Chapter 24

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It was the next day and there's only a week and a half left of filming. I'm glad that I was able to be with Jinkyung and Yunho for almost all of the filming, but at the same time, I feel like I dragged them apart. Ever since they met, Yunho hasn't been the same. I mean, he was always so energetic and friendly, but after he met Jinkyung, he's only focused on her. He wouldn't stop talking about her and he would even watch her old commercials and dramas because he missed her. I'm pretty sure Yunho would do anything for Jinkyung, and I really admire that about him.

Ever since we were young, Jinkyung has had a hard time making friends because of her career. Back in elementary school, she was always made fun of because of her commercials and if it wasn't for me and my family, she would've quit. We were neighbors and her aunt was close friends with my mom, so for special occasions like Chuseok or New Years, we would spend them together. I even accompanied her to Seoul and we went to the same high school. People always accused us of dating, and that's when I realized how much I truly liked her. She was always by my side and she relied on me for anything. I was so glad that I could be the guy that she depends on and the guy to protect her. We were lucky enough to be in the same industry in the same city, but we've both grown up and she's stopped having romantic feelings for me but I never did. But even if she doesn't love me back, I only want her to be happy. Her happiness is more important than mine since I know how bad her past was. She's happiest with Yunho, so if he makes her happy, I want them together.

The thing is, Yunho is like a brother to me and of course I care about his happiness. If he was with Jinkyung, he would be at his happiest. He would be in an endless state of euphoria. She takes care of him so well and he would do anything for her. He's probably addicted to her but knows that he can't have her because I told him how I feel. But I don't want to be the reason that they lose their states of happiness. Like Yunho, I would give up everything just to see Jinkyung happy. I would even give up everything to see Yunho happy. And I'm getting in the way of them, so I need to make it clear that they shouldn't worry about me and just love each other. That's all I want for them.

I left the dorm with Yunho and when we got to the set, he told me to distract Jinkyung while he goes to change. I tried to ask him why but he just left me with Jinkyung. I gave her another bouquet of flowers and she thanked me, bringing me to her private tent and sitting down in a chair. I follow her lead and sit down next to her. By looking at her face, I could tell that she was upset. She looked like she was about to cry and I absolutely hate seeing her cry. Without saying anything, Jinkyung just started crying. I was quick to grab tissues from her bag (I know that she always carries them just in case) and wipe her tears. She just held onto my shoulders and cried her eyes out. They're supposed to be filming their scene where they're planning the trip together today, but I don't know if Jinkyung can handle it.

"What's wrong? Are you okay?" I ask and and she shakes her head. I stand up and pull her to my chest, letting her cry it all out.

"It's okay, Jinkyung. I'm here for you." I calm her down. I have to tell her about what I told Yunho. He must be avoiding her now because of the way I feel about her. But I can't tell her right now, when she's crying in my arms like this.

A couple of minutes pass by and Jinkyung snaps back into reality. I leave her tent to give her some space while she gets dressed into her clothes and once she's done, she holds my hand and we walk to the makeup and hair tent. I realize that Yunho could be looking at us from anywhere so I let go on Jinkyung's hand after she enters the tent. I leave to try and find Yunho and he's already on set, waiting for Jinkyung. He runs towards me and I already know what he's going to ask.

"She's getting her hair and makeup done." I tell him and he nods. I could tell he's worried about him but he doesn't want to make it obvious.

"Yunho, why are you avoiding her?" I ask.

"I'm not avoiding her." Yunho responds quickly so I immediately know he's lying.

"Yes you are. If you weren't, you guys would've been talking since you and I arrived. You told me to distract her but all she did was cry. Why are you avoiding-"

"She cried?" Yunho asks and I nod. He was trying hard to fight back and I kept encouraging to check up on her. They were only five minutes behind schedule and Mr. Lee said that Jinkyung can take as much time as she needs since she works twice as hard as everyone else except Yunho, who works just as hard as her. Yunho shook his head and just went back to where he was standing, waiting for Jinkyung.

I could read the atmosphere so easily. Yunho is avoiding Jinkyung because he thinks that I'd be a better boyfriend to her. He's probably only thinking that because I've known her longer but in reality, there are a lot of things that I don't know about her. When Yunho comes back from their dates, he tells me everything they talk about and almost every time I'm shocked because I learn something new every time he tells me. He knows her just as much as I do, and he's the best man for her. As her friend, I should know what's wrong and what's right for her, and I'm standing here, looking at Yunho, and thinking that he's the perfect man for her. Jinkyung comes out of the tent looking better than ever. She smiles at me and I smile back. She sits next to Yunho and they start filming.

In this scene, they're at Jayoon's house and they're planning their vacation. The reason they're at Jayoon's house is because her whole family took a trip without her and she's all alone. Junseo felt bad for her so he's been staying with her the whole time so she doesn't feel scared. This is 100% something that Yunho would do for Jinkyung. I was smiling at how cute they looked together. The only thing I was thinking about was that I really should give up on my feelings for Jinkyung. I've have this unrequited crush on her for too long and if I drag it out any longer I'll end up more heartbroken.

"Are you sure you want to go on this trip? You know... just the two of us?" Jinkyung asks Yunho and he gets closer to her.

"I owe you big time. Without you, I wouldn't understand a single thing on that exam. You saved me, so I'm rewarding you." Yunho says and Jinkyung just looks away at the brochures that they're looking at.

The filming for the scenes at the airport start tomorrow morning, and I have no schedule again. I'm gonna try to get them to talk to each other tomorrow. The both of them are very important to me and it's obvious that I'm getting in the way of them reuniting. They were just starting to go out again and I completely ruined it. It's my fault and I have to receive this punishment, even if it means seeing the girl I love fall in love with one of my members.

san point of view!!!

- j

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