Chapter 23

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"Semmi, stop calling me." I say angrily as Semmi is whining on the phone for me to come to America for her. I was still driving home, but she was annoying me and I couldn't focus, so like an idiot, I picked up her calls.

"Why? Don't you love me still? I mean... you picked up this call." Semmi giggles and I just roll my eyes. I couldn't stop thinking about Jinkyung. I left her in the cold like that when I was supposed to tell her how I feel. First, I forget to bring her flowers, now, I miss the chance to confess my feelings to her. At least I convinced her that I should pay for dinner because I was the one who asked her out. I smiled thinking about how beautiful she looked tonight.

"Yunho? Are you there?" Semmi asks and I sigh.

"What do you want, Semmi. This is the last time I'm going to talk to you so make it quick." I say, pulling into the driveway. I didn't get out of the car yet since I was waiting for Semmi to say what she wanted to say. She interrupted my romantic moment with Jinkyung and now that she has the opportunity to talk to me, she says nothing. There's something wrong with this girl.

"I just want you to know... that I love you, Yunho." Semmi says, her voice breaking. Did she expect me to have a change of heart because she told me she loves me? If she loved me, she would've never changed like this. I didn't fall in love with Semmi for her to become a sasaeng (obsessive fan), I fell in love with her because she was sweet, kind, and caring. She was also beautiful and she was the only girl my mom approved of. But now, I hate her so much.

"Okay, Semmi. Anything else?" I ask.

"That's it? You're terrible, Yunho! I hate you! I hate you so much! You're a terrible singer and dancer, let alone you can't act either! You're not as good as Mingi or San. You're a loser! I can't believe I dated a loser! I bet you have a crush on that dumb Shim Jinkyung! I guess losers love losers huh? She's nothing compared to me! She's everything I want to be! ... Wait no! I meant... whatever! I hate you Yunho! I hope you regret hurting me until the day you die! I hate you!" Semmi screams and eventually hangs up. I sit in my car for a little longer, taking in what she just said. She just said all of that because she was angry. I know she doesn't mean any of that. Plus, she even complimented Jinkyung in the middle so she's not being serious. I bet she'll come crawling back later on. I just grab all of my things and enter the dorm.

"Hey, Yunho. How was your date?" Hongjoong asks and I smile.

"It went well." I say and he nods, telling me to go shower. I go to the bathroom and do my normal night routine and once I'm finished, I go to my room and San is waiting for me.

"How'd your date with Jinkyung go?" He asks as I lay down on my bed.

"It went great. I actually... held her hand and hugged her for the first time today. I've held other people's hands and hugged other people before, but with Jinkyung, I was so nervous." I explain and San nods along.

"Let's talk for a moment." He says and I nod, sitting up to face him.

"What's up?" I ask and San takes a moment to prepare himself. Is he going to tell me something bad that happened during practice? I hope the members aren't mad at each other. What could it be? I was starting to get nervous.

"I know this isn't the best time to tell you, but if I don't tell you, I'm going to regret it." San starts. I don't even know what he's going to say, but I'm getting nervous. Is it about me? Could it be about Jinkyung? Is he just acting? He's been playing pranks on me like this for days so hopefully it's just another prank. I get nervous when San is serious.

"I like Jinkyung." San confesses and I stare at him blankly. He's had a crush on Jinkyung this whole time and he didn't say anything? Why didn't he tell me? If he told me, I wouldn't have attached myself to her so quickly and fallen for her. And to think that I had finally escaped Semmi and now I can love someone else again. If he told me earlier, I wouldn't be in love with Jinkyung. San notices that I'm not saying anything and he sighs.

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