Chapter 14

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Yesterday felt odd to me since Jinkyung and I weren't talking like we normally do. Usually, we would talk from the second we see each other and we wouldn't stop unless we're filming. But yesterday, she didn't even look at me and she barely stood or sat next to me. I wanted to talk to her multiple times but she kept ignoring me. It was a terrible day yesterday not only because Jinkyung was ignoring me but because Semmi was being a diva and a brat to everyone on set. Her father doesn't actually own the school we're shooting at, I can't believe they actually believed that. I also noticed that she had bandaids in her knees and elbow which made me worried. I wanted to ask her what happened but she didn't want to speak to me. Was it something I did or is it something else?

When I got to the set today, Jinkyung was already in her uniform on and had her hair and makeup done. The scenes we're filming today have a lot to do with Junseo and Jayoon, so I need Jinkyung to at least look at me to film this scene. Literally in all of the scenes we're filming today, Jayoon is trying to get Junseo's attention so that she can befriend him. That's exactly what I'm trying to do to Jinkyung. I keep trying to get her attention because I want to talk to her. If she's upset about something else, she can always tell me, but maybe she's upset at me because she's not talking to me. I waved at Jinkyung but she didn't see it, I sighed and went to go change as well.

The stylists, makeup artists, and hair stylists were asking me if something happened to Jinkyung and I told them that I had no idea. They told me that she's been acting this way since yesterday and they can't seem to get an answer out of her. I asked them if she said anything to them and they shook their heads. It seems like Jinkyung wasn't talking to anyone yesterday other than her friends onset. I was hoping that she'd come up to me yesterday but she didn't so I was really sad. She also didn't even watch me while I was filming my individual scenes. I was really happy when she was watching me film my individual scenes, but she wasn't. For some reason, my heart was also in pain. Is it because she wasn't talking to me? The whole crew seems worried about her, and they kept asking me because everyone thinks we're dating. I wish I knew what was happening with her because I want to help her.

San told me he was going to come visit a couple of hours into our filming and I was hoping he could tell me what's going on with Jinkyung. It was time to start filming and I was outside of the gym, waiting for it to open so that I can get some extra practice. I was just staring off into space and Jinkyung comes to the corner of my eyes but I have to pretend I don't care.

"Junseo! Bang Junseo!" Jinkyung calls my name and I'm still staring off. I heard her call but I needed to act like I didn't care.

"Junseo.. you realize the gym is open, right?" Jinkyung asks, coming closer to my face and I roll my eyes.

"Are you an idiot? The gym opens at 7:30 and it's ...." I say but I check the time and it's 7:45. I just clear my throat and enter the gym, Jinkyung follows me.

"Junseo! Junseo!" Jinkyung calls my name as I just continue to unpack all of my stuff.

"What do you want? You're annoying me. I don't even know who you are, leave me alone." I tell her but she doesn't give up. The coach comes into the room and I bow to him.

"Junseo, you can't play basketball anymore." He says and my eyes widen.

"What? Why not?" I ask.

"You're failing in business statistics. You can't play basketball until you improve your grade to at least a C after taking the final. I'm sorry, but you have to leave." He says and leaves the gym. Now it's just Jinkyung and I. Jayoon and Junseo are in the same major and Jayoon is like 100x smarter than Junseo.

"You know... I have the option to not take the business statistics final because of my grades. Maybe I could tutor you and in return you-" Jinkyung suggests and I cut her off.

"Fine, I'll pretend to be your boyfriend." I say and Jinkyung just sighs.

"I didn't mean that. I meant maybe you could just be a little nicer to me once in a while. You never know, maybe we'll be good friends in the long run." Jinkyung awkwardly laughs.

"Deal. I'll be nice to you and in return, you have to tutor me." I say and Jinkyung holds out her hand, I shake her hand.

"I can start tutoring you whenever-"

"Everyday at 4pm. It'll be at your house." I say.

"But you don't know where my house is?" Jinkyung adds and I roll my eyes.

"We'll go together after school. Starting today. See you after school." I say, grabbing all of my stuff and leaving without looking back.

"Cut! Good job, you two. Yunho, you take a rest while Jinkyung films her scene." Mr. Lee calls and we nod. I try to walk with Jinkyung but she's basically running away from me and I eventually give up. I noticed that San was here and Jinkyung even ignored him.

"Is Jinkyung okay?" San asks me and I shrug.

"I don't know. She hasn't been talking to me since yesterday. Did something bad happen? Like personally?" I ask and San shakes his head.

"If it had anything to do with her friends or family, she would've told me by now. Maybe she's just having a bad day. I'll talk to her once she's done filming." San says and we sit down to monitor her scene.

I started thinking about if it was me who made her upset. Maybe I accidentally said something wrong or she found old videos and pictures of me being stupid. There's no way she would hate me simply off of that. During our dinner dates, I would open up to her more and more and she did the same for me. I finally got to understand her personality and there's just no way that she would start to hate me out of the blue. There has to be a reason. Is it because I'm a bad actor? Is there a rumor about us online? San needs to tell me what's wrong as soon as possible because I can't have her hating me and ignoring me like this. We just started filming and we have our premiere next week. I don't want her to hate me because I'm her male lead and no matter what we have to get along. Also because I think I'm actually starting to like her too.


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