Chapter 2

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Sunday is the busiest and most stressful day of the week for me. I have practice for the whole day and I have to talk to my girlfriend, Semmi, almost every day. Sometimes I wished that she would understand my career, but she makes a good point that I chose this path knowing the consequences. It was 12am and we were nearing the end of our practice. We have a comeback coming up and we still have a lot to work on to perfect the comeback for our fans. We were so into our performance that we didn't notice our manager come into the room. Hongjoong notices him first and he stops the music. We all turn towards him and bow, he waves at us and motions for us to sit down.

"I have an announcement to make." He says and we all look at each other confused.

"Yunho." He says my name and everyone turns to look at me, I nod awkwardly.

"You and Shim Jinkyung are going to star in a drama together." He says and everyone gasps. Shim Jinkyung? San's best friend and the actress? That's going to be interesting.

"Wait! That's no fair! Jinkyung is my best friend... how could you not choose me?" San stands up and everyone else just laughs at him.

"The director, Lee Eungbok, wanted to you and Shim Jinkyung together. Will you accept the role?" Our manager asks, I look at everyone and I can just tell from their eyes that they're telling me to take the role. I nod and everyone claps and cheers.

"Your first meeting with the whole cast is tomorrow at 9am. Your practice is over for today. See you tomorrow, Yunho." Our manager gets up and walks out. San immediately turns to me and glares, I get up and laugh, placing my hand on his back.

"Don't get mad. I won't do anything to her." I reassure him and San just chuckles.

"You better not. You know she's my everything." San says and everyone just looks at him weirdly.

"You know what I mean. She's my best friend and I will do anything to protect her." San continues and we just nod.

We went to get all of our stuff and went to the van. I tried to look online for rumors about what the drama is going to be about and who else was going to be in it. I looked up "Lee Eungbok new drama" and stuff like that but I couldn't find anything. I even looked up "Shim Jinkyung new drama" but again, nothing came up. Then I tried "Shim Jinkyung ATEEZ Yunho drama" and there was nothing. Eventually I gave up and played some music and closed my eyes. My first role was for "Imitation" along with Seonghwa, San, and Jongho, but this time, it's just me. I'm sure that San will want to visit Jinkyung and I every time since he's close to the both of us. I won't mind that though since hopefully he'll make us more comfortable with each other. I've seen Jinkyung and San together multiple times but we were never formally introduced to each other, so this is a good chance to finally get to know each other. I used to watch her commercials and movies back then too, so I knew who she was even before San became her friend.

Once we got home, Semmi would not stop calling me. We usually end practice around 1-3am but today we ended at 12. I was starving and so was the rest of the members, so we decided to order in something light before we wash up and go to bed. I had no energy to call Semmi back or even send her a message. I have so much on my mind too and I just can't deal with her right now. Obviously, I've been stressed out because of our upcoming comeback because I want to be the best for our fans, but I'm also stressed out because of Semmi. She's too possessive over me and she doesn't trust me one bit. I know that some people love when their girlfriend is possessive and overprotective and stuff but with everything happening I don't know if I can handle this. I'm starting to think that we should break up before the drama filming starts so that I don't get distracted or more stressed than I already am.

Once the food came, we all just ate quietly because we were exhausted from practice. The members aren't the biggest fans of Semmi (and the fact that I had a girlfriend in the first place), so they're just as annoyed as I am with her right now.

"Yunho, can you please just call her back and talk for like one minute. She won't stop calling you and if you block her, she's going to come over here and disturb us... again." Hongjoong asks and everyone else shakes their head. I sigh and grab my phone, taking it to my room and calling Semmi. She picks up almost immediately and it was silence. I was expecting her to be mad at me, so I'm surprised she's not saying anything.

"Yunho... I missed you." Semmi answers. I'm almost shocked at how soft and sweet she sounded. She seemed so angry when she was texting me and leaving voice messages and now she's all sweet.

"Hey Semmi. I'm sorry. I just got home. Did you eat?" I ask, trying to stay on her good side.

"Yeah. I'm just finishing some last minute homework." She tells me and I nod. We continue a short conversation before her mom comes into her room and tells her to go to bed. We end the call on a good note and I come back downstairs relieved.

"Why do you look so fine after talking to Semmi?" San asks and scoffs. Out of all of the members, San hates Semmi the most. He doesn't make rude comments about her but here and there he'll be a little sarcastic but I can handle it. As long as he's not talking about her badly, I guess it's alright.

"She seemed fine tonight. It's probably because it's her finals week." I say and everyone just sighs.

We finish eating and they tell me to go wash up first because I have to be up early and I have to look my best tomorrow. I just do what they tell me to and go take a shower first. I get changed into my pajamas, brush my teeth, do my skincare, and then try to pick out a good outfit. Our stylists usually pick out all of our fancy outfits for award shows and stuff so I don't have a lot of my own. I contacted my stylist and she told me that she has a outfit prepared for me and that I have to meet everyone at the company building before going to the meeting. I didn't tell my members this and just went to bed, hoping that tomorrow will be a good day.

please remember that semmi is completely fictional! :)

- j

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