the set while Semmi angrily followed us.

"What do you think you're doing?" Semmi asks Yunho and he takes his hand off of my arm to wrap it around me.

"Jinkyung is my girlfriend." Yunho says and I just stand there, waiting for Semmi's reaction. She clenched her first and glares at the two of us. I don't want to risk doing anything, so I just stand there staring blankly at her.

"No you're not. You're dating me, you big idiot!" Semmi yells and Yunho laughs.

"Jinkyung is my girlfriend." Yunho repeats, she looks at me and I just stare at her.

"You're ugly. You can't act. You're an airhead. You need to lose weight. You sleep with too many guys. I hate you. Your hair stinks. Your eyes are too small. And you....your birthmark on your chin is really pretty!" Semmi yells at me before running away. She was being rude to me, then she ended it with a compliment. She must be a huge fan of me. We watched as Semmi went into her car and drove away quickly. Yunho still had his arm around me and I just removed it and ran away.

"Jinkyung! Jinkyung! Please!" I heard Yunho calling behind me but I just kept running. We were super far from the set, so when I got there, I drank almost two whole water bottles. Yunho got here on time to film our next scene together.

A couple of hours go by and we're done filming for the day. Sooyeon couldn't take me home again, so Mr. Lee offered to take me home this time. While I was waiting for Mr. Lee to bring his car, I was standing near the sidewalk just looking at the stars. I always love when we film until nighttime because I get to see the stars light up the sky. I couldn't help but take a picture of it and set it as my background. I was starting to think about my parents, I wonder what they would think when they see how successful I am now. Even though I have trauma from them, I love them so much. A car pulled up in front of me and I waited for Mr. Lee to roll down his window before coming in because I learned my lesson from last time. The window rolls down and it's Yunho. I wanted to run but I was so tired from filming that I didn't have the energy to run away.

"Do you need a ride home? I can take you." He says. I didn't know he had such a fancy car. I didn't even know he knew how to drive. This just makes him way more attractive.

"Mr. Lee is taking me home... thanks for the offer." I say and look away. Yunho doesn't leave though.

"Mr. Lee left ten minutes ago." Yunho says and my eyes widen. I just shake my head and go on my phone.

"I'll call a taxi then." I say.

"It's dangerous at night, Jinkyung. I'll take you home. Just get in." Yunho says and I shake my head again. If Semmi sees Yunho and I in a car together, she'll become more of a psycho than she already is.

"Jinkyung. Just get in before something happens to you." Yunho continues. He's right... if I stay out here any longer, I'm going to get kidnapped or even worse. I just went to the back seat of his car and opened the door. There were a bunch of bags and clothing in garment bags. I just sighed and closed the door, going to the front seat. I gave my address to Yunho and he started driving.

It was quiet the whole drive. Unfortunately, the drive from the set to my house is about 30 minutes, so I had to sit here for half an hour with Yunho. To be honest, I hated this awkward silence. I wanted to ask him so many things and I wanted to tell him stuff too. Even though there's no way Semmi could see or hear us, I still didn't want to risk it. She's a psychopath, you don't know how far she goes with these things. Yunho noticed I was being really quiet and tried to lighten up the mood. He started playing the radio and his song was playing. Out of all groups, ATEEZ is my favorite. I'm not just saying that because of San, I genuinely enjoy their music more than other groups these days. I rested my head on my hand as I watched the sky through the window. Yunho tried to initiate a conversation with me, but I didn't respond at all.

When we finally got my place, I immediately grabbed all of my things and left his car. He doesn't drive away and I just turn around and he has his window down. I expect he's going to say something so I just wait.

"Goodnight, Jinkyung." He says, driving off.



In the morning, I accidentally overheard Sooyeon talking to one of her family members on the phone and they needed her at the hospital immediately. She told them that Jinkyung will get home with Mr. Lee and I knew that this was my perfect opportunity to get her to talk to me again. I smiled and walked away and went to my manager, asking him if I could borrow his car for today and he can catch a ride with someone else. He agreed and went home with one of my stylists and I was getting prepared to pick up Jinkyung. I knew that she was going to sit in the back so I took all of my clothes in garment bags and other bags that I took to set with me in the back seats of the car so that she sits in the front. I went back to the driver's seat and went to pick up Jinkyung, who was waiting for Mr. Lee.

surprise last part! hehe if you're wondering i got inspo from a love so beautiful <3

- j

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