Chapter 9

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While the drama staff was getting the final touches ready for the official filming to start, Mr. Lee gave us three weeks off. Luckily, I was booked and busy, so I didn't have to spend most of my time bored. The second time Yunho and I went to dinner, we actually practiced our lines which was really good. He invited me to dinner again tonight and I accepted of course. But dinner is at 8pm again and I have a schedule from 9am to 7pm, meaning I have little to no time to get ready. I decided to pack an extra pair of clothes so that I can change right after I finish shooting my commercial and then do my makeup at home and stuff.

It was 8:45am and I was in my dressing room getting my makeup done. My manager was sitting on the chair next to me, on a call with the staff for the drama. She had a question about my schedule since there are some episodes where I'm not in it at all like Yunho's introduction episode. I have my own introduction episode and same for Yunho. Her and I were wondering if we still had to stay on set after I finish mine because on the first day of filming, we're filming both mine and Yunho's. I was listening in and it seemed like I had to stay for the whole day just in case. I was really hoping I could leave early but I understand if they want me to stay, I won't complain cause then I'll see Yunho film.

My first schedule of the day was a photo shoot with DearDahlia. They wanted me to pose with their lipsticks and try different eye looks for their photos. I was wearing a strapless top with jeans and my hair was down and nicely curled. The eye look they did with their palette was beautiful and I'm so lucky that they're giving me their products for free. I held the lipstick and posed while the photographer took loads of photos until the producer was satisfied. A couple of shots later, I was finished posing for the lipsticks and now it was time to pose for the eye makeup. I just posed as I normally would and the photographer took pictures again. Once I was done, I had to go change into another outfit and shoot a video doing a makeup tutorial on the look I wore. I learned this the day before and the producer was happy with the way I did it.

I changed into a nice pink blouse and a white skirt with white heels. The makeup artists took off my makeup and I was ready to shoot the video. The staff set up a table for me with the eyeshadow palette, brushes, and a mirror. I sat down on the chair and waited patiently while the staff was setting up the lights, cameras, and background. I looked at Sooyeon and she was giving me a thumbs up, indicating that I was doing a good job. I smiled at her and went back to looking at the camera. Once they were ready, I started filming the tutorial.

I was finished at 10:45am and I was almost late to my next schedule, which is an interview with allure. First, I had a photo shoot with them since I'm going to feature in their magazine. I was sitting in my dressing room, going on my phone while I was getting my hair and makeup done again. I wanted to see if there was news about Yunho and I's drama and there was. I looked up "Shim Jinkyung and ATEEZ Yunho" and the first thing that came up was an article titled "Actress Shim Jinkyung And ATEEZ's Yunho To Star In Drama "Tried And Trusted" Together". I was smiling and blushing like crazy, my makeup artist thought my cheeks were naturally pink. After this schedule, I have more shoots and interviews like this with different magazines.

A couple of photoshoots and interviews later and now it's 6:45pm. I was modeling for a clothing brand and they let me keep a lot of the clothes that I modeled. Which was lucky because a lot of them were floral blouses and elegant dresses which I love. I finished early and I was rushing to get out of all of my clothes and change into the extra ones that I packed. I noticed that my makeup was pretty good and looked natural enough so I just changed and went to my car to go home. When I got home, it was 7:15pm and I just grabbed a small purse, put on deodorant and perfume, and went back into my car to drive to the location Yunho wanted to meet me. I wanted to be early because I felt bad that Yunho was way earlier than me last time.

"You're early." Yunho says when I run to the front of the restaurant.

"No you're early." I laugh, he does the same. We go inside of the restaurant and the waiter sits us in a private room.

"Did you have a busy schedule today?" He asks, pulling out my chair for me and I nod, sitting down.

"I'm sorry. You probably rushed to be here." Yunho says and sits across from me.

"No! My schedule actually ended early today. I just wanted to be earlier than you." I laugh and Yunho does too, looking at the menu.

This is strange.. last time he called me to rehearse our lines, he didn't take me to a fancy restaurant. We just got chicken and ate at a random park at like 11pm and rehearsed when nobody was around. I took a look at the menu too and saw that this place was definitely expensive. I'll just split the bill with him again no matter how many times he tells me not to worry. I put the menu down and looked out the window. It was nighttime and the stars were filling the sky. I love starry skies, they make me feel connected to my parents somehow, even though I still resent them a little. I look back at Yunho and he's just staring at me. My heart pounds as usual and I just laugh to get rid of the awkwardness between us.

"I thought you wanted to practice lines. You don't even have your script." I say and Yunho just smiles at me.

"I just needed an excuse to take you to dinner." He says and I widen my eyes, laughing and looking away so he doesn't see me blush. He must be crazy.


jinykung's outfit for her dinner with yunho- j

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jinykung's outfit for her dinner with yunho
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