Chapter 11

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After I finished filming my introduction episode, I went back into the tent and changed into my comfortable clothes. Since Mr. Lee told me to stay for Yunho's filming just in case they need me, I stayed with San while we watched Yunho get ready to film his first scene, which is in the basketball court of the school. Yunho was wearing a basketball uniform and a cute white headband. I couldn't help but admire how handsome he looked. Boreumbyeol noticed I was staring at Yunho through the screen and she laughed, shaking me and telling me she was leaving. We hugged and bid our goodbyes as I sat back down to watch Yunho start filming.

In this scene, Yunho is just practicing basketball and he has to record his monologue later on. I was watching as Yunho would dribble across the court and shoot the basketball. He went on and on about how much he loves playing sports which made me realize how much he fits this role. I used to watch soccer and basketball with my aunt back home because she never had anyone else to watch it with, so seeing Yunho play basketball makes me feel nostalgic. I'm sure he feels the same way as he's playing too. Yunho continues playing for another 30 minutes until his onscreen brother comes in.

"Still here even after school hours?" Lee Jongwon, who plays Junseo's brother Minchan, laughs. Minchan is basically Junseo's perfect older brother. He's rich, handsome, gets good grades, is good at all sports, is his family's favorite, and gets all of the girls. He's the stereotypical jock in every cheesy romance movie that the female lead falls for. Junseo practices everyday because of pressure from his family. His parents want him to be better than Minchan and Minchan just nonstop bullies and teases Junseo for not being as good as him. They're basically enemies who hate each other.

"Leave me alone." Yunho says as he keeps practicing and Jongwon sits down on the bench, watching him.

"You know, to be as good as me, you need to practice more than just after school and during practice. Being this perfect didn't come naturally, you know." Jongwon teases and Yunho stops playing to turn to him. Jongwon stops laughing as Yunho approaches him.

"Have I ever told you how much I hate you and your presence? You graduated this school years ago. Leave." Yunho snaps and Jongwon keeps smiling.

"Mom and dad wanted me to pick you up. Come on, let's go home." Jongwon stands up and Yunho doesn't stop moving. San and I watch as Yunho continues to ignore Jongwon's calls no matter how loud he is and how many times he's said his name.

"I'm not going home with someone I don't know." Yunho says, getting close to Jongwon's face. He just laughs and exits the gym, leaving Yunho all to himself, practicing hard.

Yunho stops playing and collapses on the ground, laying down on his back and staring at the ceiling. He has another monologue here with a lot of back story so he stays there for about five minutes and gets up to continue the scene. He goes to the locker room and washes up, running into his teammate Kang Sungyeol, played by Song Geonhee. They have a short conversation as Yunho takes a shower. Luckily, they're not showing this on camera so I don't have to look away or have San cover my eyes.

"What do you think of Yunho, Jinkyung?" San asks and my heart races. Does he know that I like Yunho? How did he find out? Should I just come clean now instead of later? What am I going to do if he flips out? I tried to calm myself down but there was nothing to calm me down. I had two choices: to be honest with my best friend or to lie right to his face. Of course, I chose the option my mom would've wanted me to.

"I like him." I confess and San chokes on his water. I help him by patting his back and he pushes my hand away, telling me he's fine. I slowly placed my hand back on my lap and watched as San grew a frown on his face.

"I'm sorry." I apologize and San shakes his head, grabbing both of my hands and holding them in his.

"Don't apologize, Jinkyung. I can't control how you feel about someone." San says and I smile, he pulls me into a hug and I hug him back. Yunho is still filming but he was getting close to the end of the scene, so San and I started paying attention again.

From the corner of my eye, I could see that San looked like he was about to cry. Is it because the tombstone scene is next? No, he doesn't even know about that. I was thinking about many reasons as to why San is tearing up, but I couldn't find any that seemed right. I've known San since I started acting and I should know everything about him, but I don't. He hides his emotions from me often because he cares too much about me and I hate it sometimes. I always want to help him as much as he's helped me, so I stopped watching Yunho and turned to San, who has his head down and he's sniffling. I wrap my arms around him and tell him that I'm here for him. I had no idea why he's crying, but I always want to be here for him, so I just stayed here, hugging him while watching Yunho.

Yunho finished filming at the basketball court and his next location was the graveyard. I didn't want to be disrespectful to those over there, so only a couple of people went to film Yunho's scene. San and I stayed behind at the school and packed everything up with the staff because after the graveyard, Yunho's next scene is at his character's house, which is huge. While we were packing everything up, I noticed that San wasn't acting like his normal self. He's normally always laughing and loud but now he's just quiet and not even making eye contact with me. Is it because I told him I like Yunho? I hope I didn't him uncomfortable. After we got everything done, I invited San to sit in Yunho's seat of our van. He accepted thankfully.

"Are you upset?" I ask and San shakes his head.

"Disappointed?" I ask again and San shakes his head.

"Why aren't you acting like yourself then? Is it because of what I said?" I ask and San sighs, facing me and taking my hands.

"No, it's not because of that. I guess it's taking me some time to get used to you liking someone other than me." San smirks and I hit his arm. Back when we were kids, I confessed my feelings to San and he told me he hated me. But we were still friends after that which is funny.

"I was acting upset the whole time to see if you'd noticed. And you did! See? You believed it, right? That just proves how good of an actor I am. Therefore, I should act in a drama with you next time." San brightly smiles and I smile at him, patting his head.

We spent the whole car ride just bickering and I was super relieved that he wasn't upset that I like Yunho. To be honest, I have no idea when I started liking him, but ever since he kept inviting me to dinner to "practice our lines", I've started to see his personality deep down and really get to know him. He's super playful and likes to joke around a lot, but he's serious when he needs to be, which I admire a lot. He's very hard-working too which is very attractive and I can definitely see this now while he's acting. He also opened up to me easily and he made me feel like I was safe place for him. I was glad that he could feel at home with me because he made me feel the same way when I was with him. He told me that I can always come to him if I need help with anything, which obviously made my heart flutter in the moment and when I think about it. He's just such a sweet guy and I don't know how someone can't fall for him.

We were outside of Junseo and Minchan's mansion and it was already getting dark which was perfect because we needed to create the illusion that Junseo came home late. Junseo and Minchan's parents really remind me of my own. They push the both of them to be the best and pushes them (especially Junseo) to their limits. I didn't watch the rest of the scene because I was going to cry about my parents, so San just wrapped his arm around me while I looked away. Yunho was finished in no time and came out of the house immediately to find San and I.

"Jinkyung, are you okay?" He asks, patting my back.

junseo and yunho are the same person!

- j

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